Chapter 31 : Law of the Underdog

All the talk about the young woman who won ten billion spread quickly through Underdog City and Baskerville's territory.

Rumors even said Underdog City provided a guard to protect her winnings.

"The law stands. It will be upheld," said the new young deputy magistrate, his words on everyone's lips.

Naturally, Vikir's law, or "Vikir's Special Law," became even more famous than Baskerville's self-governance.

People were saying:

"The new deputy magistrate is different, right?"

"Vikir says he does what he says, no matter what."

"They say crime in Underdog City dropped by half since that day."

"It used to be said the law was far away and the fist was near, but now the law is close and the fist is far away."

Break the law, get punished; follow it, get rewarded.

This simple rule impressed the citizens.

A society that sticks to its principles.

The distrust of the law, which wasn't being followed, vanished after that day.

The day after the special law was announced, illegal activities noticeably decreased, and the crime rate halved.

The darkness deeply rooted in Underdog City was cleared by this one act.


Underdog City Hall.

Chihuahua Baskerville's director smiled as he wrote on a sign:

A banner to hang in the Governor's office from now on.

Vikir admired it from Chihuahua's side, then spoke up.

"Your handwriting is great, Chihuahua."

"Sure. I've never met anyone with better handwriting than me since birth, and I've gotten good at copying others' handwriting because the Archons always make me sign for them...."

The Chihuahua didn't finish.

Vikir had said something unexpected.

"Can I learn to do that too?"

The Chihuahua's eyes widened at Vikir's words.

It was the first time a high-ranking Baskerville had ever asked him to do something voluntarily.

And, despite being a sword eater, he was interested in brushes.

"Sure, I can teach you. I'd be honored!"

"Thanks. I'll ask when I have time."

The Chihuahua hummed and played with the brush after the praise.

Vikir watched him in wonder.

Chihuahua Baskerville.

He was an outsider, a commoner who spent three years as a servant to the Baskervilles before being given the family name and formally included.

Unlike swordsmen who become Guardian Knights and train in Baskerville-style swordsmanship, administrators are paid less and receive no special training.

While swordsmen are motivated by improving their skills, administrators like Chihuahua have little to attract them besides honor.

'He joined Baskerville to serve his homeland.'

Vikir had seen Chihuahua before his regression.

A man who, despite looking like a warrior, had the temperament of a scholar and spoke boldly to rulers.

And a capable administrator who worked in the shadows until old age.

Vikir was thinking about Chihuahua.

"By the way, you're doing a great job, sir."

The Chihuahua finished whistling and looked at Vikir.

"Who knew you could pull off such an unconventional performance, Chihuahua? I'm genuinely impressed. I've been here for 20 years, just as a clerk, and I've never been so thrilled. I'm still shaking."

Vikir nodded slightly.

"Baskerville's laws are good. But it's not enough to just have a law; people must believe in it and follow it."

"You're right. But that's not what previous Deputy Magistrates thought."

"We can't blame them for distrusting the law. So, I've been thinking about how to engage them and make a strong impression."

Actually, this is something Camus of the House of Morg would do later.

When he becomes Lord of the Manor, Camus of Morg turns his domain into a law-and-order region.

The lords wouldn't fight, and crime almost disappeared.

'…But his rule didn't make him popular with the lords.

But during the demon war, Camu's rule saved many lives, and even after the Destruction Generation, Morg's estate had the most survivors.

…But that's not important now.

"Now, we move forward."

Vikir said, looking at the map of Underdog City.

"With 10 billion in prize money, we need to fill the gap, right?"

Vikir picked up a pen and started marking spots on the map.

He marked where illegal organizations were or might be hiding.

"These are places we'll crack down on to return black money to the treasury."

"How do you know where criminals operate?"

"I smell it."

Vikir smirked.

Baskerville's dogs have a keen sense of smell.

With the surprised Chihuahua behind him, Vikir continued his plan.

"In military law, the best procurement is from enemy territory. If we take everything here, we'll raise taxes and help the poor."


"Yeah. Even though crime halved, some still operate stealthily and cleverly."

But it didn't matter.

Vikir knew where they were and who they were.

"It's an area we've patrolled and cracked down on before.

I remember being a police dog during the 'War on Crime', biting rats in alleys.

I knew the tricks because some colleagues were bribed.

I know how criminals think, where they hide, what they do, and how they operate.

I also know where underground money will flow for the next 25 years.

Just then.


The door opened, and a clerk entered, looking puzzled.

"There's a request for a meeting at ...."

Both Vikir and Chihuahua turned to him.

Chihuahua asked.

"Who wants a meeting during official time? You've been here less than two days."

"Well, it's from the Youth Self-Governance Committee…."

Then Chihuahua's face changed.

It seemed it had finally arrived.

Vikir broke the tension.

"So, they want to see the kids in the community?"

"…Yes, the youth wing of Xiangcheng, especially Sedoga."

They wanted to see Vikir among the youth of smaller families within the Baskerville's domain.

Most had ties to the Baskervilles.

Chihuahua's voice was filled with disdain.

"It's just a social club. They have something to say about the 'Vikir Special Law'."


"The dung beetles smelled it first."

He had been spreading the word since day one.

Now it was time to deal with them.



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