Rarity System and Deities

Designing the Rarity Grading System

The proposed rarity grading system is designed to be intuitive and visually distinct, making use of a color-coded scheme that spans six levels. This system helps players instantly recognize the potential impact and value of items or classes within the game, encouraging strategic planning and trading.

1. White - Common

Description: Items and beginner professions/classes at this level are the foundation of any player's journey. They are readily available and provide the basic necessities for all newcomers to the game. The accessibility of common items ensures that new players can adequately equip themselves without needing extensive game knowledge or resources.


Items: Standard clothing, wooden swords, basic healing potions.

Professions/Classes: Farmer, responsible for growing crops and basic resource management; Common Soldier, equipped with fundamental combat skills necessary for initial quests.

2. Green - Uncommon

Description: This tier offers a step up from the common level, introducing a broader range of capabilities and slightly more complex game mechanics. Uncommon items and professions/classes are generally accessible, though they require some effort and knowledge to obtain, such as completing specific quests or achieving certain milestones.


Items: Reinforced boots, iron swords, enhanced shields.

Professions/Classes: Apprentice Mage, beginning to learn spells beyond the basic level; Junior Scout, skilled in reconnaissance and minor tactical maneuvers.

3. Blue - Rare

Description: Rare items and professions/classes offer significant advantages over the lower tiers and introduce elements that can change a player's gameplay substantially. These are usually rewarded after challenging quests or as drops from difficult bosses, making them prized possessions within the game community.


Items: Elemental swords, rare artifacts that grant users minor passive abilities.

Professions/Classes: Battle Mage, capable of wielding destructive spells; Elite Archer, known for pinpoint accuracy and lethal long-range attacks.

4. Purple - Epic

Description: Epic items and professions/classes are powerful and often play a role in major gameplay arcs. They are typically involved in the end-game content and are sought after by intermediate and advanced players looking to maximize their potential and efficiency in various aspects of the game.


Items: Dragon-scale armor, epic wands with enhanced magical properties.

Professions/Classes: Dragon Knight, capable of engaging in high-level combat and taming mythical beasts; Shadow Assassin, an elite class specializing in stealth and high damage output in critical strikes.

5. Orange - Legendary

Description: Legendary items and professions/classes are among the most powerful and prestigious in the game. They often have rich lore associated with them and can alter the course of battles or significantly impact other aspects of gameplay. These items and classes are typically integrated into the game's main storyline or are the focus of major expansions.


Items: Staff of Ages, capable of bending time; Armor of the Sun, offering near-complete invulnerability.

Professions/Classes: Grand Sorcerer, wielding ancient, almost forgotten magic; Legendary Hero, a class awarded to players who have completed monumental quests and achieved widespread fame in the game world.

6. Violet - Mythical

Description: At the pinnacle of rarity, mythical items and professions/classes possess unique, game-changing powers. These are exceptionally rare and are often the center of epic quests or major game events. Owning or achieving a mythical item or class is considered a hallmark of high achievement in the game.


Items: Orb of Destiny, granting the ability to foresee and alter future events; Blade of Infinite Realms, capable of cutting through dimensional barriers.

Professions/Classes: Celestial Wizard, mastering the cosmic energies; Guardian of Time, tasked with protecting the continuity and integrity of the game's universe.Implementation and Gameplay Impact

The implementation of this rarity grading system significantly impacts gameplay in several ways. It dictates player progression, ensuring that each step up the rarity ladder presents new challenges and rewards. This not only keeps the game exciting and rewarding but also encourages players to explore all aspects of the game world.

Balancing and Dynamic Adjustments

A well-balanced rarity system requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to ensure that it remains fair and effective. Game developers must consider how new items and classes introduced into the game affect existing dynamics, including the economy, player interactions, and overall game balance.

the Rarity Grading System for Summoning Beasts

The proposed grading system uses a series of colors that progress from common to mythical, each color representing a different level of rarity and power. This visual differentiation helps players immediately recognize the value and rarity of a summoning beast, adding an intuitive layer to gameplay.

1. White - Common

Description: Common beasts are the most frequently encountered and are easy to capture. They require basic skills and minimal resources, making them ideal for novice players.


*Fen Sprite: Small, agile, and capable of minor healing spells.

*Clay Golem: Sturdy but slow, good for basic defense tasks.

2. Green - Uncommon

Description: Uncommon beasts are slightly harder to find and require more skill to capture. They offer enhanced abilities and are more versatile in various gameplay scenarios.


*Wind Fox: Swift and elusive, can create gusts of wind to hinder opponents.

Stone Dwarf: Stronger than the Clay Golem, with the ability to manipulate earth elements.

3. Blue - Rare

Description: Rare beasts begin to introduce strategic diversity and offer significant advantages in battles or quests. They are challenging to capture and tame but are rewarding for dedicated players.


*Thunderbird: Capable of powerful electric attacks and fast flight.

*Aqua Serpent: Controls water, useful in naval battles and for water-based magic.

4. Purple - Epic

Description: Epic beasts are highly sought after for their powerful abilities and rarity. They often play key roles in major quests and are capable of turning the tide in group battles.


*Flame Dragon: Offers devastating fire attacks and flight capabilities.

*Ice Titan: Immense strength and control over ice, capable of freezing enemies and terrain.

5. Orange - Legendary

Description: Legendary beasts are among the most powerful in the game, with abilities that can significantly impact large-scale battles or complex challenges. They are incredibly rare and often the focus of epic quests or events.


*Storm Phoenix: Resurrects periodically, commands storms and lightning.

*Earth Guardian: Near-impregnable defense and the ability to cause earthquakes.

6. Violet - Mythical

Description: Mythical beasts are the pinnacle of summoning achievements, often tied deeply into the game's lore. They possess unique, game-altering powers and are exceedingly rare, usually tied to significant achievements or monumental quests.


*Celestial Kirin: Grants immense luck and protection, can manipulate cosmic energies.

*Void Leviathan: Commands dark energies and can warp space and time, used in the most dangerous and rewarding expeditions.Implementation and Gameplay Impact

The rarity grading system impacts various aspects of gameplay, including:

*Capture and Training: Higher rarity beasts require more sophisticated strategies and resources to capture and train.

*Strategic Depth: Players must think strategically about which beasts to deploy in different scenarios, adding depth and variety to gameplay.

*Social and Economic Aspects: Rarer beasts can be traded among players, fostering a dynamic economy and social interactions.

Balancing and Adjustments

Maintaining balance within the game is crucial, especially as new beasts are introduced or as gameplay dynamics evolve. Continuous adjustments and monitoring are necessary to ensure that all players have fair access to these resources while keeping the game challenging and engaging.

The Gods

1. Asphodel - Goddess of Spring, Eternal Rest, and The Spirit

Asphodel reigns over the juxtaposition of life and death, symbolizing both the rebirth of spring and the eternal rest of the underworld. She is often depicted as a serene figure, draped in robes of vibrant green and muted black, holding a scepter topped with a budding flower on one end and a skull on the other.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Players can partake in seasonal festivals dedicated to her that involve both celebration of life and remembrance of the dead. Quests from Asphodel often require players to balance life-giving tasks with those that involve the ferrying of souls or delving into underworld dungeons. Asphodel's followers can gain unique abilities related to growth (healing and buffs) and necromancy (summoning and curses).

2. Trident - God of Waters, Storms, and Artificers

Trident, the mighty god of waters, commands the seas and the storms above them. He is also the patron of artificers, guiding those who craft and engineer. Depicted as a robust figure wielding a trident, his temples are often found on islands and coastal areas.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Players can engage in sea exploration or battle sea monsters, invoking Trident for blessings or calm seas. Trident influences crafting in the game, particularly in shipbuilding and creating devices that harness the power of water and weather. His followers can manipulate water, weather, and mechanical devices, making them excellent at naval combat and engineering.

3. Seraph - Goddess of Flames, Metals, and Brewing

Seraph embodies the fierce beauty of flames, the resilience of metals, and the art of brewing. This goddess is depicted with fiery red hair, carrying a hammer and a chalice, symbolizing her dual role as both smith and brewmaster.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Quests related to Seraph often involve forging weapons or armor, as well as concocting brews and potions. Her temples are found near volcanoes and forges, where players can learn advanced blacksmithing and alchemy. Followers gain abilities related to fire manipulation, metalwork, and creating potent brews, useful in various aspects of gameplay from combat to healing.

4. Nocte - Goddess of the Night, Thievery, and Winds

Nocte, the enigmatic goddess of the night and the moon, is also the patron of thieves. She is represented as a lithe figure cloaked in deep blues and silvers, her eyes shining like moonlight.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Nighttime in Morphantasia brings increased activity for followers of Nocte, with enhanced stealth and thieving skills. Quests from Nocte often involve espionage, stealing, or uncovering secrets. Temples dedicated to Nocte are hidden and require puzzles or stealth to enter, mirroring her mysterious and elusive nature.

5. Eden - Goddess of Poison, Lies, and Sin

Eden is the seductive and manipulative goddess of sin, poison, and lies. She is depicted as a beautiful but dangerous figure, her eyes swirling with a hypnotic allure.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Eden's followers are adept at manipulation, able to concoct deadly poisons and weave convincing lies. Quests involving Eden often require players to undertake morally ambiguous tasks, challenging their ethics and offering unique rewards.

Her shrines are hidden in the game's darkest corners, and her blessings often come with high risks and powerful rewards.

6. Mar - God of Blood, Chaos, and Destruction

Mar is the fearsome god of battle, violence, and blood. Portrayed as a giant warrior covered in scars and wielding a blood-stained sword, Mar's presence is invoked in every conflict and war within Morphantasia.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Mar's followers gain bonuses in combat, excelling in warfare and physical confrontations.

His quests typically involve battles or tests of strength and courage.

Festivals in his honor feature tournaments and martial competitions, where players can gain fame and glory.

7. Lumina - God of Light, Virtue, and Truth

Lumina represents the pure and illuminating aspects of light, virtue, and truth. She is visualized as a radiant figure, her visage bright and commanding, with a staff that glows with an inner light.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Lumina's followers are bastions of hope and righteousness, embarking on quests to dispel darkness and corruption. They gain abilities that purify, heal, and protect, making them crucial in battles against darkness. Temples to Lumina are places of sanctuary, offering respite and safety to all who seek refuge from the world's evils.

8. Umbriel - God of Darkness, Mysteries, and The Void

Umbriel, the counterpart to Lumina, governs over darkness, mysteries, and shadows. Often depicted as a figure shrouded in darkness, with only his piercing eyes visible, Umbriel is both feared and revered for his power over the unknown.

Influence in Morphantasia:

Followers of Umbriel excel in stealth, espionage, and harnessing the power of shadows. His quests often involve uncovering ancient secrets or navigating through dark, perilous dungeons. Umbriel's temples are as enigmatic as the god himself, located in places that are accessible only through solving complex mysteries or embracing the dark arts.