Nizara’s Awakening!

After the mysterious encounter with the King, Nizara walked alongside the robed man. "By the way, I didn't catch your name yet," Nizara asked.

The man glanced back and replied, "Amadeus. That's my name."

Nizara nodded. "I see. So, where are we headed now?"

Amadeus responded, "I'll show you around and then lead you and the others to your dorms."

As they walked down the aisle, a woman in a police hat blocked their path. "Oi, Amadeus, who's this brat?" she demanded.

Amadeus sighed. "None of your business, Isolde. Let's go, Nizara, ignore her."

But Isolde grabbed Nizara's arm. "Nizara, is it? I'm Isolde, head of the Police Force."

Nizara brushed past her without a glance. Angered, Isolde used magic to freeze him in his tracks. Nizara smirked. "So this is magic," he said, intrigued.

Amadeus quickly dispelled the magic. "Isolde, what do you want?"

Isolde chuckled. "Nothing, just testing this boy out."

Nizara stepped up to her, his face inches from hers. "Are you the police of this place?"

Isolde smiled proudly, patting Nizara's head. "Yes, I am. You're a good boy, aren't you?"

Nizara slapped her hand away. "I see, so you're weak."

Amadeus burst into laughter. "Good one, Nizara. You're right on track. The Police Force is the weakest of the three Forces in this Kingdom."

Nizara nodded. "Let's continue. Show me around this place."

Isolde, now furious, prepared to unleash a high-level magic attack, but a man with an eye patch intervened. Amadeus turned to see Viktor, leader of the Military Force.

"Amadeus, what did you do to make Isolde this mad?" Viktor asked.

Amadeus, sweating slightly, replied, "I didn't do anything. This boy here mocked her a bit, that's all."

Viktor shifted his gaze to Nizara, who remained calm. "Who's this kid?"

"This boy was transported here and had a Second Awakening," Amadeus explained.

Viktor and Isolde were both shocked. "Does the king know about this?" Viktor asked.

"Yes, we just came back from visiting him," Amadeus replied.

Viktor turned to Nizara. "What's your name, kid?"

"Nizara," he replied.

Viktor then made a request. "Would you be willing to join the Military Force Academy?"

Before Nizara could respond, Isolde interjected. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Viktor. Nizara, I request you to join the Police Force Academy."

Nizara sighed. "Let me think about it first. I'll respond to your requests later."

Nizara walked off, heading towards his classmates. Emiko, looking worried, approached him. "Kaito, what happened?"

Nizara's eyes darkened as he replied in a deep, chilling tone, "Kaito? I'm no longer Kaito. From now on, call me Nizara."

Emiko recoiled, genuinely scared by his sudden change. The rest of the class also watched in shock, unnerved by the drastic shift in Kaito's personality.

*To Be Continued…*