Chapter 191 - Ambush and Weird Symbols

The guard already went back to his position. Only Maria is present inside Sam's house alongside Aryan and the others. 

But you can say Maria cannot relax as that guard. First of all, the footprints that the guard was able to find definitely belong to some unknown animal. 

It is similar to a cat but the footprint is completely different. The footprint shows that the animal should have quite a lot of weight. 

But all cats or animals related to cats are quite good at leaving no footprints because of their small body. Also the footprint shows that the animal has four fingers. 

This is the reason that Maria became quite serious about this situation. She decided to go to that place on her own to search about the surrounding area. 

With this Maria sometime later came to that place alongside Sydney. Sydney decided to tag alongside Maria to help her to search about the surrounding area.