Chapter 12: Artifact...

Saggy Cerberus.

Oily regurgitation streamed out of his mouth simultaneously.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

Following Cerberus' passing, the soul from his body got consumed Vikir's body.

This strange energy, called karma, karma, experience, and so on., makes the body and soul of the individuals who rout beasts considerably more honorable.

"Conveying this should be troublesome."

Vikir attempted to move Cerberus' carcass, yet surrendered.

Also, he chose to simply leave Cerberus' body here.

In any case, the reason for death was clear, and there were many aide canines who saw Vikir shaving a wooden lance in this safe-house, so there were many individuals who could demonstrate it.

In this way, all he did was to eliminate a couple of significant parts and guts and cover them in a mystery place.

… More than anything.

"It's not significant at this moment."

Vikir looked past Cerberus' carcass into the further timberland he had come from.

Cerberus is fundamentally a guard type beast brought into the world with the propensity for protecting his domain.

Whether or not he had been pushed the entire way here by the savages, obviously there was presumably a 'prison' watched by Cerberus close by.

A prison is a cavern like spot where fortunes were generally present, however the majority of them are likewise the territory of strong high-positioning beasts.

"Cerberus is dead, so it's reasonable no other beast is there."

As a general rule, beasts are drawn areas of strength for to energy, so there is a high chance that relics with solid wicked energy existed in the prison where Cerberus was.

Frankly, Cerberus isn't a beast that just lived anyplace.

Vikir looked through the beyond the boundaries, definitely made aware of the typical soul of Baskeville's dogs.

Hellhound and many beasts escaped far away by lsmell of Cerberus.

Vikir's eyes follow back the impressions and characteristics of Cerberus, covered in the shriveled soil, decaying leaves, moist roots and terrible murkiness.

As I strolled through the shriveled thistles, consumed roots, and rotted old trees, the profundities of the flood were before long uncovered.


It was a low-lying grave between huge hills of earth.

From a higher place, it looked unnoticeable.

It was not made by Cerberus, and it is accepted that it has been there for a long while.

Obviously, this spot was likewise a spot in Vikir's memory. It will be found in the following 10 years or somewhere in the vicinity.

"… … Yet I think it was a vacant in those days."

However, presently it is unique.

The smell of devils taken cover behind the spoiled smell.

An unpracticed tracker could miss it, however Vikir figured out how to detect it.

… banging!

Vikir broke the dry hill and descended into the sepulcher.

At last, you will see a prison made of ruddy soil and shakes.

A vein of ruby projected out of the hill, as though it was associated with the Le Rebel Mountain, a feeder of the Le Maverick Mountains.

As he entered the murkiness of the cavern, he saw a profound, winding path.

A spot so dull and profound that you need to feel it with your hands.

Be that as it may, shockingly, within the prison was wide and splendid.

There was a genuinely extensive stone chamber, and a ruby stone the size of a clench hand projected around it, emanating a red light.

A stone chamber stained red like blood by the ruby light.

Vikir saw his own shadow that was projected on the mass of the stone chamber.

"… … Is it a prison with nothing?"

The stone chamber was simply unfilled.

No, it wasn't exactly unfilled.

Toward the finish of where Vikir's long shadow came to, two skeletons were dispersed.

A skeleton with cuts all around its body cut and broken as though it had been wounded by a blade.

Looking carefully, within the ruby-shaded had characteristics of a battle.

In light of the imprints, it probably been seemingly forever.

However Vikir tracked down a page of penmanship composed on the skeleton.

[ As a matter of some importance, it's OK on the off chance that you don't have a clue about my name. Simply call me 'Gain'.

Do I truly have to stain this paper with my name?

Subsequent to contemplating it a few times, I record a couple of characters to forestall

people in the future from misstepping the same way as me. ]

It was a strange journal all along.

Vikir kept on perusing the text, depending on the red light.

After some time, Vikir saw that these letters were written in an old content slid from the Baskeville family.

"Is it safe to say that he is the predecessors of Baskeville?"

It was a sensible deduction.

[ This stone chamber is an old prison that has been discussed as a legend inside the family.

My sibling and I tracked down this spot by some coincidence, went through endless preliminaries to investigate it, and

ultimately arrived at this room.

It just so happens, this prison once had a genuinely extreme trouble level.

Albeit presently it stays just as a vacant and desolate grave.

What's more, it is assumed that the individual who composed this diary and the skeleton dispersed here probably been twin siblings.

My sibling and I killed endless beasts and showed up at this spot.

Nonetheless, the last undertaking we got in this stone chamber kept our siblings on their feet. For a

walloping 3 years!

Vikir raised his head.

What is the "task" they are discussing?

The inquiry was before long settled.

It was on the grounds that I could see the works engraved on the stone wall toward the path where the skeleton's skull was confronting.

[ One comes in, two come in, and one goes out. ]

It was an unusual question.

Vikir took a gander at the notes once more.

[ My sibling and I contemplated over this melancholy expression for quite a while.

Notwithstanding, taking into account that this prison has been passed down as a legend in the Baskeville

family, the importance is clear.

We don't have any idea what it implies only one of us can accomplish what he needs from this prison?

We siblings who entered the prison.

They were initially one when they were imagined in their mom's belly, yet split into two

at the point when they emerged into the world.

Furthermore, to get what they look for from this prison, they should become one once more.

All things considered, the collections of the twins couldn't be joined as one, so they needed to kill each other to

stay as one. ]

It is the custom of the Baskeville family to induce competition between kin.

The two siblings began battling each other for quite a while, and the coordinate finished with the demise

of the more youthful sibling.

"Then, does the more youthful sibling here become 'Abel'?"

Cain and Abel.

The more established sibling who needed to kill his more youthful sibling to be 'picked'.

Vikir thought as he took a gander at the skeletons dissipated on the floor.

A skeleton that was nearly endured even in a windless stone chamber, regardless of how long it had been dead.

Notwithstanding, the substance of the composition was very unforeseen.

[ I killed my sibling after a savage fight. Presently, I'm the final straggler in this stone chamber.

In any case, in spite of this, there was no adjustment of the stone chamber.

A penmanship that continuously becomes shaded with franticness.

The penmanship additionally turned out to be increasingly slanted, and eventually, Vikir needed to figure out the importance of the letters at a practically understandable level.

[ Despite the fact that it was clearly two to one, I got nothing!

You can't get out without getting anything!

nothing! nothing!

Notwithstanding, with respect to the last penmanship, it was returned in a slick penmanship, presumably composed later

quite a while had passed.

I'll quit fooling around.

In the event that there are bold relatives who will visit this spot in the far off future, I might want to

you to surrender.

leave at this moment

It is said that nothing can be gotten in this fallen angel's nook, which just misleads and taunts individuals. ]

Eventually, what he needed to say was clear.

He went through every one of the hindrances and came here, however it was canine hair.

Furthermore, mavericks are likewise urged to return the manner in which they came from without losing their solidarity.

… Yet, Vikir thought in an unexpected way.

"I'm not a twin."

In spite of the way that Vikir is certainly not a twin, the substance of the task is as yet substantial.

That implies that Cain and Abel, who were here, confused the items in the text.

"When I came in, I was one, however when you came in, there were two, so when you go out, you need to become one once more?"

Baskeville checked out at the cavern behind him.

It was an ebony without a solitary strand of light.

Furthermore, before it was a stone chamber where there was light.

In a little while, Vikir turned his head to check the skull out.

What looms over the finish of the skull is its own shadow. shadow!

"… … Right."

Vikir raised his clench hand.

Then, at that point, he crushed the huge ruby metal that illuminated the stone chamber red with his clench hand and broke it.


At the point when the ruby breaks, the weak wizardry inside it additionally vanishes.

Within the stone chamber was dove into haziness for a moment.



Something bizarre occurred.

The stone wall on one side of the stone chamber had fallen.

The wall was thick to such an extent that the thickness alone could arrive at many meters.

It is huge to such an extent that you could never consider it an entryway.

Vikir gestured.

The solution to the enigma was basic 'shadow'.

At the point when you enter, you are totally alone in the entry of dimness, however the second you enter the stone chamber enlightened by ruby light, the shadows discrete.

Furthermore, when the ruby is eliminated and complete obscurity comes, the shadow gets back to the body.

At the point when they become one, the last phase of the stone chamber will be opened.

Vikir mindfully connected before him.

Luckily, the space past the stone wall was a level, single street, and there were no snares.

Cain and Abel would have figured out the amassing beasts quite a while in the past, so all that remains is to really look at the prison's prizes.

In a little while, something cold contacted Vikir's fingertips.

It's the handle of a sword.

The sword was immovably stuck upward into the stone, and an engraving was recorded before it.

Vikir mishandled with his fingertips and read the words.

'Just the blood of the Baskevilles is this '… ''Can I pull out.'

The text makes reference to the last name Baskeville and Carl's most memorable name.

What's more, the second he took for the sake of the blade, a shock like a thunderclap hit Vikir.

"… … Was this a Artifect that viewed as here?"