Chapter 6 A New World

On January, 2001

Ten Towers appear appeared at ten different places,Humans tried to study these magnificent,vast structures but they couldn't reach them as if they are blocked by a invisible barrier.

After a month, Message came for the tower, informing humans to prepared their forces to challenge each floors of the towers that are hundred in total, giving them a whole year to prepare.

Many tried.Thousands of people lost their life as their firearms are useless against the things that exists inside the tower, only physical attack works on them that needs tremendous strength. At the same time, Gates appears to different places which were do nothing after their appearance. But the main problem was Dungeons just after some time of their appear, the terrific being comes out and starts to hunt humans bring pure chaos upon the whole world. But within that chaos, some young adult who reach 20, woken up unimaginable power. With that power, it became easier for them to hunt these monster and are called Hunters.

But After the given time that's a year given my the towers ends and hundreds of monsters comes out from it which were too much for these young Hunters.

Then out of nowhere a group of hundreds of Hunters that had every age of people not only young ones, led by the 7 elderly men and women started to clearing out these horrible monsters.

After four years, Peace finally comes to humans life and the system of the world get broken and United into a single nation that was divided into ten parts, each part containing each towers and responsible for every gates, dungeons and towers in their area and the 7 elderly Hunters were called the ultimate Hunters and declared them as SSS-Rank Hunters,they were given tittle of 'Saints', also runs the "Hunters Association" that responsible for every action taken regarding the Hunters and towers.They also change the currency to bronze,silver and gold as the only currency.

Now the instead of hundreds countries, the world is divided into ten equally powerful region that are fighting with their achievements in Hunters activities.

Like who collects most crystal stones that found in only gates monsters,monsters items that can be crafted into a weapons and of course who is ahead at the tower clearing chart.

Inside each region,there are Guilds who can manages the Hunters,Some region have single Guild while others are fighting

The ten parts of the Nation are called by the number as "1st tower region, 2nd tower region" and so on.

Every year, when subjugation squad was created to clear a level of tower, have to accompany by one of the SSS-Rank Hunters. Sometimes,a region clears two levels in a single year.

Each region have a Hunter academy that trains and nurture young Hunters to bring their full potential and they often compete with other region's academy.

Each region have a unique symbol like 7th tower region have bird name in their Guild or Academy, Hawk Guild, Vermillion Guild , Pheonix Academy etc.

Rank of Hunters is measured by the crystal stones. These stones contains mana at different amount and are hence ranked as:

S, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Crystal stones react to same or lower level of mana.

The Scientist gave their theory, that it is because of the diffusion effect, where Mana moves from higher concentration to lower concentration, which makes crystal stones to glow up. So, when Hunters contact with the crystal stones which have higher Mana than the Hunter it glows due to the movement of Mana from crystal stone to Hunter. But it can't increase the Mana of the Hunters because it damaged the Hunters body.

Then the lowest level of stone react to Hunters Mana or Aura will be the Rank of that Hunter.

This was determined by the Hunter Association and called Hunter Ranking system.

Therefore, the Hunters are of 10 ranks.

First is SSS-Rank,This rank is given to those who has excellent achievement in their name, with their parelel strength.

There are only 8 Hunters with this Rank .

- Sung woojin, A Swordmaster who uses water techniques, one of the saint, called "Sea-dragon Sword Saint".

- Xiang hualian, A Swordmaster who uses Air techniques, one of the saints ,called "Thunder-dragon Sword Saint".

- Jacques Murray, A Swordmaster who uses earth technique,one of the saints called "Iron-dragon Sword Saint".

- Alexander Blaze, A Swordmaster who uses fire techniques,one of the saints,called "Inferno-dragon Sword Saint".

- Aurelia, 9th circle Archmage,one of the saints, called "Magic Saint".

- Estelle,high priestess, one of the saints, called,"Holy Saint".

- Ophelia Hawkins,the necromancer,one of the saints,called"Death Saint".

- Maeve, unknown ability, also called "Athena-the War Goddess".

All seven are elderly Hunters who saved the world and got the SSS-Rank but An anomaly awakened 8 years ago,Maeve,who made the record of clearing the three floor of the tower in a single year. On her third one,other Hunters say that she basically did it single-handedly, that's when she got the SSS-Rank and also earn her title of "Athena-the War Goddess".

Second Rank is SS-Rank, When the S-Rank crystal stones didn't react to Hunters' Mana or Aura, means that they have more mana than the S-Rank stones, these Hunters became SS-Rank Hunters.

There are more than fifty SS-Rank Hunters, also they determine the strength of the regions.

Third Rank is S-Rank, There is more than hundred Hunters are that are ranked S.

Forth Rank is A-Rank, Thousands of Hunters are ranked A-Rank Hunters.

Fifth Rank is B-rank.

Sixth Rank is C-rank.

Seventh is D-Rank.

Eighth Rank is E-Rank,They are several times stronger than normal human beings.

Nineth Rank is F-Rank, Double the strength of normal human beings.

Tenth Rank is Normal Rank. Nowadays, Rank is more important than their Date of Birth, so, have their Rank mentioned in the ID card. So, Hunter Association create this Rank for Normal humans.

The Hunters Academy gives free education or training to the awakened one. But there is a exam which determine the instructors going to get.Hunter exam happened every two months and hundreds of awakened appear.

Exam are conducted in two aspects that are written and practical.

Those with the higher potential assigned to a A-Rank hunters, as the potential decreases so does the Rank.

Higher ranks don't participate in academies.


I wrote this chapter for me actually because I keep forgetting how much I mentioned. But it will also gives you guys the clear idea about the story.

So that's that.

Ohh and now I will upload a side story of five chapters of one of the important character and the character I liked most. I hope you guys like it.

Thank you and please leave your reviews so that I can improve it in near future.