The Warren Couple Visited The Adam Mansion

 Mrs. Warren rushed over to her husband, who looked defeated as he put the phone down. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?" she asked anxiously.

 Mr. Warren remained silent, lost in his thoughts and oblivious to his wife's inquiries. Mrs. Warren persisted with her questions, trying to get a response from him.

 Growing increasingly frustrated, Mr. Warren finally snapped, "Just be quiet!" Startled by his outburst, Mrs. Warren recoiled in fear and fell silent, not wanting to upset him further.

 Mr. Warren pondered for a while before he stood up and headed towards the exit. Mrs. Warren noticed her husband leaving and decided to trail behind him, questioning, "Where are you off to this time?"

 Mr. Warren contemplated for a moment and then turned back to inquire, "Have you ever crossed paths with Mrs. Adam?"

 Upon hearing the unexpected mention of Mrs. Adam, Mrs. Warren mulled it over and replied, "I'm not particularly acquainted with her, but we have had a few conversations in the past."

 Mr. Warren wasted no time in urging Mrs. Warren to join him, and they quickly hopped into the car.

 In the Adam mansion, nearing nine o'clock, Zara settled into her study with her laptop after freshening up. She was wearing an oversized hoodie that draped comfortably over her frame.

 The hoodie was black with some white dots on it. Paired with it were her denim shorts. Her hair was loosely tied back.

 On her laptop screen, she was engaged in a unique and intriguing chat with someone named Zocis.

 [Luna, I apologize for not being able to meet you in Averna last time.]

 [Looks like you got caught and had to make a quick escape, huh?] [You really understand me, Luna. That's why I always say that you're my best friend]

 Zara couldn't help but smile at the message and replied, [Did you manage to find what I was looking for?]

 [Unfortunately, the item you requested is nowhere to be found. However, there's an upcoming auction where it might be available. We received some information about it.]

 [Are you sure about the information?] [I also double-checked it. It's true.]

 [Where is the auction being held?] [It's at Blossom Park in Clover Hill. But it's not a high-end auction house and only a small piece of that item is being auctioned there.]

 [Okay, then. Send me the address, date and time.] [OK, I'll send it right away. And also I'll be joining you there. So let's meet up before heading to the auction house.]

 [Ok.] [I forgot to ask you one thing. Now that you have returned to your home. What do you plan to do now?] [What do you mean?] Zara asked when she saw the message.

 [Like trying to find a boyfriend and having a lovely relationship or anything about starting studying again and doing some research again?]

 Zara raised her eyebrow and had a low smile on her face seeing the message. [Don't put your relationship thoughts on me.] [Okay, then. I'll talk to you freely on the day we meet.]

 [Mmm, bye.] [Byee, Luna.] 

 While downstairs, Kylie and Andrew had just descended when Mark approached them. "Mark, when did you get back?" Andrew inquired, glancing at him.

 "Just last night, Boss," Mark replied respectfully. "It's great to have you back, Mark," Kylie chimed in with a smile. Mark returned the smile and added, "Thank you, Madam. Boss, there's someone here looking for you."

 "Oh, who is it?" Andrew asked as they made their way to the living room. Spotting Ava emerging from the kitchen, Kylie called out to her, "Ava, come over here." Both Kylie and Andrew settled onto the couch.

 Andrew glanced at Mark, waiting for a response. "It's Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Boss." "Did they mention the reason for their visit?" "They said it's something serious they need to discuss with you."

 "Ask them to come in," Andrew instructed Mark. "Sure, Boss." Mark then went to escort the Warrens inside. Meanwhile, Ava approached Kylie and inquired politely, "Yes, Madam."

 "Has Lia joined us after her morning routine?" "No, Madam. I was just about to call her down for breakfast." Ava replied respectfully.

 Concerned about her daughter's absence, Kylie gazed at Ava and asked anxiously, "Did you offer her any fruits or juice?"

 Ava nodded and said, "Sure thing, I brought some fruits and strawberry juice for Ms. Zara, ma'am." Kylie's face lit up with relief upon hearing that her daughter had eaten something in the morning.

 "What about Olivia?" "Ms. Olivia didn't come down till now." "Ok." 

 While they chatted, Mark escorted Mr. and Mrs. Warren into the mansion. Mr. Warren seemed preoccupied with thoughts about his business, paying no attention to the mansion's design and architecture.

 Mrs. Warren couldn't help but admire the design and architecture of the mansion as soon as she stepped out of the car. The lavishness and elegant style of the exterior, along with the beautiful lawn and fountain, captivated her attention.

 As she entered the mansion, she was in awe of the interior and the elegant decorations that adorned every corner. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened with amazement. Mr. Warren glanced at his wife and immediately regretted bringing her along.

 He discreetly nudged her and whispered in annoyance, "Can't you behave appropriately in such a place? Please, don't make me regret bringing you here." Mrs. Warren quickly composed herself and nodded in agreement with her husband.

 Mark noticed that they were not keeping up with him, so he turned around and inquired, "Mr. Warren, is everything alright?" Mr. Warren flashed a friendly smile and replied courteously, "No worries, Mr. Mark. Just lead the way, please."

 "Sure thing." Mark motioned for them to follow him as they made their way towards the living room. Since the mansion was quite spacious, the entrance door and living room were a bit of a distance apart.

 Upon reaching the living room, Mr. and Mrs. Warren glanced at the couple sitting on the couch. Mrs. Warren observed the couple, who seemed hesitant to easily engage with the outside world.

 The couple looked absolutely stunning as they settled onto the plush sofa, exuding an air of timeless grace and the wisdom that comes with a life well-lived. Kylie, with her sleek black hair styled in gentle waves, donned a perfectly fitted navy dress that accentuated her slender figure.

 Despite being the same age as Mrs. Warren, Kylie possessed a unique charm, particularly in her eyes. They were a warm hazel shade, sparkling with a delightful mix of wisdom and kindness.

 Next to her, the man exuded quiet confidence. His dark hair was neatly trimmed, and he wore a casual ensemble consisting of a crisp white button-down shirt and neatly pressed khaki trousers, he managed to look effortlessly stylish.

 Despite the relaxed nature of his attire, his posture and demeanor conveyed an innate elegance, blending seamlessly with the tasteful decor of his surroundings.

 Even though the woman was talking with the servant and the man was reading the magazine, the couple exuded an air of serene elegance, their poised demeanor perfectly complementing the graceful decor that surrounded them.

 Mrs. Warren carefully observed the man lounging on the couch, and as she glanced at her husband, she couldn't help but notice how tired he appeared despite the early hour.

 The weariness seemed to have left its mark on his face, despite the crisp lines of his perfectly tailored suit. He seemed to age beyond his years.

 Comparing herself to the couple sitting on the couch, Mrs. Warren couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-pity. Why couldn't she have a life like theirs and find happiness in her days?

 Mark walked forward and stood, informing the boss, "Boss, Mr. and Mrs. Warren have arrived." He then motioned for them to take a seat.

 However, Mr. Warren remained standing, wearing a polite smile as he greeted Andrew, "Good morning, Mr. Andrew. Apologies for interrupting your morning."