(26) Equality And Trade

Ixie stood up from the throne with a beaming smile. Kicking the crate lightly, she said, "Ah, you're Isciont's subordinate? Pleased to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you too, madam. I- I mean, Miss Ixie."Ligerre stammered a little bit.

Ixie saw that Ligerre was clearly nervous. She bit her lower lip before widening her smile. "My, how polite… I might have to tell Duke Isciont about your good manners."

She moved closer to Ligerre and stroked her shoulder with her left hand, saying, "What big arms you have… I can tell that you're quite a strong man."

"Oh Miss Ixie, you've gotten that wrong, I'm not a man… I'm actually a woman." Ligerre shook her head.

"A woman you say? Forgive me for that." Appearing surprised, Ixie covered her mouth with her fingertips.

"It's fine, I can see where the confusion lies." Ligerre brushed it off, indicating that she didn't take any offense.

"But you know…" Ixie leaned closer to Ligerre's face. "I have a type for strong women like you too."

Ligerre tensed up. Her face was burning red. Just seeing Ixie this close to her made her squeal inside frantically.

'T- this… It's a crime for a woman to be this pretty..!' At this moment, Ligerre was questioning if she had a thing for women before because she was sure she was into men.

Ixie noticed Ligerre's strange reaction and said, "Can you take off your helmet? I want to confirm something."

Ligerre snapped herself back together and said, "I may have to refuse… After all, you are a powerful figure and we need to ensure our safety too. Please don't take this to heart, we are just ensuring our preparedness for anything." She regained some of her professionalism after the initial shock she received.

"It's not like I'm going to do anything… Don't you trust me?" Ixie shrugged innocently.

Ligerre felt her throat being stuck for a second. "It's… not a matter of trust Miss Ixie. It's more of a protocol that we have to strictly follow."

"Oh, the reason for my request is important. I'm sure the Duke wouldn't mind." Ixie blinked twice.

Seeing that she may have to fulfill Ixie's request, Ligerre decided to accede. Isciont even told her to comply if Ixie insists on a certain matter.

"If you say so.." Ligerre held the sides of her helmet and took it off.

Once the helmet was off, Ixie could see Ligerre's darkened skin was full of blemishes and scars. Her dark brown hair appeared very ruffled and often tangled up with each other, further solidifying the appearance of a person who lived through hardships of war.

She was expecting Ixie to lose interest in her immediately. After all, she wasn't confident that any man would like her to begin with given how her face looked.

But unlike what she expected, Ixie touched a strand of her hair and said, "I wasn't expecting to see such a cutie…"

Ligerre felt her heart pumping wildly to pump blood straight to her face.

"A- alright, that should be enough, right?" Ligerre put on her helmet as quickly as she could. She felt that if she felt Ixie's breath land on her face, she would faint any second now.

Ixie patted her on the shoulder. "Alright, let's get over with the transaction. I'm just going to grab the stuff real quick.."

Ixie walked up to the throne and grabbed the crate with her right arm and passed it over to Ligerre who caught the entire crate with one hand.

Ligerre inspected the contents to see if they were the right ones that they were looking for. Once she verified that it is indeed theirs, Ligerre turned to look at one of her men and gave a simple nod.

The man quickly grabbed a bundle of gold coins under his cloak and tossed it over to Ligerre.


Catching the bundle of coins easily, she passed it over to Ixie. "Here's your reward Miss Ixie. It's a pleasure working with you."

Ixie stuffed the bundle to her coat and said, "I don't get it, why would such low level hooligans even dare steal your stuff?"

Ligerre gave a wry smile. "They weren't the ones who stole it… The ones who stole these products weren't doing it to earn money for themselves, but to cause losses to us. They distributed these throughout the area and some of them ended up in the hands of bandits who didn't know any better."

"Tough ride… tell the Duke to hang in there." Ixie laughed before asking, "Hey, can I get a few swings with your sword for a bit? I'm thinking of getting a claymore for myself as well and I wanna see if it fits my style."

"Erm.. sure." Ligerre pulled out the claymore from her back and held it backwards with the hilt pointed to Ixie. "I suggest that you should be careful Miss Ixie. The materials that are used for my weapon are very heavy."

"Don't worry about me." Ixie grabbed the handle with her left hand.

This perplexed Ligerre. From the impression Ixie gave her, she wasn't much of a strength type fighter. She assumed that it's why Ixie used the prosthetic arm to lift heavier loads because her human parts aren't built for strength.

That impression shattered quickly when Ixie lifted the claymore without her speed being impeded.

*Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…*

Ixie swung the claymore around to get a good feel for it. She executed several techniques for it without even using soul energy. The wind around them began to stir in a frenzy.

The claymore moved like a snake pouncing on prey, rotated like a tornado, and it could even move softly like a dancing blade of grass. The only difference is that the claymore was more dangerous than the blade of grass.

Watching this live performance, Ligerre was shocked that Ixie's speed when it came to the claymore was several times faster than her.

Just what kind of training did Ixie go through?

Not just Ligerre, even her men was just as astounded.

This went on after a few more strikes Ixie before nodded in satisfaction and finally stopped.

"Not bad… But I still prefer my boy over here." She patted her sleek black sword sheathed on her side.

She returned the sword over to Ligerre. "I guess that concludes it then.. I'll be going now."

Ligerre lowered her head respectfully. "Farewell Miss Ixie, we will also be on our way."

After waving goodbye, Ixie grabbed the throne and left the area.

'Phew, once I get back to Tarmat, I'm using this to get drunk for a week.' Ixie was already picturing the amount of alcohol and beer she could guzzle down with the amount of money that she had.

At Ligerre's side, she and her squad left the Undbok Forest through their carriages.

In the corner, a man in light armor took off his helmet and said, "I wasn't expecting the Mercenary of the Golden Grace to be so easy-going. It didn't fit the sadistic rumors that people make her out to be." The man who spoke is named Alara Hondeuvits.

A woman with braided hair leaned on her back and said, "I believe them.. However, I'm quite convinced that she only tortures those who truly deserve it."

This woman's name is Ethen Palqas.

"What about you, squad leader?" Ethen asked Ligerre who was spacing out.

"Eh? What about me?" Ligerre wasn't paying attention to their conversation, leaving her clueless.

"What do you think of Ixie? I heard she's also a necrophiliac though… that's a bit unsettling." Ethen flipped her braid to her back as she moved closer to Ligerre.

"Ixie?" Ligerre's voice squeaked. She coughed and said, "Ah, yes… Ixie. Well she seems like a great person, a strong fighter, a very charismatic character with a graceful demeanor. As for the rumors? I don't think they're being truthful.."

Ethen showed a strange expression. "Squad leader, are you alright? You've been acting a bit weird after meeting Miss Ixie."

"I'm fine, but there's just thoughts bogging me down." Ligerre sighed.

"Oh? You can talk to me about it. I'm a good listener myself." Ethen proudly proclaimed as she brushed her chest with confidence.

Ligerre took her words seriously and said, "Ethen, do you think I'm pretty.. as a woman?"

Ethen was astonished.

The overbearing Ligerre, the Barbaric Lioness, is being self conscious with her appearance?

In the Adhaesit Continent, men and women are equal when it comes to their physique. This shaped human society when it comes to gender norms.

Whoever is the stronger or more capable one in the relationship, they would assume the role of a "husband" or in this world's terms, the provider. It doesn't matter if you were a man or woman, if you aren't the provider, you'll be the "wife" which is the caregiver who is responsible for raising children, cleaning the house, doing the household chores etc.

Being the caregiver doesn't lower your standing in society just like how people don't look down on house wives or house husbands. At least hopefully no one does.

Because of that, Ligerre suddenly turning subservient was an unexpected change for Ethen.

Even the other warriors under her squad were stunned.

"Yes, totally! Why? Who told our squad leader that she isn't pretty?" A man with a young appearance immediately spoke up. His name is Emvir Locsu, the one who is treated as the squad's youngest brother.

"No one told me anything of that sort. I just realized that being strong probably doesn't fit me that well like how I thought it would." Ligerre didn't have her helmet on, so everyone could see the shift in her mood.

"Ahh.. I've been there before." Timenan Grev nodded understandingly. He leaned his large build on the carriage as he flicked the loose hair strands off his face. "I used to think that being a provider sounds fun and I should bear the responsibility for the family. But when I got married, I realized that my wife is more suited for that role. And I'm happy that I get to help the love of my life as I raised our kids with her."

"See? Showing your softer side isn't bad at all. It just depends on how you feel. And if you want to find a man who can take care of you and love you with all of his heart, that's great." Ondeca, a woman with short hair and a smart appearance also agreed.

"Thanks guys, I feel more comfortable now… I feel as if my chest became lighter all of a sudden." Ligerre couldn't help but picture Ixie's face as she finished speaking.

"What can you expect? That's just how people feel when they're around me." Timenan shrugged.

Ondeca chuckled while Ethen prepared to slap his head.

Alara sat from the side and said, "Squad leader, I hope you can find someone out there who will love you the same way you love them… You deserve it."

"Awh, you're too kind." Ligerre smiled wide and punched his shoulder lightly as a friendly gesture.

The carriage was filled with laughter for a short while.

— Road to Wiunlen…

Oslan slept soundly on Riang's arm while she unknowingly began to treat him as a pillow. Owen wasn't sure if she was dreaming of a bed for her to doze off that well.

After doing nothing but pull the wagon all this time, Owen played with the Bloodwhetcher.

Since it was essentially a karambit, it also had a ring. Owen had it slotted in his index finger. He used the [Slash] ability of the knife and got a clear understanding of how it works by now.

The blood gauge dropped from 127 to 107. Owen didn't test the weapon anymore after this. He wanted to keep the damage bonus active.

'Sadly, this is more of a short ranged weapon than a long ranged one. It makes me want to get a Bloodwhetcher sword…' Owen returned the knife to his inventory with a flick of his thumb.

After some time, nothing too eventful happened.

Oslan and Riang started to wake up when it was around 8 in the morning. Owen noticed them and said, "You guys finally woke up."

While rubbing his eyes, Oslan yawned. "I… just got my sleep back."

Riang rolled her shoulders while showing an expression of discomfort. "Man, you really had a good nap there…"

"Why are you looking at me? I wasn't the one who insisted on sleeping in your arms." Oslan crossed his arms while leaning on his side of the wagon.

"I let you rest on something better than the wagon's wooden planks and this is how you thank me?" Riang arched her eyebrows at Oslan.

Noticing her look, Oslan dropped the defensive act and said, "Fine, thank you for helping me sleep… I guess."

"I'm starting to regret not bringing the wool sheets to be honest." Riang didn't enjoy the beaten up feeling she got when she woke up.

"Well, unless we run up to people who have some kind of cushioning material for you guys to sleep on, you might have to sleep like that for a while." Owen spoke as if he was expecting a group of people to pop up from the forest.

He couldn't relate with the terrible sleeping conditions because again, he doesn't sleep.

"But seriously, I haven't seen a single person the entire time I pulled this wagon.. The merchant caravans aren't going to travel around here any time soon." He added.

Oslan felt his hope get extinguished.

Riang also shared the same feeling.

"So we have to sleep like this?"

"Yes Riang, you guys have to sleep like this. And I think you guys should eat. We aren't going to arrive at Mysteriea that fast, so keep your energy up." Owen stopped the wagon and grabbed a Nulmiap water jug from his inventory and carefully gave it to them.

Oslan took some beef jerky for him and Riang from the sack and began eating.

Owen didn't stop as they were eating, so there were times when they had to support the water jug from falling over because Owen had to get across several bumps and rocks.

"How was it?" Owen was curious about the taste.

"Dry and flavorless." Riang held the water jug to her lips as she drank.

Oslan looked over to Owen's arms and said, "Have you eaten yet? You must be tired by now.."

Owen laughed. "I will only ask for help when I need it. And yes, I have eaten."

"From that short training session we had, I just noticed that Owen is just like you." Riang turned a little as she sat to look at Oslan.

"Full of stamina?"

"Mhm." Riang placed her hands behind her to support her back. "Owen can't even block my punch like you did."

Coughing twice, Owen caught their attention and said, "I can fare better now."

Riang chuckled. "You just trained for a month with me. How fast can you improve in such a short time period?"

Owen opened his interface and glanced at the panels beside his head.


[Endurance Training Progress: 220/220]

[Strength Training Progress: 145/150]

[Movement Speed Training Progress: 285/285]


[Endurance Training Progress: 220/220]

+1 Endurance

[Movement Speed Training Progress: 285/285]

+1 Movement Speed


"My body works differently than normal people." Owen already knew that she wasn't going to believe him despite saying this.

Rolling her eyes, Riang replied, "Yeah… sure."

"Riang, he explained that my body has a special bloodline. Almost never getting tired isn't a trait normal humans have… So Owen, do you also have a special bloodline?" As meticulous as Oslan was, he can only guess about this much.

After all, the concept of the Debuff Knight is just way too absurd to comprehend.

"I'm not sure myself." Technically, Owen was telling the truth.

"Are you really unsure, or do you just not want to tell us?" Riang knew Owen as the type who tells the truth but not the whole truth.

"No, I'm serious." Owen caught the snark in her tone and threw it away.

"Okay then…" As Riang was about to say something further, she saw a silhouette of a carriage far away.

Seeing the direction of her gaze, Owen stopped looking back at them and focused his sight forward.

Indeed, there was a carriage with a person in a cloak feeding the horse that was responsible for moving it.

Owen casually looked at the person's information.

[Caophre Uheni - Level 55]

[Affiliation - Caophre's Merchandise]

[Skills - Unavailable] (You do not have the necessary detection skill/s to view the following information.)

"Careful, that person is strong." Owen warned Oslan and Riang.

Riang looked at Caophre for herself and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. From what she saw, Caophre was just a normal merchant.

"Are you trying to scare us?"

"I'm serious about this one. Don't you think that a merchant that can survive by themself is ordinary? Without the protection of guards or other merchant organizations, a solo merchant is bound to be dangerous." Owen's explanation was plausible so Riang didn't deny it.

Caophre noticed their wagon and smiled politely. "You fellows must be going to Mysteriea too, is that right?"

Owen stopped walking and said, "Yes…" He eyed some of the items inside the carriage and asked, "You must be a merchant."

"Mhm." Caophre didn't deny it.

"My horse was tired so I had to let him rest." Caophre patted the horse's head while feeding it with a meal made of grains.

The horse's mouth ate whatever was on the wooden bowl hungrily.

Caophre wore a green cloak with leather clothing under it. It was unclear if he was a he or if she was a she because Caophre's voice sounds deep, but it can be both made by a man or a woman because of how the tone sounded. Their hair is colored in a dull orange tied into a ponytail. Their skin is tanned and is equipped with a muscular body, evident just by looking at the arms. Caophre's gender was hard to determine just by looking at appearances.

This was because muscles were common for both hard working men and women to have. Caophre's chest was of moderate size, but because of their body build, it wasn't reliable to judge them by that alone.

Owen assumed that Caophre was male though. It was because he came from a world that set that as the norm.

Caophre looked at Owen and the two on the back of the wagon.

When their eyes looked carefully at the set-up, Caophre had a compassionate look and said, "You must be tired pulling that wagon of yours… If you want, I can let you catch a ride. I can tie it to the back and let my horses pull them for you."

"Horses? Where's the other one?" Oslan looked around and tried to find the other horse that Caophre spoke of.

"It's right there." Riang was quick and noticed it tied to a tree as it ate grass.

"Oh…" Oslan spotted the horse by following her sight and didn't ask any further.

Caophre looked at Owen, still waiting for his answer.

Owen noticed Caophre's gaze and said, "I'm not the one who makes decisions here." He then turned his head to Riang. "So, what do you say? Do we follow this guy?"

Riang paused. She didn't expect for Owen to pass the question to her so abruptly.

"Uhmm… I guess that would be helpful. Thank you, ma'am..?" Riang's tone was clearly unsure when she neared the end of her sentence.

Owen's confusion was clear. "Ma'am? I thought she was a man."

Caophre laughed while pinching a lock of hair from his head. "It doesn't matter if you call me ma'am or sir since I go with both."

"Is that so…" Owen immediately thought of Iovoi and felt a sense of deja vu.

As she fed her horse, Caophre introduced herself. "My name is Caophre, what's yours?"

Pointing to himself, Owen began saying, "I'm Owen, this is Oslan and this is Riang."

Caophre remembered their names. He then noticed their different appearances and had to clarify his doubt. "So then, are you siblings?"

"None of us are blood related."

"As I thought…" Caophre took the empty bowl in her hand and filled it with water using the barrel of water that could be conveniently accessed from the carriage's perch and let the horse drink. "I've noticed that the friend named Riang looked haggard. Would you guys like to buy some pillows? I have some in my carriage."

Riang and Oslan looked at each other and agreed silently.

"How much is a pillow? And how many do you have at the moment?" Riang asked.

With a shrug, Caophre replied, "It's a cheap product that I got from Wiunlen, so I have three. I'm willing to sell one of them for just 20 copper."

"That's within the reasonable range of our budget.." Oslan muttered quietly.

Hearing this, Riang also liked the price.

"Can I see what it looks like first?"

"Sure, just let me get it from my storage." Caophre placed the wooden bowl on the ground and hopped inside his carriage.

Owen and the two could hear rummaging from the carriage. It was unknown what kind of stuff Caophre sold.

It didn't state what kind of merchant she was. Who knew if she sold food, weapons, blankets, raw materials or a bunch of whatever.

After a few minutes, Caophre walked out of the carriage with a pillow in hand. It used gray silk with soft cotton-like materials inside.

"Here you are.." Caophre passed it over to Owen who then gave it to Riang.

The moment Riang touched the pillow, she felt her fingers melting from comfort. She had this underlying urge to take a nap right this moment.

She took coins worth 40 copper from her pouch with resolution and said, "I'll buy two.."

Caophre smiled with delight, showing his clean and bright teeth.

[Caophre, 3rd Apostle of the God of Equality and Trade.]

[True Level???: 100+???]