Chapter 27: Path of Power

It's been quite a while since I've been in Hugo's office, it actually smells cold and soiled.

Dust from old books, old tobacco smoke, lifeless espresso, and a weak fragrance of blood.

Like a carefully prepared dog, Vikir peruses the environment through fragrance.

Then, at that point, a moderately aged man sitting behind the work area, in a turn seat, gazing through the window, turned and confronted Vikir.

Hugo Les Baskerville.

The iron-blooded patriarch of House Baskerville.

His face looked similar to the substance of Hugo in Vikir's last memory before his relapse.

Suddenly. Vikir saw a solitary, generally late scar across the extension of Hugo's nose.

It had been there before the relapse, yet Vikir had no clue about how it had become, and his eyes illuminated.



Hugo addressed momentarily, then gestured.

Vikir proceeded with his relaxed discussion in a casual tone.

At the point when Vikir got some information about the scar on the scaffold of his nose, Hugo disregarded it as nothing.

"I was struck by a bolt while killing the adversary and the savages of the Dark Mountains."

Vikir was somewhat astounded.

The powerful Hugo Baskerville could be injured by a bolt.

It was basically impossible that a man of Hugo's height as a Swordmaster might have been struck by a visually impaired bolt; there probably been a rifleman focusing on him.

Hugo sneered.

"There's a lady who can shoot a bow."

"Did you get her?"

"No, I didn't. In any case, I cut one of those equivalent things into the fox thing's face."

A fighter of Hugo's type would have had the option to dissipate the air of the sharp edge's tip to catch even the most far off enemy.

Hugo contacted the scaffold of his nose briefly, feeling the scar across the extension of his nose actually pulsating.

He stopped briefly, then, at that point, talked.

"Anyway. Congrats on finishing your preparation."

"Much obliged to you."

"From here on out, it's harder."

At Hugo's words, Vikir gestured.

As Watchman Knight Staffordshire Baskerville had told her toward the finish of her preparation, the genuine work starts now.

Three and a half long stretches of essential preparation to get familiar with the hypothesis of fighting, develop actual fortitude, and foster an eye for resistance.

One more three and a half long periods of pragmatic preparation, including battle preparing against genuine evil spirits and people, and wild basic instincts.

However, the foes they're going to confront, and the profound waters of the Dark Mountains, are a damnation that will invalidate all that they've found out about endurance.

You can get by in the event that you have a decent bloodline, or on the other hand assuming you will pass on for it.

'For the following 21 months, we'll be working with the adversary to open up the Dark Mountains.

Vikir thought as he reviewed his pre-relapse recollections.

Assuming that things had worked out as expected, he would have turned into a student knight of the Pit Bull Knights as of now and been shipped off the Red and Dark Mountains, getting endless lines of fire throughout the following 21 months.

He would have been tossed into the fight like a hunting canine to be utilized a couple of times and afterward disposed of.

... But.

Hugo has a fairly surprising proposition for Vikir.

"You ought to be an individual from the Place of Delegates."

It was a shock for sure.

Hugo would prepare Vikir in the ways of the court.

Obviously, the Baskervilles are a group of prepared champions, so being a versifier doesn't mean you can't battle.

Nonetheless, it is entirely expected for more youthful Baskervillians, particularly the individuals who are especially gifted and talented, to follow the way of an unaffiliated fighter subsequent to filling in as an official.

Hugo's foe and second child were on a similar way.

"A man should major areas of strength for be. Likewise with the blade, so with power."

Vikir gestured at Hugo's words.

While the other expendables were kicking the bucket on the combat zone, the elites were finding out about governmental issues and organization, both inside the family and outside.

Furthermore, when an older tip top at long last draws his sword and heads off to war, he'll have the carefully prepared expendables to help him.

The world class might begin a piece late, however the person will develop their abilities and achievements, and develop into a considerably greater monster with the political and managerial experience the individual in question has learned.

'… … And just the world class can learn more than the Baskerville Five.'

This is the reason consumables are not shown more significant level swordsmanship past Baskerville 5.

It's so the elites, who are slow off the mark, can get up to speed to the superfluous dogs with little exertion.

It's a similar justification for why the higher-ups in the nation don't help individuals to compose.

"As you say."

Vikir bowed deferentially.

He'd intended to get away from Hugo's side, however rather he'd developed nearer.

It didn't make any difference much, however, as he hadn't yet shown a lot of in the method of stowed away abilities, and this was great for Vikir in additional ways than one, as it permitted him to draw nearer to the focal point of force.

Hugo made sense of Vikir's new situation as a MP basically.

"The Place of Delegates helps the Baskervilles in the chief, authoritative, and legal parts of the Place of Baskerville's domain, as well as drawing in business for the House and running the issues of the House, in short."

Effective House individuals are elevated to Representative, which permits them to manage matters beyond the House, which isn't something Vikir is as of now keen on.


Hugo opened a cabinet and took out a couple of papers.

Minister Barrymore immediately remained adjacent to him with his seal and sigil.

"Your new position is Delegate Justice of the City of Longshot."

Longshot City, Vikir knew well.

The most active town in the huge region governed by the Baskervilles. No, it was to a greater extent a city as opposed to a town.

The Archon is the person who directs the authoritative and legal undertakings of the city, and the Appointee Archon is liable for helping the Archon in different ways.

Vikir took a gander at his arrangement letter and said.

"So it's tied in with making and authorizing regulations."

"Indeed, and there are right now opening for both the Archon and Delegate Archon positions."

There was a motivation behind why the places of one judge and a few delegate justices were all empty.

Initially, Dark horse City's ruler was Hugo's subsequent child, and the second child's family members who took the Baskerville last name were the agent rulers.

In any case, presently Hugo's subsequent child was a distant memory, and the representative officers who should have his spot had been terminated or suspended as a group for pay off.

What's more, Hugo plans to surrender every one of the powers and obligations of those empty presents on Vikir.

"A city's turned

 into a without state zone. Might you at any point work really hard?"

Vikir gestured.

Delegate magistracies are typically held by men in their thirties, yet every so often a wonder, a virtuoso among prodigies, will stand firm on the footing in their mid twenties.

Also, almost certainly, these youthful elites would one day take on significant positions addressing their families.

'… … For instance, they would be confessed to the Foundation.'

What's more, following four years of learning at the foundation, they would get back to the family and quickly become a judge.

A tip top course for the first class.

What Hugo proposed to Vikir was a similarly eccentric arrangement.

"I believe you're giving me an excessive amount of force."

"Furthermore, a lot of liability."

Hugo said with a dry snicker.

"Your accomplishments are no less than a decade in front of the kids who are considered virtuosos inside the family, so I will treat you likewise."

Treatment incorporates the two rights and obligations.

The more prominent the power, the heavier the obligation.

Or on the other hand, to put it another way, the heavier the errand, the more prominent the power.

"I will attempt to satisfy my master's assumptions."

Hugo gestured silently.

And afterward.

…the land!

A piece of paper was stepped with Hugo's seal.

With that, Vikir turned into the representative justice, the true judge, of a metropolitan dark horse with a populace of a portion of 1,000,000.

'This is great.

Vikir thought.

'In the event that I utilize the force of the Delegate Justice well, I can prepare my abilities considerably more securely than if I go straight into the conflict.

His secret teeth and hooks would be honed.

And afterward. Vikir opened his mouth.

"My ruler."


Hugo turned upward.

There was a glint of warmth in his eyes that had been missing since the finish of the mission.

Vikir held onto on the ragged warmth.

"I might want to educate you regarding the ruby mine in Morgawa."

Quite a while back, an eight-year-old Vikir had accomplished something trying against Morg's emissaries that had made Hugo's stomach turn.

Hugo had been satisfied to the point that he had guaranteed Vikir a prize, however he hadn't requested precisely exact thing it was.

What's more, presently, Vikir was requesting a compensation for his conduct in an exceptionally clear manner.

"I was contemplating whether I could acquire … … ."

Hugo looked somewhat disturbed at that.

"Hmmm. Indeed, I did, and I made it clear then that I would compensate you. You said you'd let me know if you needed something."

"You don't need to tune in on the off chance that you would rather not."

Hugo's thick eyebrows curved at that.

"It will not be troublesome."

He gestured, then, at that point, pulled one more piece of paper from a cabinet and stepped it with his lordship's seal.

"I trust you will do nothing dumb. Son."

Regardless of how frequently I hear him say "child," I never become accustomed to it.

Furthermore, in truth, Vikir was more shocked by Hugo's eagerness to concede his solicitation than by the title.

"I couldn't have ever considered asking you for some help previously … … .

Maybe things will go surprisingly without a hitch.

* * *

Getting out of the visitor room, Vikir strolled down the long corridor.

Behind him, Elder Barrymore grinned delicately.



"My master is exceptionally partial to you."

Vikir stayed quiet, not uttering a word.

Then, at that point, Elder Barrymore talked.

"I can see that you won't place him in the field immediately, however you will provide him with the place of accepted ruler. Isn't that the craft of government? You will utilize him enormous and weighty."

In a real sense, in the event that you will raise a dog to be utilized and disposed of, you ought to send it out into the war zone right now to kick the bucket.

While the dogs are prepared by their experiences with death, their eventual experts are equipped with thoughts and information from a protected spot.

Also, from this traction, the dogs jump to the levels of the unapproachable.

Eventually, the lower life can't defeat the higher, regardless of whether it bites the dust and resurrections. Neither by words nor by hand to hand fighting.

It's an unpleasant reality for Vikir, who is feeling everything over once more.

"That is assuming I work really hard as Delegate Officer."

"I'm certain you'll in all actuality do fine and dandy, Expert, and assuming you do anything over acceptably well there, you'll be the following one to enter the Foundation."

Minister Barrymore had seen that Vikir was keen on the Institute too.

... in spite of the fact that he couldn't exactly place why.


Vikir's brain was dashing with the approaches and exploits of the well known civil servants he had seen and caught wind of before his relapse.

The letter of arrangement to the place of Representative Judge, stepped with the mark of Hugo le Baskerville, Master of Ironblooded Baskerville, slipped profound into the pocket of Vikir's arm.

"You'll need to rapidly show what you can do."

There were numerous ways of showing what one can do and climb the positions in a brief timeframe.

Vikir picked the speediest and generally clear one.



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