Chapter 20: Camus (1)

The punctuation in the provided text is mostly correct, but there are a few minor errors and inconsistencies. Here's the corrected version:


Ten men have ten day-to-day routines; 100 men have 100 lives.

An individual's life is one of a kind and can't be estimated by a solitary recipe.


In Baskerville, the Ironborn, an individual's life can be schematized and coordinated like an equation.

A run-of-the-mill recipe is as per the following:

Blade Master junior = 1 mage circle.

Sword Master Middle of the road = 2 Mage Circles

Sword Master Progressed = Mage 3 circles

Graduator Low = Mage 4 circles

Graduator Moderate = Mage 5 circles

Graduator Progressed = Mage 6 circles

Swordmaster = Wizard seventh circle

Sword authority has been supplanted by otherworldly dominance.

Likewise, the youthful dogs of Baskerville are not permitted to eat at an age when others would.

Their preparation is difficult, with each second a terminating crew.

During the time spent processing them, they normally go through a progression of schematic development sprays.

To reformulate it, it goes this way:

Sword Master Lower = 15 years old

Sword Master Intermediate = 18 years old

Sword Master Advanced = 20 years old

Inclination Lower = 30

Inclination Intermediate = 35

Gradualtor Advanced = 40

Swordmaster = ?

Most youthful dogs of House Baskerville progress as indicated by the accompanying equation.

Offspring of House Baskerville commonly first become in contact with mana around the age of seven or eight, so, all things considered, they can, best case scenario, amass it in their grasp and experience its glow.

It's not until around age 15 that they can really channel mana into a blade and radiate an air.

This is known as the lower level of Blade Master.

Most individuals from the Baskerville family get familiar with a blade procedure called the Baskerville Style, which is separated into three levels: first, second, and third.

It begins with Baskerville 1, which is the level where you can draw a solitary tooth with the direction of the cutting edge tip, then Baskerville 2, where you can draw two teeth, and afterward 3, 4, and 5, where you can draw three teeth.

Taking into account that most 15-year-old Baskervilles who arrive at the position of Blade Master are prepared in Baskerville 1 swordplay, the accompanying equation is laid out:

Sword Master Low = 1 Baskerville, 1 Tooth

Sword Master Halfway = Baskerville 2, two teeth

Sword Master Progressed = 3 Baskerville, 3 Teeth

Gradator Low = 4 Baskerville, 4 Teeth

Slope Halfway = 5 Baskerville, 5 Teeth

Gradator Adv = 6 Baskerville, 6 Teeth

Swordmaster = 7th Baskerville, 7 teeth

Nonetheless, the world class of the tip top are the people who can dominate in excess of five styles of swordsmanship.

That is, just the genuine beneficiaries of the House.

It is a well-known fact that the ongoing patriarch, Hugo Les Baskervilles, can draw the Seven Teeth.

It is likewise no mysterious that his oldest child, presently away on task in the most distant compasses of the nation, can draw five teeth, and his subsequent child, presently in preparing, can draw four.

Then again, those with "van" family names, for example, rats and ill-conceived kids, who are not perceived as genuine, can't learn in excess of five sword methods, regardless of how much mana they have gathered or how old they are.

Subsequently, there is a positive cutoff to the quantity of teeth they can draw, in any event, when they become a Slope.

In any case, nobody is grumbling about this.

Nobody. None. None. None.

For the swordsmanship of the Baskervilles was so perfect, and the authority of the four styles was sufficient to make the world shudder.


There is.

Indeed, even inside the incomparable Baskervilles, there are Irregulars who periodically go astray from the recipe.

The awful ones are the dogs that don't follow the formalized movement and become lost despite any effort to the contrary.

These were not a huge deal, truly. They were discarded on the spot.

The people who bite the dust in preparing and vanish into the experience of their siblings, the individuals who kick the bucket or disappear on a mission and become just numbers on a harm report, the people who are killed for family interests, and the people who are seldom warriors.

The setbacks from the Baskervilles are many, yet they become less as time passes.

The more seasoned they get, the more prepared they become.


There are hardly any, Irregulars who digress from the recipe in a to some degree different way.

Indeed, even inside the Baskervilles, a group of prodigies, there are the individuals who are perceived as virtuosos.

Such was the situation with Osiris Les Baskervilles, Hugo Les Baskervilles' oldest child and head of family.

A little daylight who will lead the Baskervilles later on. A virtuoso, apparently.

As of not long ago, Osiris has been the best virtuoso in the family.

Be that as it may, of late, gossip has been spreading.

A mother-of-pearl cloud drifting in the newborn child star. A little sun that drifted underneath the sun.

Bits of hearsay coursed inside the family that one more virtuoso had arisen to succeed Osiris Baskerville.

Vikir van Baskerville. Eight years of age.

A wonder who, as per the patriarch himself, Hugo Lé Baskerville, as of late arrived at the position of Sword Master Halfway.

A swordsmanship that could draw two teeth and a mana that would be two circles in mage terms.

He has consummated at the young age of eight what his kin would need to hold on until they were eighteen to achieve.

To such an extent, that at whatever point at least three of them got together, even the most unengaged of Baskervilles, they were discussing Vikir.

"Indeed, you mean there's such a youngster?"

"Where's he from? Is it the van's last name? Gee, so we don't have the foggiest idea where it came from."

"Indeed, it's valuable, in the event that not, early."

He tuned in with interest, or detachment, now and again gauging his own advantages.

What's more, with that, Vikir had previously exposed his sharp teeth.

* * *

In the interim.


Vikir himself, the subject of the talk, was not worried about the look or notoriety of people around him.

He definitely knew where the family's epic showdowns and messy stunts were going.

How should he not? He had spent the most recent couple of a very long time as a canine seller, bobbing starting with one line then onto the next.

…Chulpuduk! Chulpuduk!

Vikir thought

 as he watched the haggis tumble to the table.

'I was simply going to go on the defensive toward, I've had enough of this.'

Now that we've obviously uncovered the real nature, we might have the option to use a portion of the House's framework all alone.

As I've said previously, it's great to be perceived with some restraint to ensure you stay off Hugo's radar.

Vikir sat in the furthest corner of the lounge area and started to snack at his haggis.

As the pungent, off-putting slop slides down his throat, he ponders numerous things.

To begin with, about her actual range of abilities.

"As of now, my authority abilities are Baskerville second Class and Blade Master Halfway."

In any case, Vikir's actual strength is now at the level of a Graduator Low, and with regards to swordsmanship, a Fourth Teeth Baskerville.

With his significant development in the Incomparable Library, he is very nearly arriving at Moderate Graduator.

On the off chance that he forges ahead with this way, he ought to have the option to get through to the fifth degree of swordsmanship easily.

"I'll arrive at the upper Graduator before I turn 17.

By then, my swordsmanship will actually want to arrive at the 6th Structure. In contrast to before the relapse, when you were stuck at only four.



The spoon that was opening up the haggis unexpectedly recoiled.

Lucifer, sneaking in the vein of his right wrist, had moved.


-1 space: Consume - Cerberus (A+)

-2 space: Drain - Hellhound (B+)

Space - 3: Super Recovery - Savage (C+)

Lucifer eliminates the Rodents from opening 3 and makes up for the shortcoming by taking the abilities of the as of late killed Savage.

His adversary was dying, he was recovering. It was a horrendous mix.

Include this capacity with everything else, and he'd presumably be much more imposing than the typical Graduator.

Vikir pondered internally as he kept on gobbling up his haggis.

It was his 6th serving as of now, and he felt that his hunger had just developed further since engrossing Satan.


"…Hello, hello."

A voice called out from behind him, and Vikir turned his head.


Startling figures remained behind him.

The trios. Highbrow Les Baskervilles, Midbrow Les Baskervilles, and Uncultured Les Baskervilles.

The threesome that would come to be known as the Spear of Baskerville remained behind Vikir.

Vikir's forehead wrinkled.

"Take a gander at these as*holes?"

What is the point of inquiring? The unforgiving words come right out.

Vikir squinted his eyes, and the trios intuitively responded with dread.

Is there anything on earth more straightforward to deal with than a scared canine?

Vikir gripped the spoon he was utilizing to gather up the haggis, and the trios quickly waved it away.

"Goodness, actually no, not so one!"

"We simply need…!"

"That, that, that, that, that, getting the savage and Cerberus was cool!"


Viktor scowled, not understanding what was happening.

"Is this a two-timing strategy or a stunt of some sort?

Yet, taking a gander at the threesome before me, I see no indications of cutting edge mental fighting.

As I gaze at them, I can't resist the urge to feel a chill run down my spine.


Vikir had recently completed the process of getting ready to send a spoon flying toward the brows of the three young doggies.


One more voice came from close to him.

He went to see Steward Barrymore standing ready.

He had showed up out of the blue and tended to Vikir in his typical affable tone.

"My master looks for you."

* * *

Hugo Les Baskerville.

He was currently situated on a lounge chair by the window in a condition of extraordinary disturbance.

"Is the steward here yet?"

The house cleaner slanted her head lethargically at Hugo's inquiry, seeking Barrymore.

"I looked under the window and it appeared as though they were simply coming into the hall on the primary floor, with Expert Vikir."

"They ought to be coming up any moment now."

Hugo gestured, then moved his look to the side of the love seat.

On the love seat close to it sat a moderately aged man with an attractive mustache.

Morg Adolf.

A representative from House Morg, a military family known as the opponent place of Ironblood Baskerville.

The more youthful sibling of Morg Respane, the head of House Morg, he is a critical figure in House Morg, consistently present as the acting top of the house at whatever point there is an external occasion.

Adolf lifted the teacup before him and drank.

Then he gazed straight toward Hugo with a wry grin.

"I trust the current year's yearly occasion goes off easily."

The yearly occasion Adolf was alluding to was the cordial competition among Baskerville and Morg.

The Morg and the Baskervilles train together one time each year, as per a declaration from the past Ruler, who said that "wizardry and swords are reciprocal.

However it was exclusively for youngsters between the ages of eight and fifteen, it was a demonstration of power for the supreme family.

And still, at the end of the day, the climate was cold, with Hugo, the ongoing Master of Baskerville, and Lespane, the ongoing Ruler of Morg, in conflict over the responsibility for newfound ruby mine in their region.

It was in this air that Adolf, the more youthful sibling of the Morg family, dropped by.

The reason for the visit is supposed to be to associate through a yearly occasion, however… … it is not yet clear assuming that is actually the situation.

Hugo disregarded it.

"It's simply a joint activity, it's forever been like that."

"Heh heh. Didn't we have two youngsters genuinely harmed last year, one from Baskerville and one from Morg?"

"They made due, and were treated in time. How might you call that a misfortune?"

Hugo's casual words carried a line of blood to Adolf's temple.

After a second's scowl, he hacked a couple of times and redirected the conversation.

"Hmmm. Hum. All in all, we should discuss this joint activity, will we? Goodness, coincidentally!"

Similarly as he was going to get to the point, Adolf had an unexpected thought.

"I heard that there's a cosmic explosion over Baskerville, and I'd truly prefer to see it, I'm anticipating it."

At any rate, " … … I'm simply hit it up now."

Hugo answered, pretending lack of concern.

However, the perceptive Adolf didn't miss the smallest jerk of the edges of Hugo's mouth.

"That reptile man answers his kid's applause. That is strange."

It is an unexpected in its own particular manner. Adolf thought briefly that he ought to return and answer to his master, however at that point he proceeded.

"It is an extraordinary

 blessing for the Domain to have a once in long term virtuoso in Baskerville."

"I wouldn't venture to such an extreme as to say that."

Hugo bowed, officially.

Nonetheless, Adolf's next words were very provocative.

"Indeed, it's a one-two punch, really, in light of the fact that we have a once in long term virtuoso in the Morg family."

Hugo's eyebrows took shots up at that.

Adolf grinned graciously, then motioned toward the way to the parlor out of the way of the room.

"Come in, little Camus," he said, "and express welcome to the head of House Baskerville."

Then, as though by enchantment, the entryway opened voluntarily.

In strolled a little child, followed by workers.

Her hair flaring red, her eyes shimmering like rubies.

A fair face with a little nose, full lips, and white, even teeth.

Morg Camus.

The young lady, who had quite recently turned eight years of age, strolled over and remained next to Adolf without a hint of shame.

Hugo's forehead wrinkled somewhat.

A cosmic explosion of the Morg family, conceived just once at regular intervals or somewhere in the vicinity.

A young lady who could hear the sound of virtuoso even inside the lofty Morg, where just supernatural masters accumulated.

Morg Camus.

Seeing her gripping at the stitch of her uncle's shroud, her eyes sparkling brilliantly, made even the powerful Hugo mellow his demeanor a bit.

In any case, adorableness to the side, Adolf's assertion was very provocative.

"We additionally have a 8-year-old virtuoso. How about we see your degree of eight-year-old virtuoso.

The Morg family had come to play.

'... Hey. You're not deserving of such a coy incitement.'

Hugo attempted to dismiss his head as though he did not merit the difficulty.

The Morg Camus stunner stuck his head back.

"Is it true or not that you are the hoodlum who took our ruby mine?"



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