Informed The Brothers

 "Young Miss, young miss." Gia hurriedly called out as she entered the room. "What is it, Gia?" Olivia looked at the figure standing behind her through the makeup mirror as doing her makeup.

 "Young Miss. I heard a conversation downstairs. I think it will benefit you." Gia happily said with glowing eyes. Seeing Gia's happy face, Olivia's curiosity increased.

 She sat up straight, placed the things in her hand on the dressing table, looked at Gia, and asked, "What is it, Gia? What made you so excited?" "Young Miss, I heard Madam and Sir talk with that girl about something." 

 Hearing her parents talk with that girl about something leaving her in her room, Olivia felt bad but still asked, "What did they talk about?" "It seems like your family members don't like that girl called Zara being here."

 Olivia with confusion on her face looked at Gia and asked, "What does that mean, Gia? Tell me clearly." Hearing Olivia's question, Gia started to recount everything that happened downstairs.

 After hearing the whole story, Olivia's face glowed and her lips curled into a cunning smile. She looked at Gia and said, "Isn't that a good thing? If that's the case, then I don't have to do anything."

 "Yes, Young Miss. You can just let the Young Masters take care of this matter. And you don't have to sweat a little bit thinking about that girl." Gia happily said looking at Olivia.

 "In this way, I don't think I have to make any plans to implement." Olivia thought it was the best way for her to regain her foothold in this house as the only young miss of the Adam family.

 Gia thought about something and hesitated to ask Olivia about it. "But, will Madam and Sir allow that to happen, Young Miss? They seem to be so attached to that girl. I don't think it is as possible as we think." Gia laid out her concern.

 Olivia thought for some time before confidently saying with a smile, "I don't think there will be any problem with that. If my grandparents and brothers together protest, what can my parents do about it? They'll have no other choice but to send her back from where she came from."

 It seems that what Zara thought was right. Gia did not hear fully but only heard some things.

 After getting ready, Olivia came down the stairs. As she got down the stairs, she looked towards the living room and saw her parents happily smiling and talking with Zara.

 She hadn't seen her parents be so happy since her childhood. It's not that she didn't want her parents to be unhappy. But she felt bad that they were not happy because of her, but because of that so-called elder sister.

 As she got down, she said to herself, "It's best if she goes away soon. It's not best to keep her here further." She thought something to herself and a smile landed on her face.

 "Good Morning, Mom. Good Morning, Dad." Olivia happily greeted Kylie and Andrew. Then her eyes narrowed toward Zara and she forced her to say, "Good Morning, Sister."

 "Good Morning, Olivia." Kylie smiled as she said. "Good Morning, Olivia." "Good Morning." Andrew and Zara said with a calm expression.

 "Sir, Madam. Breakfast is ready." Ava came out of the kitchen and said looking at the people. "Since everyone's down. Come let's have breakfast." Kylie happily said as she got up from the couch.

 Zara and Andrew followed behind along with Olivia. And everyone sat at the dining table same as yesterday.

 After seating, Kylie looked at Lia and said, "Lia, see. I asked Ava to ask the cook your favorites. See whether they taste according to your preference. If not you can tell me about it."

 "Your mother's right. Check the dishes cooked by the chef, if they are not to your liking then I'll show my culinary skills. It's been so long. Anyway, now that you are home, I should show off my skills." Andrew added with a smile as he said to Zara. 

 Looking at the happy conversation in front of her, Olivia thought she had been left out of the family. She suppressed her emotions and placed her hand around her Mother's arms with a smile on her face.

 "Mom, look at Dad. After my sister came back, Dad forgot me. He didn't cook me any delicacies." She said as she turned her face looking at the other side while pouting. 

 Hearing the words, Andrew looked at Olivia but his smile already faded. He still couldn't forget what she made them do to Zara.

 Kylie quickly got hold of the situation and said with a smile, "Who said we forgot Olivia? We also asked the kitchen to prepare your favorites. It's your sister's first day here after so many years. So she got a little extra care. Isn't that for sure?"

 Even though Kylie comforted her, Olivia still felt a pile of range inside her which seemed to burst at any time. Because from her childhood, her father does not easily talk to her, just alone cooks delicacies for her.

 But now, not only her father is smiling a lot but he's also willing to cook and enter the kitchen. So she couldn't accept the fact that Zara could get everything just by showing her appearance, whereas even after staying with her father for so many years, she couldn't get his attention.

 During the breakfast, the same as yesterday happened. The couple fully focused on Zara and only once or twice served her with the dishes. The remaining time, the couple didn't eat much but placed all their concerns on Zara.

 After breakfast, Olivia went to her room with Gia. "I thought we would let her live here for some time and enjoy the luxurious things for someday. But it doesn't look like she needs to stay here. It's best to send her out as soon as possible." Olivia said to Gia with her face full of anger.

 She grabbed her mobile from the light lamp table and tried calling Hendry and Jack. Because among the four Adam brothers, only these two are easy to get along with. And these two took care of her well. While the other two brothers always had serious expressions and seemed hard to get close to.

 As she called, no one answered the phone, so she messaged the two brothers about the sudden visit of the girl to their house.

 "Brother, we got a guest in our house. Mom and Dad said she was my sister. And they said her name was Zara. Do you guys know her?" She sent the message as if she didn't know anything about the girl.

 She checked her phone periodically after sending the message, but she received no response from either of her brothers. She assumed that they could be busy and would message her once they saw it.