Fateful Encounter

As the two Adjuchas pave way to the unexplored territory, they seemed very vibrant and chatty. As I continue listening to their conversations, I was interested in their topic of the heart.

"We used to have hearts Muscles, that blood pumping organ that humans have."

Ronny proceeds to shove his entire arm through his hollow hole on his left side of the chest.

I begin to wonder why he put his right hand on his non-existent part of his left chest.

Muscles burst out laughing, he teared up and said, "Man, you funny as hell, why did you bring that up, you look like you killed yourself. Oh wait we can't even do that in the first place."

Ronny couldn't help but smack his arms on the rough sand beneath them and roll on the ground laughing.

They were laughing, this new concept of laughing, it was truly new and eye opening to me.


***Menos Forest***

Reverberating hollowfied screams echoes across the open area. The overwhelming tall illuminating grey crystal stalks perpetuates like the infinite appearing cactus within a desert. The footsteps on the hard and reflecting dark grey stone pathing creates a miniature earthquake with a footstep from a tall and menacing Menos Grande.

The Almighty Gillian moves through the forest backed by two Adjuchas with utmost authority and with a pale deathly aura.

As the trio make their way towards an occupied territory ran by two oddly shaped and distinct looking Adjuchas.

They were in a predicament wondering if they should attack their base.

"Aye Ronny, these Adjuchas are kind of menacingly strong." Muscles quietly whispers.

"Well no fucking shit, they are the same evolutionary species as us." Ronny remarks sarcastically.

"Kekeke…" Both were lost in their own little world.

These two were hiding behind the illuminating tall stalks but, the Gillian besides them was kind of giving away their position.

This is the one reason I hate being extremely ginormous. He sighed with the unchanging poker Gillian face.

The unknown Adjuchas senses the odd prescences nearby and quickly moved towards the said location. With the help of the menacing Gillian who happened to reveal a great bit of his black cloak, they surrounded the trio while giving them no opportunity for exiting.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" A Scorpion Adjucha said condescendingly.

Just as the scorpion Adjucha finished speaking, the silent flutters of the Owl like Adjucha begins to fly towards the Gillian with stealth and immense speed.

Sensing a strong incoming hollow, I begin preparing my defenses.

I spew out the green miasma from my pores and mixed it with my cero.

I charged up the cero with a good bit of my spiritual energy.

Since the cero turned green, I shall call this Iyono Cero.

As sensing the dangerous incoming cero charge, the Owl Adjucha cloned itself in the air while its main body moved separately from the rest and targeted the back of me.

Sensing that the main body was moving separately, I focus my cero charge towards it.

The Owl Adjucha used the force of the incoming cero to propel itself faster and was about to close the gap.

First time someone dodged that.

Sensing danger was imminent, I begin pumping all the green miasma I could and positioned them in front. I changed its density, shape and size with my hands. I molded it like wet clay. I created three heavily densed acidic crescent clouds in the air which became closer to a solid rather than a gas.

I used my wing's wind force to propel or increase the speed of which it would move towards my desired target.

'Iyono Blades.'




Three consecutive ear splitting claps reverberates throughout the vicinity.

The incoming slashes were so fast, that the initial acceleration of the slashes already hit Mach speed.


"Hooo, impressive." The Owl Adjucha made a slight grin and at the same time when the attack was launched, he begins to rotate his body horizontally, creating a repelling vortex.

The vortex disperses the miasmic air slashes into poofs towards his surrounding area.

As he stops rotating, his wings feel extremely heavy when flapping. He notices it immediately and proceeds to land safely onto the hard cement-like ground with integrity like a gentlemen with a neat posture buttoning the top part of his shirt.

It had many holes with a bit of acidic liquid leaking out from each.

The damage was not fully mitigated.

This end result shocked the Owl greatly.

"You are both weirdly strong and annoying young one." The Owl snickers with pride and eloquence.

The Scorpion Adjucha instanteously moved towards the Owl Adjucha to check up on him.

"He actually got you even in the Gillian form, that is so embarrassing." The Scorpion Adjucha said and wheezed.

She smacked her scorpion tail onto his back.

The Owl closes his eyes, crosses his arms and grunts like he was having a bad day.

"This Gillian has the qualities of a true king."

The shadow of a silhouette begins to approach and reveal their location.

The aura imposed by this being was so strong that it surpassed everyone's spiritual energy combined.

"You should be called a name young one."

He instaneous teleported directly next to the Gillian's face.

"Darwin, you shall be called Darwin, boundless paths, boundless ways, boundless evolutions."

Who does this hollow think he is to give me a name.

But as he interpreted the name with the given meaning, it hit a nail in his head somewhere.

"I forgot to introduce myself." The unknown small silhouette with a humanoid figure begins to bow graceful with a 90 degree incline.

"My name is Mies De Beur."

As Darwin begins to take note of his appearance, he was left astonished.

The person in front of him fit the descriptions of the ultimate form of a hollow.

A Vasto Lorde. A significant existence counted on one's finger.

Hoh… my goal is right in front of me… But as he keeps contemplating on the subject of hollow evolutions, he begins to wonder if there were more forms that extends the Vasto Lorde.