Journey to the North

The air intensifies, shrieks in protest as both attacks collide with one another.

Illuminating sparks of friction as bright as the sun's rays, warps the surrounding Reishi.


Slouched, knees buckling, Delina holds onto a part of her voided stomach in pain.

"What a powerful move," She quietly admits.

Darwin approaches amicably towards her, he says, "Thanks for allowing me to get adjusted to my new physique."

Stumbling, she laughs in defeat.

"I certainly didn't aim to look like a good willed sparring partner," Delina replies.


"Impressive feat."

Mies walks up in front and gestures Delina to have a rest. He then asks Darwin, "How are you feeling right now, did fighting Delina help assimilate your capabilities?"


Darwin tenses his muscles to feel his physique once more. 

"I can accurately see the details of the muscles and how it moves and actuates."

Like an X-ray scanner, it can locate the structure of the any body to a meticulous extent. Darwin's neon green eyes can vividly differentiate the nerves, muscles and bones.

"Interesting, you have manifested adaptation through your eyes."

Mies continues to help Darwin practice his new powers.

During his tutoring, Darwin asks Mies, "How did you practice your powers."

He replies, "Meditation. It helps balance mixed deathly desires with your consciousness being attacked everyday."

As Darwin tries ask on how it works, Mies abruptly said with a firm and resolute, "However!"

"Darwin, you lived your life not needing to meditate to balance these two scales ever."

That's true!

With a profound statement, Darwin inwardly accepted.

"There are different ways for hollows like us train in order to fight against these dark desires on a daily basis."

"Delina and Donny for example, they fight either me or each other to stay sane and conscious."

"It was muscle memory for both of these Adjuchas as they try their fighting prowess against someone new, like yourself."


He points to a certain direction, stirring quite the chaos.

"Bala Barage," with his fingers, Ronny charges small green cero balls and aims towards a flying Donny with his Owl like movements.

"Can't catch me with those puny shots." As Donny laughs maniacally in the air.

Not succumbing to his antics, Ronny replies, "Let's see about that, annoying bird."

"Have a taste of these knuckles, Muscle Punch!" With astonishing muscle control, he manipulates unused muscles and have them travel to his right arm. It boldens, thickens and increases in size and mass.

Delina retaliates with a cero from her mouth. It condenses, compresses, and rapidly absorbs the nearby Reishi and Delina's energy source.

"Agresiva Cero." Bright yellow cero aims at the incoming gargantuan fist.

"Its common knowledge for individuals to seek stronger opponents to gain something." 

Mies then points north, he says, "Come back when you are stronger. I will personally fight you myself. But before you begin your journey, you should explore Hueco Mundo to its fullest, there are a few individuals you need to worry about. I will give you a hint: Las Noches is your next destination in pursuit of power."

Instinctively, Darwin knelt down to appreciate what he had done for him.

"You don't need to do that, a king shouldn't kneel."

Darwin then rebuts, "But a king should know when to show acknowledgement and appreciation to those that help his endeavours."

A short laughter, Mies then waves him farewell.

With his back facing the opposite direction, Darwin proceeds to go on separate ways, for now.

Walking north where he meets his next destination, he encounters a vast amount of Gillians and Adjuchas. 

Absorbing the pills garnered by killing murderous Hollows, the ones aimed at Darwin.

A few of them causing him a little trouble like the Cuatro Secuaz, four Lower Class Adjuchas who have recently obtained their transformation.

"My, my, what strong spiritual pressure emanating from this magnificent creature." Jozea commented.

With a nod of affirmation from the rest of the other Cuatro Secuaz, they kept praising Darwin's physique and looks.

"Indeed, exquisite muscles, exquisite mask, exquisi-" With Darwin's right back hand, he knocks Dozea away before finishing his sentence.

The three flabbergasted, they began to charged in to attack Darwin from different sides to avenge their fallen comrade.

"How dare you attack our junior."




Scared witless at this ordeal, they grabbed their fallen comrade and left the vicinity in a blink of an eye.

"We will come back for you, magnificent creature," as they hurriedly ran to another direction.


Darwin continues journeying to the north where it seemed like an endless limbo.

What is this place? 

Into the distance, Darwin saw a miniature open door castle.

In the front of the stronghold, there were neatly placed wall torches spaced evenly on the walls, except for in the middle where lies a massive arched open wall for its entrance and exit.

It's quite large, impressive to whoever built this.

His journey lackluster, he asks the individuals who currently holds ownership over this property.

"Anyone live here?" 

Before he made another step through the front gate, he was greeted by three mysterious female Adjuchas.

"Identify yourself, male," the Deer Adjucha asks with a look of disdain.

Intrigued by the tranquility accentuating Darwin's face, an unknown Snake Adjucha appeared in front of him, relaxed, as a way to show respect. She then said, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise," said by the poker faced Darwin.

Surprised by her sister's action, the Lioness Adjucha held back her distain for him with her head turning to the side.

"I am Darwin. I am on a journey to Las Noches. Do you perhaps know any shortcuts to that place?" he asked in a monotone tone.

Sensing another prescence with strong Reiatsu, he alerts himself attentively through his five senses.

Actively listening from a distance, she appears as the last of the four directly in front of Darwin.

"Las Noches you say?"

Said by a calm and composed humanoid figure with a vibrant, jagged yellow hair style on top of having two pigtails hanging on either side. She crosses her arms lifting her voluptuous upper torso to maintain balance and stability.

"May I know your names?" Darwin asks the four silhouettes appearing in front of his presence.