
And when you are at the age four ,your father got a contract I have spent my whole time chasing with ease ,I got anger and an idea stroke to me I thought if I killed him i will be able to get the contract and it worked, the day you and your family are going to the beach I termper with your car that why your family as an accident on the day .

Then why do you save me ?

I did not save you, I use you I train you for the propose of killing and for massage and all you know what I like about you ,you always do a claen job without trace of your doing .

I did nothing watch this man I felt anger an uncontrolled anger towards him ,am thirty a thirt that no amount of water can quiche,I feel rage towards this man in front of me , they is a fire on me and that fire can be quiche by his blood .

He started laughing ilke a lunatic ahhhhhhhhhahh and I laugh along with him suddenly his lauch due down and I continue ahh..ah .aaahhhhh slowly I stop bought out my gun and shoot him in the leg .

Ahh !! he scream in pain , that was for my father and mother this is for Mary and Joseph and I shoot him in the two hands ahh!! blood rushing out of his hand and leg and this is for me I drop my gun in my pants and bought out a dagger I walk colder to him and cut open is chest I delvie my hand into in and his scream for the intaka of it I make sure my hand was deep inside him and doge is heart out ,

Is heart was still beating in my hand I throw it away and clean my hand and that is for me I said and walk colser to him .


Jackson was amazed with this girl action he thought she was going to cry or something but this girl left him in shock when she shot him and deg is heart out they was a smirk of administration on is face she clean her hand and walk to him .

You got him good you know

Not actually I was thinking of a way to make him suffer but I couldn't think of any at that moment so I give him the sweet dreams every don't you think.

O yes baby you are the best

I know you don't need to say it

Jackson just smirk at her , let go or do you want to stay with him a more .

She look back and face me saying,na let go

We hope in to the elevator got back down the hotel and walk of the place boys we move . A. S. A. P we hop into the car

Vroom, vroom, vroom the sound of the car was heard (light off )


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