Training Session + New Power, and Mission

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the arena as Beerus floated at one end of the training arena, his muscles tense with anticipation. He awaited the arrival of his father, Thragg, the Grand Regent of the Viltrumites, for their annual training session—a tradition that tested Beerus's mettle and resilience year after year.

In the distance, a figure appeared in the sky, and Beerus's gaze shot upward to behold his towering father descending from the heavens. A small smile graced Thragg's stoic features as Beerus cracked his knuckles and neck, mentally preparing himself for the impending battle. Without a word spoken between them, father and son charged forward, their fists meeting in a clash that echoed through the arena, drawing the attention of nearby Viltrumites who paused in their tasks to witness the titanic showdown. One of them, with an imposing figure and a large scar over his right eye, watched the battle with boiling blood.

Beerus exerted every ounce of his strength, conjuring up a storm of rapid-fire punches and kicks, but Thragg remained unfazed. Despite the tremendous force of each strike, Beerus could feel his bones creaking under the weight of Thragg's indestructible muscles. The more Beerus fought, the more his resolve strengthened, but it was no match for the sheer power of Thragg. The air crackled with tension as the two titans squared off, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Beerus knew the odds were against him, but he refused to back down. With a primal roar, he lunged forward, fists flying like lightning.

As the battle raged on, his focus began to waver. The adrenaline coursing through his veins clouded his judgment, causing him to make small, costly mistakes. Thragg capitalized on each error, exploiting openings in Beerus's defense with ruthless precision.

However, the young Viltrumite fought back with every ounce of strength he possessed trying to counter his father's unwavering onslaught, his muscles straining against the onslaught, and his anger growing he began to make small mistakes. But with each passing moment, Thragg's dominance became more apparent. His blows were like mountains crashing, each strike sending shockwaves of pain through Beerus's body.

As the battle raged on for an hour, Beerus's movements grew sluggish, his breath coming in ragged gasps he eventually overreached a punch and his father immediately countered. With a final, devastating blow, Thragg sent him crashing to the ground, defeated and bloodied.

Beerus was left gasping for breath, his chest heaving up and down, and spit out some blood. Despite his exhaustion, he refused to give up. He wanted to speak, but before he could, Thragg, his father and mentor, interrupted him with a scolding tone.

Thragg's voice was stern and unyielding as he addressed his son. "Your rash and impulsive behavior has come at a great cost. Your emotions have clouded your judgment, and it was evident in your performance. You must learn to master your emotions or they will become the masters of you. Making excuses will not change the outcome of your actions."

Beerus felt angry, but he knew that Thragg was right. He had let his anger take over during the battle, and he lost sight of his strategy. He struggled to speak but managed to acknowledge his mistake. "Yes, Father, I was too hasty, and it blinded my actions." He accepted full responsibility for his actions. So frustrated by his own actions, his eyes unconsciously glowed red. Thragg, noticing the subtle heat and the glowing eyes, fixed his eyes on his son and narrowed his eyes but said nothing. 

Thragg, with his eyes still on his progeny, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, you rushed in without thinking and left yourself vulnerable to my counterattacks. You must learn to control your emotions and channel them into your fighting technique, instead of letting them control you. I remember when I agreed when I was your age, rushing in with no strategy. Remember boy, without knowledge, skill cannot be focused. Without skill, strength cannot be brought to bear, and without strength, knowledge may not be applied."

Beerus clenched his teeth, feeling the weight of his failure. He promised to himself that he wouldn't repeat his mistake. He vowed to approach the next battle with a clear mind and a focused strategy.

Thragg, kneeling and placing his hand on his son's shoulder, gave him a stern yet proud look. "Excellent. As a warrior, you must learn from your mistakes and adapt to become stronger. Use this defeat as a lesson and come back stronger than ever. I understand that you have an important mission to complete. It's time to prepare yourself for it, boy."

Beerus felt a glimmer of hope. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make things right. He would work hard to control his emotions and hone his fighting skills, and he would make his father proud.

With that, Thragg turned and disappeared into the sky, leaving Beerus alone with his thoughts and the bitter taste of failure and blood lingering on his tongue. But as he picked himself up off the ground as the others began leaving, he knew that this defeat would not define him. It would only make him stronger, more determined to become the strongest he was meant to be.

Beerus stood amidst the wreckage of the training arena, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest from the intense battle he had just endured. Through the haze of exhaustion, he glimpsed a figure approaching from the far end of the arena. It was Conquest, a formidable presence whose very name struck fear into the hearts of enemies across the Empire.

"Well fought, boy," Conquest's voice boomed, cutting through the lingering echoes of battle. "You are improving. You will be the pride of the Empire one day."

Beerus felt a swell of pride at the praise from such a renowned warrior. Conquest's approval was not easily won, and to receive it was a testament to his growing skill and determination.

"Thank you, Conquest," the slightly taller Viltrumite replied, his voice steadying despite the exhaustion coursing through him. "I have much yet to learn."

Conquest grunted in acknowledgment, his imposing figure exuding an aura of authority as he crossed his massive arms over his chest. "Bah, you have time, boy. You were born to be the best of us. Remember, with age comes strength."

The young warrior nodded solemnly, internalizing the wisdom offered by the seasoned warrior. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the approach of another figure. Anissa, a fierce and respected warrior in her own right, strode forward with purpose.

"An interesting fight, Beerus," Anissa remarked, her tone a blend of curiosity and challenge. "I believe you have the potential to give me the fight of my life once you master your emotions."

"Anissa," Conquest's voice thundered, a warning laced within his tone.

"Conquest," Anissa replied, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve.

Beerus, caught in the midst of their tense exchange, felt a pang of uncertainty. "Beerus," he offered tentatively, unsure of his place in the escalating tension.

"Silence, boy!" both Conquest and Anissa commanded in unison, their voices echoing with authority and hostility.

Recognizing the futility of intervening, Beerus wisely chose to remain silent, preferring to avoid being drawn into the conflict between two warriors of such formidable stature. "Well, I shall heal up and prepare for my mission," he announced, hoping to diffuse the tension as he turned to depart. The other two Viltrumites grunted in acknowledgment, and Beerus quickly took to the skies, eager to put the tumultuous encounter behind him.

Beerus arrived at the towering space mission headquarters with a weighty sense of purpose weighing on his shoulders. The impending mission to Earth, followed by an extended stay on the distant exoplanet, cast a shadow over his thoughts. As he navigated through the bustling corridors of the facility, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of the operations unfolding around him. Scientists, engineers, and support robots moved with purpose, each contributing to the grand endeavor of space exploration and conquest.

Upon reaching the observation deck, Beerus paused to soak in the panoramic view of Viltrum below. The planet appeared serene from this vantage point, a stark contrast to the challenges that awaited him beyond its atmosphere. His mind buzzed with anticipation and apprehension, grappling with the reality of leaving behind the familiarity of Viltrum for the great unknown.

The journey ahead loomed large in Beerus's thoughts. It would be a test of his resolve, pushing him to his limits both mentally and physically. Departing for a distant exoplanet meant bidding farewell to the comforts of home for an extended period, a prospect that stirred a mix of excitement and trepidation within him.

As he prepared to embark on this monumental voyage, Beerus steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. The journey through the vast expanse of space would be grueling, a test of endurance and resilience. Alone amidst the cosmic expanse, with nothing but the hum of machinery and the distant twinkle of stars to accompany him, Beerus found solace in the silence.

In the solitude of space, his mind sharpened, his focus unwavering as he contemplated the mission ahead. Though the path was fraught with uncertainty, he remained steadfast in his determination to succeed. With every passing moment, he drew closer to his destiny, propelled by a sense of duty to his people and a commitment to the greater good.

As the stars-streaked past in a blur of light and shadow, Beerus embraced the unknown, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.