Chapter 151: Under the Moon


Saint Dolores stopped Vikir.

"Are you being too hard on her? Did she kiss you?"


"That's not 'no'; it's 'no'!" ``She wants to kiss you like that, so give her a kiss!''

``It's embarrassing.''

Dolores opens her mouth in disbelief.

I've never seen anyone say "I'm embarrassed" so openly.

She pushes Vikir away and picks up her nymphet.

"Ah, that cruel oppa doesn't like kissing. Can I give it to my sister instead?"


"Ah, my sister doesn't like it.""

However, Dolores was a very determined nymph.

Dolores watches in disbelief as Nymphet leaves and Vikir leaves.

"She doesn't seem to open her heart to anyone...?"

She knew why the nymphet had opened her heart to Vikir.

Nymphet dropped the ball into the sewer while running, and Vikir jumped into the sewer without hesitation to pick it up.

Who wouldn't be moved to watch him hand the ball back to her with mud dripping from her body?

Dolores, who must have been watching from afar, is moved to tears when she sees the nymphet herself dropping the ball into the sewer.

"...Vikir. What an unknown."

Dolores thought this as she watched Vikir's back shrink in the distance.

He wanted to know more about his junior.

* * *

The day was drawing to a close.

Vikir left the Great Hall and headed for his dormitory.

The four-person dormitory was shared by Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Vikir.

The childcare worker on duty in front of the dormitory waved to the students.

"Okay, volunteers, please come in."

"If you arrive late, all the doors of the building will be closed, and you won't be able to open them."

"You can't go out. The dorms are closed after 10 a.m."

The Indulgentia orphanage has an unusually strict curfew.

All the doors and windows of the buildings are locked at night, and vehicular traffic is strictly prohibited.

The boarders are constantly roaming the corridors, listening to the complaints of the volunteers, but Vikir realized that it was surveillance, not protection.

"...especially in the dorms where the children live."

Even Vikir had never visited the children's rooms at night.

Guards roamed the outside of the building, while four Shadows of Guilty stood guard inside.

Geront, Hebe, Fed, and Ephebo.

I had never seen them, but I could smell their presence from the faint odor they gave off.

As long as these four troublesome obstacles stand in his way, he cannot move forward.

Then Vikir stopped and waited for the scent to fade further.

And this night, a dark cloud swallowed the moon. It was hunting time.

Vikir went to the public shower room, got out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around himself.

Dinner will be served in a few minutes, and then it's time for bed.

He wipes his body and goes to bed casually.

"Hey, Vikir!"

As planned, Tudor carries Vikir on his shoulders.

When Vikir turned his head, Tudor smiled evilly and whispered,

"Hey, hey. Look at those abs. Who did you trick into killing?"

Tudor laughed and rubbed Vikir's stomach.

Then he narrowed his eyes and persuaded Vikir in a quiet voice.

``That's right. Will you take your beautiful body to bed with me tonight?''

``Then what and where are you going?''

``Come on, Vikir. When you die, your body rots and turns into dust. You have to use this young, supple body a little more efficiently, right?

Tudor laughs as he looks at Vikir's charity.

Sancho, who was standing next to him, looked down at Tudor with pitiful eyes.

"You're talking at length about sneaking into girls' dorms in the middle of the night. Is this coming from a guy who claims he wants to be a hero?"

"There's a saying that says a hero has a true identity. ``Heroes naturally like colors.''

Piggy, who was next to him, asked shyly at Tudor's words.

"Aren't you a heroic liar?"

"Hahaha! Anyway, finding a woman who will give him everything is chivalrous romance, and who can blame me?

Tudor's eyes lit up, and he began to persuade Sancho and Piggy.

"Isn't it delightful to imagine," he said, "to cross the pitch-black night and the mighty boundary, climb up the east wing of the castle wall, and meet her? If only there were no dragons in the way, it would be chivalrous literature! As you know, even the dormitories at our academy are strictly separated for men and women, and if it weren't for this opportunity, I wouldn't be able to spend a night in the same room with a woman for four years."

"Uh, what are you going to do with them?"

"Yes, Piggy! That's a good question! What do we do? Just drink and hang out! We play drinking games and talk about more serious things, huh?"

"Hmmm. Drinking games? You mean, like, drinking until one of us collapses and dies?"

"That's a very Sancho opinion; why would you play that kind of game with girls—not that stupid northern drinking game, but a random game or a truth game or something?"

Sancho, a native of the North, was intrigued by Tudor's comments, as his only experience with nightly drinking was with a group of sweaty men.

Piggy, too, had never really talked to a girl her own age before and looked at Tudor with half concern and half anticipation.

"Hmmm. I'm all for it, but the question is whether the girls like me or whether they think I'm a muscle pig blinded by desire.

"Hello, Sancho. Girls think the same as boys, and I've already kissed a woman in the daytime. We're in the right place at the right time, and she walks out the back door." He agreed to sneak out and greet us. ''

``Hey, can I come too? I hope I don't cause too much trouble...''

``Haha! If there are a lot of people, The more, the better, so if you get caught, you can share the punishment and be confident! She's chubby and cute, so she's secretly sought after! 

It's great for conversation. 

After Tudor managed to get Sancho and Piggy on board, he turned his head nervously.

Vikir stood expressionless.

Tudor looked at him and opened his mouth.

``Hmm. Vikir. ``We'll keep the damage to a minimum, but... it's a four-person room, so I think we should enjoy our last night as a memory...''

``Let's go.''

`` Oh, don't be so pathetic. What?''

Tudor rolled his eyes.

And Sancho and Piggy too.

Vikir clarified again.

"Let's go. I like girls."


That was the most inappropriate look and line in the world.

Tudor stammered and opened his mouth.

"You know you're not going to duel with girls, right? It's a social thing, right?"

"I know."

Vikir nodded, and Sancho and Piggy rolled their eyes.

"Vikir. You're not sick, are you? If you can, please tell me. My ointment, made from medicinal herbs that grow wild in the north, can heal even the spirit."

"Vi, Vikir. What am I missing?" You've never been interested in women...

Of course, as his friends feared, Vikir had never been interested in women.

But Vikir had other things in mind.

"Tonight is the perfect time to slay demons."

It was a moonless night, and the night world was the perfect hunting ground for nighthounds.

Vikir sneaks out of the dormitory under the guise of a group of men and women and looks for a gap in the tight security.

If he gets caught early in the assassination attempt, he can use the other boys as an excuse.

Boys of the same age do this, girls of the same age do that, and adults who see the innocent love of young people often smile tolerantly.

Since the Tudors are from aristocratic backgrounds and Sancho and Piggy are young academy students, their identities are all but guaranteed.

Even if Vikir were found wandering the hallways, he could probably get away with the excuse that he got lost looking for the girls' room.

Meanwhile, Tudor excitedly explained his plans for the day.

``Okay, Vikir is on board, so all the boys go to our room. When they hear the clock tower bell ringing in the middle of the night, they pretend to go to the bathroom and go out into the hallway—the ceiling. They followed the exhaust vent, climbed the water pipe, went to the site where the latch of the toilet window on the first floor of the girls' dormitory was broken, and went to the emergency exit, where the girls wrote down the room number of today's meeting place on a piece of paper.

That was a very specific and detailed plan for meeting the children.

Vikir's unusually serious expression matched the innocence of the plan.

The more boys and girls involved in the plan, the more room there is for distraction.

"...this way. The security guard on duty will be changing tonight, so there will be a gap. We gather in front of the emergency exit and leave when the midnight bell rings."

Fluffy, one-day-old puppies squeal with excitement as they experience their first deviation.


Between these little hairballs, experienced hunting dogs hid their sharp teeth.



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