Chapter 3:Meeting Officials from different government of the World.

Our Plans and the needs for these plans and where to get autonomy from the British Empire.

My plans is get control of our country where the inner systems will look like of Korea and Japan of late 1990s and on outside it looks like Soviet Union of 1950s.

1)Take control of the Police Force: They will be important to control local areas and get information of various things happening at bottom level.

2)Redefine Boundaries of British Raj: To avoid future troubles and at the same time to get resource rich areas under our control while expelling the Portuguese , Dutch , Spanish and French influence from our land.

3)Policy on Education: Envisioning in the future and for economic growth, consumptions and raising nationalism in the heart of students. 

4)Economic dependent Policy: Our economic independence, own rupee pegged to pound and dollar and not gold and independent right of Economic policies to get the support of bourgiese.

5)Appointment of Officials Below taluk Level: To make the bottom officials loyal to government of India and not British Empire.

6)Rights to Railways: Our India should have the right to lay and operate railways and the investors can only collect the profits.

Now my father starts to divide work between our uncles and the Indian Diplomat group on who should complete each of these tasks.

Uncle Sardar to British Empire in tasks of point 1,5.

Lal, Bal and Pal uncle on point 2,3.

My father Nehru and me decide to take point 4,6 and additional formation of ministry of Defense and formation of coast guard and construction of Army school and Navy School.

U.S Embassy in 2 Av. Gabriel, 75008 Paris

My father and me sleeping on his soldiers went to U.S Embassy in Paris in a Ford T-Model Taxi and we are planning to meet U.S secretary of treasury and U.S President.

The Embassy officials were shocked to hear that a independence fighter from India came to meet highest officials of America and more shocked to seed a 1-year old baby sleeping on his back. After a long wait of time the embassy officials and the person we met was William Graves Sharp, U.S Ambassadors to French Third Republic who will soon vacate his office after Paris Peace Conference due to his failure to grasp accurate situations.

Nehru met with William Graves Sharp and explained the situation to him and explained the benefits that America could get like reducing British influence in the Indian Ocean and Indian Subcontinent and increasing economic power of America with no disadvantages to his home country, while thinking hard and unable understand the complexity of the situation the ambassador(the benefits he get were no tax on his factory for 20 years and some dollars) explained he would get an appointment with the U.S Secretary of Treasury.

Carter Glass and William Cox Redfield and the important officials of U.S Cabinet and in the presence of President Woodrow Wilson Nehru started his speech "Dear Gentlemen and bearer of democracy we came at the request of our people who are suffering from atrocities committed by British even recent issues like Bengal Famine happened at 1905 in order to prevent economic crisis from spreading to their country we are suffering more and more and in the need to prevent it we want more autonomy but even in the participation of Great War by sacrificing more than 200,000 casualties we got information that British are going to back out from their promise of granting more autonomy we request the apostles of Democracy and cradle of peace the Americans to ensure that the British will keep their promises"

In response to my father's long speech the American delegation officials starting from Carter Glass asked the benefits of America in order to participate and support them in this. My father granted them a file classified CONFIDENTIAL to Woodrow Wilson which contains the rights of lower tariffs on American goods permission to dock their navy at any three ports on British Raj and various other benefits like a loan of $1.5 billion dollars with 4.5% interest rate the highest at the time with the collateral of 1279.4 tons of gold which is being scrapped together from various temple and donated by various class of people but the condition is the collateral should stay on Indian land.

Seeing the benefits of supporting the Indian delegation the President of America agreed to support us in regarding matters of getting more autonomy.

We also gathered support from Chinese delegation which was led by Lu Zhengxiang, who was accompanied by Wellington Koo and Cao Rulin. Koo demanded Germany's concessions on Shandong be returned to China. He also called for an end to imperialist institutions such as extraterritoriality, legation guards, and foreign leaseholds. We agreed to them that they will get American support but we k now the results. Despite the ostensible spirit of self-determination, the Western powers refused his claims but instead transferred the German concessions to Japan. That sparked widespread student protests in China on 4 May, later known as the May Fourth Movement, which eventually pressured the government into refusing to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Thus, the Chinese delegation at the conference was the only one not to sign the treaty at the signing ceremony.

We also met with the Greek delegation the Greek Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos who took part in the conference as Greece's chief representative. Woodrow Wilson was said to have placed Venizelos first for personal ability among all delegates in Paris.

Venizelos proposed Greek expansion in Thrace and Asia Minor, which had been part of the defeated Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire; Northern Epirus, Imvros; and Tenedos for the realization of the Megali Idea. He also reached the Venizelos-Tittoni agreement with the Italians on the cession of the Dodecanese (apart from Rhodes) to Greece. For the Pontic Greeks, he proposed a common Pontic-Armenian state.

As a liberal politician, Venizelos was a strong supporter of the Fourteen Points and the League of Nations.

We chatted with various delegations like Korea, Armenian, Poland, Palestine and etc.

As time passed various treaties were signed like

Five major peace treaties were prepared at the Paris Peace Conference (with, in parentheses, the affected countries):

The Treaty of Versailles, 28 June 1919 (Germany).

The Treaty of Saint-Germain, 10 September 1919 (Austria).

The Treaty of Neuilly, 27 November 1919 (Bulgaria).

The Treaty of Trianon, 4 June 1920 (Hungary).

The Treaty of Sèvres, 10 August 1920 subsequently revised by the Treaty of Lausanne, 24 July 1923 (Ottoman Empire/Republic of Turkey).

The business leaders of India who came mainly with us were sent to various parts of Germany, Austria and France to buy high tech companies like artillery, arnaments aerospace companies Internal Engines companies like BMW Mercedes Daimler and Maybach , chemical companies like Bayer, electrical and electronic companies like Siemens and Bosch in order obtain the right to invest and buyout their technologies and patents remaining companies depends on the eyes of the business leaders and i trust their eyes as they were the one who lead the poor not enough India to rise the 5th largest economy.