Chapter 144: Sinclair's Surprise Visit

The 10-day holiday has begun.

Weekends, school anniversaries, and Easter at Rune Church. Combined with school schedules, it was a golden holiday that could last more than a week.

Everyone was happy to have had such a long vacation since the beginning of the semester.

New students like to travel to the imperial capital to get to know their classmates better and invite them to their homes.

2nd and 4th grade students traveled to remote locations to catch up on homework, study for exams, or just relax.

Fourth-year students study hard on weekdays and holidays in preparation for graduation and employment.

And there was someone who was forced to work hard even though he was a newcomer.

Vikir. He was an iron-blooded dog.

Crackling - Crackling -

Community Service Day 1. Vikhil washed the mop.

In Indulgentia, a large orphanage on the outskirts of the imperial capital where many children live, endless work continues.

Cleaning, laundry, cooking, eating, washing dishes, transporting tools, repairing equipment, playing with children, etc.

While on-campus volunteering may be supported by professional staff, off-campus volunteering does not have such support.

You have to do everything yourself.

During the holidays, when the Academy students are resting and playing, Vikil lives here and does all the dirty work.

And, of course,.

``Hey Vikir, you should be thankful we're here because we're on vacation too!''

``Well, according to the academy's noble duty policy, you have to complete your volunteer hours anyway.; it might be a good idea to do that.'' Well, let's do that."

"I agree, I've always liked doing community service!"

Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy. These loyal friends followed Vikir.

Vikir nodded silently.

"Thank you."

Everyone was surprised to hear the words of gratitude from the usually modest and frank Vikir.

"Hmm, hmm."


Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy started vacuuming the mop together, laughing.

Vikir looked at her and smiled weakly.

No matter how much they tried to act like adults, they were still just 18-year-old kids, happy kids who could brighten a friend's day with a simple thank you.

But Vikir himself is not like that.

He cannot laugh easily because of his battered soul and the burden of his life that he carries.

Vikir continued to think as he cleaned the hallway where the children of the orphanage were playing.

``Yesterday, I was in the newspaper.''

Vikir remembered the newspaper that had been started at the Academy and the articles that had since begun appearing in newspapers throughout the Empire.

[The Night Hound, the villain who terrorized the Imperial Capital—who is he?]

last night, on the 0th day of the month, at dawn. A mysterious assailant appeared and ransacked an orphanage in

Unusually, the attacker did not touch the riches in the vault.

A Faithful Saint in Peril [Is everything okay as it is!?]

The orphanage, monastery, and hospital managed by the Faithful Saint Quovadis family are in a series of crises.

Meanwhile, within the Quovadis family, the Old Order and New Order factions are currently at odds.

Meanwhile, some have criticized the government for being slow to respond to the terrorist attacks due to the family's internal politics.

[Old Order vs. New Order: Quovadis family quarrel brings terrorists!?]

The civil war within the Quovadis family is intensifying. This long-running confrontation began with the controversy between Cardinal Humbert of the Old Order and Cardinal Martin Luther of the New Order.

The conflict between the Old Order faction and the New Order faction is truly old, and these two factions are concerned about whether or not it is legitimate for the denomination to sell 'indulgences' and 'indulgences.' …

As a result, citizens are becoming increasingly concerned about the delay in the investigation to catch the terrorists.

[Is the 'Night's Hound' a real villain?]

Citizens of the city are on edge over the appearance of a monster that has been stalking the streets of the Imperial City.

However, some have continued to question whether this villain really exists.

Why is it that only welfare organizations under the jurisdiction of the Quovadis family are being attacked? Could this be the result of a power struggle within the Quovadis family?

It's no secret that there is a long-standing feud between the Old Order and New Order factions within the Quovadis family.

It remains to be seen if this is the result of a conflict between the Old and New Orders or whether a truly rare demon has appeared.

Vikil carefully read the newspaper article.

Thanks to Piggy, it was easy to collect newspapers from all over the imperial capital.

Vikil pieced together the information he gathered from Piggy and the information sent to him by Cindy Wendy.


The locations Vikir raided while disguised as a night hound happened to all be connected to his loyal Quovadis.

``If only by following in the devil's footsteps does a certain group get caught, then there is a problem.''

Vikir remembered what the men he had killed so far had in common.

Unknown Money, Small The corpses of a boy and a girl, and an animal whose face had been melted after death.

They were wearing the masks of a religious group, but it was clear that there was a demon lurking underneath. .

``...and the most suspicious one is in this orphanage.''

Vikir looked up from wiping.

A portrait of the director hung on the wall in the hallway.

A gentle middle-aged face.

He was a well-built, handsome man who must have struck a chord with women when he was young. He bore a striking resemblance to a famous theater actor who had recently retired.


The Indulgentia family is a branch of the Quobadis family and a spiritual family that believes in the same rune religion.

Guilty is not only the head of the Indulgentia family but also the director of the Indulgentia Orphanage.

It's probably the largest orphanage in the imperial capital.

But what does this really mean?

"Only one thing matters."

He is the target of Vikil's murder.

It's Golden Week, so the windows are fully open.

Now that you've managed to sneak into your target's hideout, all that's left to do is get to work.

Vikir went from room to room under the pretext of cleaning, carefully studying the layout of the building.

"For an orphanage, this building is incredibly strong."

Vikir wiped down the number of reinforcing bars on the stone pillars and estimated.

The orphanage was strong enough to be used as a military facility.

The recruitment process for the orphanage was also a little different. Instead of accepting children from a small local orphanage, the orphanage posted notices inviting children to come from far away.

Since many children came to the center voluntarily due to the excellent facilities and welfare benefits, it was difficult to keep track of how many children were coming and how many were leaving.

After all, no one knew whether the numbers in the ledger were off by 0 or 2.

"The more orphans you have, the more money you get. So no one would think you would underestimate the number of children."

Therefore, most audits focus more on whether you have fewer children than on numbers.

The devil is the opposite.

It is in their interest to reduce the number of orphans and falsely claim to receive more orphans.

This way, you can drain the blood without having to turn around.

Vikir pointed out that the number of children in Indulgentia Orphanage appears to be much higher than records indicate.

Some praise Guilty for helping as many children as possible without asking for financial help, but Vikile disagrees.

"Boys and girls under the age of 13, runaways, unrelated and unregistered's hard to keep track of everything."

In just one day, Vikhil notices many suspicious things about the place. I did.

And the strong odor of demons that hung throughout the orphanage only strengthened his conviction.

``Tonight, you'll start to see blood.''

Vikir had a murder plan in his mind.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

A voice interrupted Vikiel's reverie.


When Vikir turned around, there was an unexpected person standing there.

A petite, white-haired woman. Her hair is fluffy, like a puppy's.

Even though it was a holiday, students wearing their school uniforms looked at him.

Vikir knew her name.

No, she's a new student at the academy, and there shouldn't be anyone who doesn't know her.

Sinclair. Director of the hot class.

For some reason, she volunteered here.



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