You're Not Worthy

 As Hendry and Zara sat together in the car, Zara gazed out the window at the passing view. Despite her travels to various countries, she couldn't help but long for the familiar scenery of her homeland.

 Hendry glanced over at his sister, who had been gazing at the passing scenery since they started the journey. "Lia, now that you're home, do you still have any other plans to explore?"

 Zara glanced at Hendry and replied softly, "No, Brother." Hendry grinned and inquired, "So, does that mean you're going to be a homebody now?" 

 "Yes," Zara affirmed. "Then feel free to relax here and make yourself at home. No need to venture out again. Sound good?" Zara simply smiled and nodded in agreement.

 An hour later, Hendry pulled up in front of the popular Velvet Bistro a well-known dining in Golrid City. Turning to Zara, he asked, "Lia, would you mind waiting for me in the lobby?"

 "Sure, brother." Zara nodded and smiled. "I already made a booking, if you want just tell them my name and wait for me in the private room." "Ok," Zara said and got out of the car.

 Hendry also wanted to follow his sister but he suddenly got information for having an emergency talk about something from his workplace. So he went to the silent area in the parking space to talk after parking his car.

 Zara on the other hand went inside the restaurant as she looked elegant and entered the hall. Even though the dress she wore was casual, she emitted an aura that made everyone admire her.

 As she entered the room, a man unexpectedly stumbled towards her. However, she swiftly sidestepped to avoid the collision, causing the man to crash down with a loud thud.

 The man appeared to be in his twenties, but Zara didn't pay much attention to his face, only glancing at it for a brief moment. The people accompanying him rushed to his aid, helping him back on his feet.

 One woman from the group, after ensuring the man was alright, turned her gaze towards Zara with a furious expression. She scrutinized the girl from head to toe, her face filled with anger.

 Zara was stunning in her white crop top and high ponytail, catching the attention of everyone around her. The girl couldn't help but feel envious of Zara's beauty and confidence.

 However, when the girl noticed that Zara was wearing unbranded clothes, she couldn't help but smirk. She walked up to Zara and condescendingly said "Little girl, don't you know how to walk properly?"

 Zara, searching for an attendant, turned her head when she heard a voice calling out. She spotted a girl in heavy clothing with makeup that almost concealed her face.

 "Are you talking to me?" Zara asked as she pointed to herself looking at the girl. "Mmh, who else?" The girl said with a smirk. 

 Zara crossed her arms and shifted her gaze to the group of people standing behind the girl. It was evident from their attire and demeanor that they came from a privileged background. 

 Curiously, Zara inquired, "So, what did you ask me?" The girl's face contorted with anger as she accused, "Can't you see that you pushed someone down? Don't you have any manners?" Despite the girl's hostility, Zara remained calm and unafraid.

 Zara raised her eyebrows and questioned, "Are you absolutely certain it was me who pushed him?" "You were the only one here. Who else could it have been?" The girl angrily pointed her finger directly at Zara.

 Zara gestured with her eyes towards the man who had fallen down and replied, "You should direct that question to him." 

 The man, named Caleb, had been fixated on Zara with a look of desire in his eyes, completely oblivious to what was happening around him.

 His friends nudged him, attempting to bring him back to reality. He came back to his senses and walked towards Zara and looked at her from head to toe.

 Caleb could say that the girl had a perfect figure and looking at her sparking eyes, which emitted coldness looked even more seductive.

 Caleb couldn't tear his eyes away from Zara, completely ignoring the question that was asked. The girl who had been speaking was named Lily, and she had some leverage over Caleb.

 However, Caleb had a tendency to treat women as mere objects of amusement, so he didn't pay any attention to Lily, who was only moderately attractive. 

 As Caleb continued to stare at Zara with wide eyes, Lily's anger grew and she clenched her fist in frustration. But she knew better than to confront Caleb in that moment, so she remained silent.

 But she couldn't stay silent. Instead, she redirected her anger towards Zara. Lily glanced at the girl and inquired, "You don't seem to be someone of status. So you should be here to find someone to benefit from, huh?"

 Lily's statement held a deeper implication. Zara grasped its meaning, yet she chose to remain silent, responding with a derisive smirk.

 Being accustomed to a life of privilege since childhood, Lily couldn't tolerate it when someone smiled at her mockingly. So, "People like you are not allowed to this kind of place. Don't you know that?"

 "Hey, you know, this place is only for the elite. It's not like any random person can just waltz in here. Only those with a prestigious family name in society get the privilege." Another girl chimed in.

 Caleb's expression shifted as he overheard the news that Zara was planning to come here and engage in some shady business for money. It's not like he was fond of her or anything.

 He was upset that he couldn't be the one to experience the girl's first time. However, he still believed that he deserved a chance with her, so he approached her and confidently stated, "If you're searching for someone to fulfill your desires, I'm right here. Feel free to ask for anything."

 Zara, who had been silently listening, let out a sarcastic chuckle upon hearing Caleb's words. "Do you honestly believe you're deserving of me?" she questioned, maintaining a composed expression.

 "Only those who engage in such activities would view every person in that way," Zara calmly remarked.

 "You....." The girl who had a conversation with Lily was absolutely furious at Zara's words.

 Lily couldn't bear it any longer when she witnessed her friend being scolded right in front of her, especially since Caleb was flirting with that girl.

 With a determined look, Lily turned to Zara and exclaimed, "Do you even know who we are? How dare you speak to us in such a manner?"

 "Do I have to be acquainted with every single person's family who dines here just to eat? That's what those who aspire to join the upper class do," Zara firmly replied.

 "Yeah, and I know you're here for that. If people like you want to stay in this city without any problem, you should not have any face-to-face with people from our status."

 "Yeah, I'm aware that's why you're here. If you want to live peacefully in this city, it's best to avoid any confrontation with people of our stature."

 "But you seem to be looking for trouble. Do you honestly believe you can thrive in Golrid without any issues?" Lily remarked with a sly grin.

 Caleb glanced at Zara and stated icily, "Do you have any idea who I am? Consider yourself lucky that I'm even acknowledging you, otherwise, you'd be left dealing with some elderly gentleman."

 Zara's words cut through Caleb like a knife. "You're so full of yourself, aren't you? Well, guess what? I couldn't care less about you." Her icy tone sent shivers down his spine, leaving Caleb speechless.