In Search for Her

Selene breathed in deeply, trying to get rid of the tension she felt. She smiled at the person next to her as she prepared to go to the operating room.

"Are you ready Elena?" Dr. Ashley asked, smiling at her.

"I think I am, but I feel so nervous," Selene answered, smiling sweetly at her.

The moment wouldn't have been possible if Dr. Ashley hadn't helped her out and arranged everything.

~ ~ ~ ~ Hours later ~ ~ ~ ~

"Everything went well Sir, there's nothing to worry about, she'll be awake any time soon." Selene heard a distant voice say as she tried to recollect her thoughts on where she was.

Her mind became clouded by the dark energy which weighed her down, rendering her unconscious.

When she came to, Selene opened her eyes slowly feeling her numb body get heavier as she tried to sit up.