Chapter 3: The Extreme Prince

Xiang Shizi even want to rely on the greenhouse brothel, pulling the economic development of Qin Feng City, will be the continent's largest 'red-light district', of course, this Xiang Shizi does not know what is the red-light district, but his approach is definitely called the greenhouse line of 'pioneers'.

Don't ask Xiang Shizi why he has so much money, before the trip, the shoulder king but his body's property confiscated clean, but Xiang Shizi naturally have their own doorway, the latter came to Qinfeng City, directly a letter sent to the Dragon City, his uncle's hands.

His uncle is the current emperor Xiang Ling Tian, the latter for his nephew is also spoiled to the extreme, received his nephew's letter, the latter directly is secretly sent a car and a car of gold, care of their poor nephew.

And Xiang Shizi's ambitious volunteers in the strong financial support, but also really completed, the entire Qin Feng City suddenly became the lights and wine, everywhere filled with the aroma of powder, and the fragrance of the wine shop, coupled with everywhere is the body of the enchanting, fat and thin graceful women.

So that the original poverty of the bitter cold Qin Feng City suddenly a new look, just a few years of time, actually became the Northwest near the famous city of flirtation, the world called 'Spring Wind City'!

The reputation of 'Spring Wind City' attracted countless elegant men and millimeters to and from the Yan Man, they are not to the city, that lined up the huge scale of the green house brothel convinced, walk into the middle of it, they are like coming to a man's paradise, and deeply intoxicated by it, throwing gold sprinkle silver in the matter of words.

Just three years time, the spring breeze city development of the wind and water, fame, even the imperial capital of dragon city have many people heard of its great name, not far from thousands of miles to come to this trip, just for the spring breeze, not in vain!

But after learning that the creator of all of this was actually that little son of the world, all of the people revealed a knowing and contemptuous smile, but of course this didn't affect them from having a good time in Spring Wind City.

And the fame of Spring Wind City even spread to the imperial capital Dragon City, the Silver City which is closer to it naturally knew about it even faster, however, Parallel King Xiang Ling Tian seems to no longer have any hope for this playboy son of his.

Xiang Yun has been in Qinfeng City for three years, but he hasn't said a word about it, much less come to see Xiang Yun, and has apparently completely given up on him.

Without Xiang Ling Tian's constraints, Xiang Yun's behavior in Qin Feng City is also more and more indulgent, day after day, night after night, tirelessly squandering his energy, his body is also more and more weak.

Until last night, when Xiang Yun was about to head to Qin Feng City's largest youth building 'Feng Ting Pavilion', he first came to a pharmacy he frequented to hang out, said he was hanging out, in fact, Xiang Yun was buying some aphrodisiac drugs in it.

Because the owner of this pharmacy is a foreigner from the northern 'Yunfang Country', he knows a lot of foreign merchants and travelers, and is often able to get some strange and bizarre medicines, which include a lot of secret techniques in the room, or some aphrodisiac medicines that add to the pleasure.

Xiang Yun has fallen in love with this pharmacy since he has bought a few medicines here, especially in recent years when his qi and blood have suffered serious losses, and almost every time he goes to a green house, he has to come to this store to purchase something to maintain his manhood.

Last night, before Xiang Yun went to Feng Ting Pavilion, he first came to this pharmacy, and the store owner then smiled and told Xiang Yun that they had gotten a new drug in the store, and that after taking this drug, he could defend himself against ten women at night, and his golden spear would not fall down.

Although Xiang Yun is only eighteen years old now, he is also considered a veteran of the sex scene, and once he heard this, he was immediately excited and quickly bought the shopkeeper's drug for a thousand dollars.

Coming to Feng Ting Pavilion, not to mention Xiang Yun's noble status, Xiang Yun being the big boss behind these green houses and brothels, he alone occupied the topmost and most luxurious box in the entire green house.

In the box, Xiang Yun immediately took the drug that the shopkeeper sold to him, and as soon as Xiang Yun ate the drug, he immediately felt a shock of dryness and heat in his body, and his body reacted strongly as if there was a spewing volcano in his body that was about to erupt.

However, Xiang Yun didn't worry about anything, he who often takes this kind of medicine knows that this is the precursor of the onset of the drug's effect, and to be able to produce such a strong reaction undoubtedly proves that the drug's potency is powerful, so instead of being nervous, Xiang Yun is excited.

At that moment, Xiang Yun remembered the words of the shopkeeper, taking this drug, nighttime defense of ten women is no big deal, so Xiang Yun immediately asked the pimp of Feng Ting Pavilion to find ten of the most beautiful girls in the building to come and serve him!

Although the pimp was horrified that the young Prince wanted ten girls to serve him at once, she didn't dare to go against it, and obediently looked for the ten prettiest girls in Feng Ting Pavilion to serve the Prince, but what everyone didn't expect was the news of the young Prince's violent death early in the morning on the second day.

When the pimp heard the news, she was so scared that her face was colorless, her legs were paralyzed on the ground, and several people couldn't help her up.

Subsequently, the entourage of the young son arrived, and the government also got the news, Xiang Yun's personal maid Lin Wan'er with a group of entourage immediately ran to Feng Ting Pavilion to come, which led to the scene in the early morning of yesterday.

At that time, Lin Wan'er had already summoned the best doctors in Qinfeng City, and said that Xiang Yun was already over-excited and died of energy depletion, and that there was no way back.

Unexpectedly, shortly after those doctors left, Xiang Yun miraculously woke up again, and the Xiang Yun who woke up was naturally not the real Shizi.

Instead, he is a modern college student in the 21st century on Earth, and another Xiang Yun who has the same name and age as this Shizi!

"Damn, how did I cross over to such a strange person!" Xiang Yun's mind went through the first half of this young Shizi's life with a fine-tooth comb, and he immediately felt a wave of speechlessness.

According to those crossing novels that he had heard of before, the original objects that were crossed over were all unlucky people who were either killed or died from their own accidents, whereas the object that he crossed over to was actually a horny starving man who died from exhaustion of sperm!

And this guy Wen also can't, martial arts also can't, grandma not pain, uncle don't love, even their own pro old dad are disgusted with it, also everywhere to make hatred, as if it is a rat across the street everyone shouting, hall a son of the world even mixed to this field, simply unimaginable.

"Damn it, how did I cross over to this guy, it's really better to just headbutt him to death." Xiang Yun is now feeling a rush of headache at the thought of having crossed over.

One must know that in those online novels, the travelers are either struck by some lightning or meteorite, which can be described as all kinds of bizarre experiences, and it seems that he himself has not experienced any of these ah.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yun frowned again, pondering over the things that happened before he crossed over, and after a long time of detailed recollection, he suddenly had his eyes snapped open!

"That's right, the Great Gift of the Golden Mean World! It was that night when I was collecting the gift pack on the computer at Ban Hua's house!" Xiang Yun suddenly recalled that night's episode ...!

That night after the evening study hall, Xiang Yun heroically saved the class flower Han Yutong and was taken home by the latter to bandage her wounds, which were half bandaged.

Xiang Yun was in the middle of a four-eyed love affair with the class flower when he suddenly saw the wall clock on the wall and thought of the fact that he hadn't yet collected his Golden Medieval World gift pack.

Jin Yong World was one of the hottest netizens at the time, and Xiang Yun was also an ash-grade player of this game, this event gift package he had been looking forward to for a long time, and the copy was brushed even earlier.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiang Yun even the class flower imploring, said to himself did not hear clearly, directly then rushed to the computer, fast boot, download the game, in the end of the event before the ten seconds is finally opened the game activity page.

Xiang Yun looked at the game page with excitement and moved the mouse to the gift pack collection button with a trembling hand.

"Claim it for me!" Xiang Yun let out a loud roar as he heavily clicked the mouse in his hand!