Chapter 171: Venomous Inheritance

Vikir closed his eyes.


He remembered his former enemy, with whom he once risked his life.


"Eight Legs">


Danger: S




Found: Red and Black Mountains, 10 Ridge


Nickname: Madame of the Depths. The official species name is unknown.


Long ago, the most frightening creature that lived in the depths of Oilmast Hell was a giant spider. Madame Achtbein is believed to be a distant descendant of a giant spider that lived in the distant past.


The insides of her body are filled with vile poison, and her nest, stronger than steel, can only be severed by the hellfire of this world.


She is a dangerous and very powerful animal, and on several occasions she almost killed Vikir himself in battle.


This giant spider queen had little connection even to the ancient demons that ruled Hell, so they reserved a separate habitat for them in a corner of the abyss.


...and now, before Vikir stands as the last descendant of this terrifying spider...




Vikir's hand rubs his cheek with a round ball of dust. Masu.


It sits and walks on two legs that stick out like rough doodles from its shaggy fur.


"Madam's... Turnip?"


Madam's Turnip, or Baby Madam.


A small, insignificant creature was nuzzling the back of Vikir's hand, smearing it with white saliva.


He acted like a puppy.


"Is it because the wolves carried them when they were eggs?"


This is why prenatal care is said to be important.


I now understand a little more about why pregnant women are taking foreign language lessons and classical music while they are in the womb.


Well then.




Vikir noticed something strange.


A white, sticky mucus began to form where the cub had just licked.


As soon as it came into contact with air, it solidified into a thin thread.


"…Spider thread? It's unbelievably heavy.''


Vikir held out the thread, and the bear cub spit it out of its mouth.


Ordinary spider silk has much higher tensile strength and better elasticity than the same amount of steel.


What's more, this little Madame is a descendant of the eight-legged Madame, and the thread she spewed out was the strongest wire ever.




After Vikir pulled the thread with a considerable amount of aura, the thread barely broke.


The thread is slightly pulled out.


"Its elasticity and strength are many times higher than steel, and it is also sticky."


Unlike regular spider silk, which melts when exposed to fire, it is extremely flammable.


``I know. If it weren't for Cerberus' hellfire, I wouldn't have been able to break through this nest.''


thought as she remembered her battle with Madam Eightlegs.


[Kuin, kukin, hegeg!]


Meanwhile, the cub continues to snuggle into the back of Vikiel's hand.


Maybe it's because she doesn't have a mother, but she seems to be craving love from someone she's never seen before.


Vikil suddenly felt sorry for the little one.


"Your mother was a horrible creature."


Given the insatiable appetite for the eggs she laid, he realized that the baby would be much better off separated from her mother.


Anything is fine.


Based on first impressions, young animals follow Vikir when they first wake up from their eggs.


Well then.




The child lay on the back of Vikir's hand with a disapproving look on his face.


"Are you hungry?"


[Heg, heg, heg]


Black smoke is smoldering.


It looks like choux pastry that was accidentally burned by a baker.


"What should I give her anyway?"


Should I give her an insect? Or meat?


Vikir took out biscuits, salted ham, and a spinach cake that had gone cold from the drawer.


They were all bought by Piggy for a midnight snack and shared with Vikir.






The child didn't like cookies and ham very much.


I was just polite and polite.

As soon as I put the spinach pie in my mouth, I was immediately gagged and spat out.


``...You're very picky.''


Vikir placed his puppy on the back of his left hand.




It sat on the back of Vikir's hand like a clock.


Two legs wrapped around his wrist, holding him there like a fleeting watch.


"Good. Let's look for prey.''


Vikir immediately set out to visit the dormitory.


But there weren't many places to go.


First of all, the library. Good place to get information.


Vikir left the dormitory and walked across the field to the library.


Entering the lobby through the library's large park-like front door, he was immediately drawn to the Colosseum Academy's vast stacks of books.


The long, high bookshelves were filled with all kinds of books.


Vikir went to the ``Nature, Creatures, and Monsters'' section and started looking for books.


``Spider...spider...a g...'' Vikir examined each shelf one by one.


"Ah! Vikir!


He saw two round eyes peering out from between the bookshelves opposite him.


Wondering what it was, he turned his head and saw a white-haired girl smiling brightly at him.




She strode ahead of her and walked around the corner of her bookshelf towards Vikir.


It looks like an innocent puppy, and if it had a tail, it would be wagging furiously by now.


``I've never seen you come to the library.''


``Hmm. I come here often. This is the first time we've met.''


``Did you come here to study or to borrow books?''


Sinclair wore a badge on her chest, identifying her as a librarian.


Vikir was satisfied.


``Do you happen to have a book about spiders?''


``Oh, you want to know how to kill spiders?'' This is what comes up when you search for pest control! What, is there a spider in the room?


Hmm. There are spiders, but...


At that moment, Vikir felt his left wrist twitch.




The boy's eyebrows were drawn in a rough doodle, giving him an angry look.


He even made threatening noises.


Vikir corrected her question with a flick of her wrist.


``I'm trying to find a way to breed spiders, not a way to get rid of them.''


``Oh, spider farming? There's a book on this subject. Would you like to get one? Do you like spiders?''


``I don't really like them...''


Vikir was about to answer casually, but he paused and looked down at his left wrist.


There he saw the burnt bread, looking at him with pleading eyes.


``...But I think you'll get better soon.''


``Really?'' You like spiders, brother... That's interesting.''


Sinclair looks at Vikiel with a strange expression.


Her questions continued until she found a book about raising spiders.


"Why do you like spiders?" Because they have hair? Because it has legs? Is it because you have eyes? What about centipedes and millipedes, grimaces and scorpions? What about beetles? Do you like different types of insects? No, spiders are not insects."


What an inquisitive girl, Viquir thought.


"I don't think she's always been this talkative."


This was a bit of a surprise, as she was usually a quiet and studious person.


Immediately, Viquir borrowed the book and went to a quiet place.


"...That's right. How Spiders Reproduce.


Viquir slowly turned the page.


"Temperature and humidity control are important... Sensitive to mold... Light is not required... Be careful when shedding... Shedding time varies from person to person. Toilet training is required. Patience and repetition... They are easily influenced by their surroundings, so take care of them from the time they spawn. It is good manners for large spiders to walk around with a muzzle on."


It's all very common sense and general knowledge.


"Hmm. If it says to give small insects and pieces of meat as baby food, why doesn't this child eat?"


Vikir looked at the child on his left wrist and scratched his head. .




Even now, the child was sitting hunched over in a sullen posture.


Well then.


Vikir flipped through his last book and saw something.


Some of the ``special'' spiders that appear in myths were given ``poison'' when they were young.


"...Eating poison?"


Vikir turned around.


For young spiders with large amounts of blood, the outcome depends on the venom they have ingested during their lifetime.


Only by ingesting a large amount and variety of powerful poisons can they develop into full-fledged adults.


On the other hand, if you ingest only weak poisons or limited types of poisons on a daily basis, there seems to be a limit to how large you can grow, no matter how much you ingest.


"Maybe he's eating poison."


Vikir sprung into action.


He bites his little finger and draws blood; black drops ooze out.


It was Madam Eightlegs' blood mixed with a powerful poison.






With a drop of blood in her mouth, the small woman trembled and fell to the side again.


"You bastard. What's going on this time?"


Vikir flipped through the book again.

However, young animals that have just hatched from eggs should first be given the weakest poison.


As the spider grows older and absorbs more powerful and diverse venoms, he develops a venom that combines the strengths of many venoms into one and soon becomes dominant in the local ecosystem. You will be able to stand up.


"Yes, my mother's poison is strong."


Madam Eightlegs' poison was certainly something I had never seen before.


It was a strong acid that contained all the worst properties of neurotoxins, hemorrhagic toxins, skin toxins, muscle toxins, gastrointestinal toxins, malodorous toxins, pain toxins, respiratory toxins, and protoplasmic toxins.


The poison was certainly too much for this young animal to digest.


``Okay, I'll give you a mild poison, but until then, please eat insects.''


When Vikir catches a butterfly in the air, the young animal puts it in its mouth and makes a chirping sound.


I got it from the master, but it's clearly tasteless.


Just then.


"Vikil! Are you here!?"


Piggy's voice came from far away.


Vikir looked up and saw Piggy running towards him.


Piggy had a newspaper in his hand.


``Vikil, this is tough!''


``How did you know I was here?'' You're always in the dorms, classrooms, club rooms, libraries, cafeterias, and gymnasiums, but that doesn't matter. Did you see that?!''


Piggy cleared his throat and shoved the newspaper article in front of Vikir. .


"Now you're a star!"



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