Chapter 6: Hero Debut

Hi guys, welcome to my sixth and final chapter (jk you thought) so we are FINALLY getting Beerus into hero work. Sorry it took me so long to finish this up also if you haven't already, I posted a chapter for a new story so feel free to check it out. Also, I know that I haven't been clear about Beerus's strength but I think it's safe to assume that he is around Nolan's or surpassing his strength. Based on the fact that he is like Allen the Alien and was raised in the harsh conditions of Viltrum. Thoughts on this? Anyways, let me know what you think. Leave some reviews (pretty please) and enjoy the chapter.

 "Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." – Albert Einstein


*A few dozen minutes after Beerus left GotG HQ*

A man with a scar walked into the corpse-filled room, his eyes scanning the grisly scene before him. Frustration etched deep lines on his face as he approached a nearby cabinet and slammed it. "GOD DAMMIT," he bellowed, his voice echoing in the bustling room where medics and soldiers worked diligently on the forensics. "Where's Omni-Man?" he demanded.

A man wearing glasses stepped forward, his demeanor seemingly calm in contrast to his superior's agitation glanced at his tablet and replied, "He just reached the edge of our solar system, sir," he reported.

"Good, get him here and brief him. Clean this mess up. I'm getting some Advil," the scarred man grumbled before turning on his heel and striding out of the room, his frustration palpable in every step.

*The Next Morning*

 Beerus got dressed for another tedious day of hell known as 'high school' and noticed Mark walking solemnly to his room. Curious, he approached Mark's door and asked, "Are you alright?" Mark remained silent for a moment before confiding, "Beerus, do you think I'm weak?"

"Why do you think you're weak?" Beerus inquired.

"Because, all my life, I've wanted to do what my dad does. Save people. Be the hero. Do the right thing. And when it came down to it, I couldn't take one of my dad's punches," Mark expressed sadly.

'Oh, how little you know, boy,' he thought to himself, mildly amused.

"I just thought that once I got my powers, I could do what my dad does," Mark continued, sounding vulnerable.

Beerus sighed before responding, "You've recently awakened your powers. Your father and I never started strong either. Uncle has been honing his strength and experience for THOUSANDS of years. Understand this, cousin: the older we get, the SLOWER we age. I, myself, am only 42 years of age. You have plenty of time to grow and accumulate strength. But in the meantime, do not let this failure define you. Do not be embarrassed by your failures. Learn from them and start again. Hold your head high. You are a Viltrumite now. There will be expectations of you, but remember, it's not about where you start, it's about how far you're willing to push yourself."

Mark absently nodded before blinking in surprise, "Wait, what? YOU'RE 42!"

"Yes, has that not come up?" Beerus replied.

"NO! Ugh, you barely look 20," Mark complained.

Beerus sighed again before saying, "Remember, the older we get, the slower we age. That was not an exaggeration, Mark. This civilization will be long gone before I even LOOK 40. We live a long time. Try not to get too attached to your friends, especially in hero work where you put your life on the line. They would not understand the sacrifice," Beerus said, hoping to appeal to Mark's logical side and instill a sense of caution.


Mark absently nodded once more, stifling a yawn. "I'm going to rest a little bit before school. Wake me up in a bit, please," he murmured, shuffling back into his room and collapsing onto his bed. 

Beerus closed his eyes, pondering, 'He barely understood. Exhausted from his training with his father, no doubt. Maybe I'll try a different approach another time.' Returning to his room, he waited for the bus. Returning to his room, he waited for the bus with a sense of disdain. 'I loathe the bus.'


After school ended, Mark rushed past Beerus, the old not-so-teenager absently heard Mark saying that he's gonna be busy so don't wait up. The oldest teenager in the world shrugged before deciding that today would be the day of his 'hero' debut. Beerus quickly looked around before blasting off the ground. If he had lingered just a moment longer, he would have witnessed a red-headed girl rounding the corner, catching sight of him as he soared away. "Huh, I didn't see that coming," she remarked, before a flash of pink enveloped her, and she too took flight.

About an hour later, a mysterious figure clad in black hovered high above the city skyline, his senses attuned to the faintest whispers of chaos or crime in the vicinity. Just as he was about to depart for the next city, a distant explosion caught their attention, prompting him to swiftly change course.

In the heart of the bustling city streets, where the clash between Fight Force and the Lizard League threatened to erupt into a catastrophic showdown, a figure descended from the sky with an ominous presence. Their arrival was marked by a seismic impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground as their imposing silhouette cast a shadow over the battlefield. Floating above the two teams, the figure exuded an unmistakable aura of superiority, their commanding presence silencing the chaotic fray below.

Caught amidst their fierce confrontation, the team Fight Force paused, their attention drawn to the enigmatic newcomer. Across the battlefield, the Lizard League momentarily halted their rampage, their reptilian eyes fixated on the mysterious figure descending from above. 

It was Beerus, clad in black attire, his aura commanding and formidable, radiating an air of power and authority that demanded respect. With a bored gaze fixed upon the Lizard League, he surveyed the chaotic scene below, his eyes piercing through the turmoil with unwavering focus. "Who are you?" the Lizard King demanded, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and defiance.

"Atlas," Beerus replied calmly before disappearing from sight and reappearing behind the Lizard King in a blur of motion.

The Lizard League, caught off guard by the sudden appearance, attempted to strike Beerus, but their efforts were in vain as their hits proved as ineffective as swatting at flies.

With a disdainful expression, Beerus seized the Lizard King by the feet and mercilessly crushed them into a bloody paste, eliciting agonized screams from the villain. His fellow members rushed forward to retaliate, but their efforts were futile against Beerus's impervious form. His heightened perception allowed him to effortlessly predict their attacks, making their efforts seem feeble and insignificant. With each futile blow, Beerus remained unmoved, a silent and stoic figure amidst the chaos, his dominance unquestionable.

Raising an eyebrow at the feeble attempts of his unworthy adversaries, Beerus couldn't help but scoff at their futile efforts. "Is that all? I'm disappointed," he remarked disdainfully before vanishing from sight once more. The screams of the Lizard League echoed through the air as Beerus systematically incapacitated them, breaking their limbs with ruthless efficiency. The fight, over in a matter of seconds.

As the brutal scene unfolded before their eyes, Fight Force and the bystanders watched in stunned silence, their shock palpable. Even Atlas mentally scoffed at the pathetic sight of the supposed heroes, noting their exhaustion and panting breaths.


As everyone hesitated to approach the formidable figure, government agents swiftly arrived on the scene to attend to the aftermath. Medics tended to the injured civilians and members of Fight Force, while Atlas silently observed the organized chaos unfolding around him.

His attention was drawn to a man with a scar on his face, a warning from his colleague about the man's reputation flashing through his mind. Accompanied by a bespectacled individual, they approached him with purpose. "Good work, kid. Efficient," the scarred man acknowledged, his tone carrying a weight of experience. He then turned to the smaller man named Donald, demanding a status report without delay.

"17 injured and 3 dead, sir," stammered the small man named Donald, catching Beerus's attention.

"Shit," muttered the taller man, said his frustration evident in his tone. "My name is Cecil Stedman, the director of the Global Defense Agency. Look, we have a situation, kid. I'm going to cut through the crap. We could really use your talent for the defense of the Earth, Atlas, was it?" Cecil offered, acknowledging the potential value of the enigmatic newcomer while also noting the urgency of the threat level.

Beerus remained silent for a moment, considering Cecil's proposition carefully. "Do you not have the Guardians of the Globe?" he finally questioned, seemingly curious about the absence of Earth's established protectors.

"The Guardians are out of commission at the moment. We need you to step up for the world. Think you can handle it?" Cecil pressed, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate action.

"I shall keep it in mind," was all Atlas said before blasting off into the atmosphere, leaving Cecil to stare at the empty spot.

Cecil stared at the sky for a moment, a sense of frustration washing over him. "Fuck, we need heroes on our side, especially with the Guardians six feet under right now."

"Sir, what about Mark Grayson?" asked Donald, offering a potential solution amidst the uncertainty.

Cecil considered the suggestion for a moment, weighing the potential risks and benefits. "Hm, could work, but we don't know if his father is willing to play ball with us. It hasn't worked for over 20 years. He might tell his son that he doesn't need us. Donald, get me a psych profile on the kid as well as the bigger one. Let's see what we can learn from them," Cecil instructed, determined to explore all available options in the face of impending threats, before walking away.

"Yes, sir," replied Donald dutifully, turning to fulfill his orders with a sense of urgency.

Beerus was soaring away from the chaotic aftermath, his mind busy by the words of the man named Cecil. The scarred human had displayed a subtle cunning, but he had underestimated Beerus's unwavering loyalty to the Empire. Lost in contemplation, he noticed a commotion out of the corner of his eye—a clash between a garish yellow figure and another composed entirely of rock, with the rocky opponent humiliating the yellow one. Intrigued, he veered closer, only to spot Nolan, the famous Omni-Man, hovering above the humiliating scene.

"Omni-Man," Beerus greeted, his voice carrying a tone of acknowledgment.

"Atlas," came the reply, Nolan's voice resonating with a mixture of recognition and caution.

Beerus then noticed the figure in yellow amidst the chaotic battle below and couldn't help but ask, "Is that Mark?"

"Yup," Nolan replied curtly, his tone suggesting a sense of disappointment or frustration.

They both fell silent, observing the messy confrontation unfolding beneath them. Beerus's patience wore thin as he witnessed the struggle of the young hero. "I can't watch this pitiful display," he muttered, his frustration evident in his voice as he prepared to intervene.

But before Beerus could act, Nolan's commanding voice cut through the tension. "Don't help him. He needs to learn to fight back," the older man ordered, his words carrying the weight of experience.

Atlas paused, considering Nolan's words carefully. Despite his instinct to intervene, he knew there was truth in Nolan's guidance. With a nod of acknowledgment, he relented, recognizing the importance of allowing Mark to face his challenges and grow from them on his own. Together, they watched as Mark struggled through the intense battle, his determination evident even from their vantage point above. Despite the odds stacked against him, Mark persevered, his movements fueled by a combination of desperation and determination.

Finally, with a decisive maneuver, Mark brought an end to the confrontation, incapacitating his opponent by throwing both of them into a car. They observed as the man of rock fell unconscious, the sound of the impact echoing through the streets below as people scrambled away.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, Beerus couldn't help but put out a small smile at Mark's victory. Though he had faced adversity, he had emerged victorious, a testament to his strength and tenacity. Yet, even in the moment of celebration, Atlas couldn't ignore the widespread destruction that surrounded them.

His gaze lingered on Nolan and Mark, observing the emotional exchange between father and son. He could sense the weight of Nolan's words as Mark grappled with the realization of his own limitations and insecurities. It was a poignant moment for Mark, a reminder of the challenges that came with being a Viltrumite, not that he knew of his eventual duty. With a final glance at the scene below, Beerus soared off into the sky.