chapter 5: join force

Of course in will kill him my self .

Okey then

So are you going back to his house?

No I ans coldly .

Should I start ake you to Jackson then .

Well that will be better if he allowe me to stay

And if not ?

Then I got no other choice then to go to the hotel simple as that .I ans after that the car was silent.


They got to Jackson house the security man allowed to hem to enter .the house was painted in the colour of Gary and black, Ray park the car and get off they walk into the building.get into the elevator to the second floor .they arrive at the second floor with easi they met some Jackson guy ,the guys greetthem by bowing they head some are onedring what Anna was doing there instead of being in her house at this late hour .

Ray show her ,her room but she decided to met Jackson first and work on the plan of talking her boss down.

Ray I have to met Jackson tonight.i said

Okey follow me then .

We through the hall way and finally reach is door room .

go in av announced you arriver to him earlier

Okey I said .

Anna walk in with cosion the room was silent the bathroom door open and Jackson walk out of it with a towel wrap around his wast.

Anna can't help but ster at him her eye travel from is chest to his abdomen and down is pelvis.avert her eye when she realizes what she is doing and look at his face to see him smirk damn it she was catch

Jackson was surprised to see anna in is room he expects her to be in the gust room as Ray called him earlier and tell him what happened.

As well is with a a mask on her face as usual he kept onedring does she ever take it off .

How does she look without the mask on he thought.

then he catch her Sterling at him and smirk

are you done sterling he said with a smirk .

Ah she feels like the ground to open and selow her up from the embarassment ,am not sterling she foreign ignorance and look at his face.

Are you sure you are not sterling Jackson ask moving close to her ,he does not know why but he feel like teasing her a little.

Yes am not so move back,shoo she cross her hand on her chest,for some reason she felt wick in the knees but tried to hold on,so not to appear wick in fornt of him ,she will not give him the satfation of being mock by him .

The way he look at her penitreate her soul she feels like he can fish her soul out without any stress.

So Anna how can I help you ,he ask

Well let say by helping me kill the fucker named John that all .

Okey that easy to say but defficut to be done

I know but that bastard betrey me he is a back starba so can you help or not .

I will help you with your requests all you have to do is give us is details and it will be done

I don't want you to kiil him I...

She was cut off by him

You don't want us to kill him then why are you here he ask

You don't let me finish me world en ,I will kill him my self with out a problem all I need is your men that all .

Okey ,I agree with it so .