Muro De Regla

Muro De Regla diminishes gradually, with the golden gaze above, flickering between the colours of golden yellow to the unsightly crimson red. The ground beneath quakes, cogwheels and chains turn and pull in unison. 

Darwin witnessing the spectacle in front was in awe.

Immediately, Harribel suggests, "We must jump in now!" 

The group springs onto the platform while others follow suit.

Hollow screams elevates dramatically, destruction intensifies, signatures of Reiatsu spread like wild fire, without rest.

Illuminating on his figure, Darwin senses a sudden rise of desires.




His mind jumbled with mixed thoughts invading his brain without restraint.

His eyes slowly clouded in pure red.

His screams were deafening, continously.

A small tinge of violet miasma leaking out of his pores before suddenly.


Glass broke within his proximity, Darwin's clouded red vision slowly subsides to its natural state.

"Are you guys alright?" Worried, Figgs asked the group who was inflicted by the crimson red light.

Sensing his consciousness being freed from anguish, he thanks, "Yes, I am are okay thanks to you Figgs."

Silently pondering to himself about the entire situation, with an epiphany, he thought.

Wait, how did Figgs have the consciousness to break the Resting Glass in the first place?

Putting that thought aside, he observes the rest of his group.

Harribel was the most serene and calm out of the entire group.

I guess Harribel was okay the entire time, Figgs probably has some sort of immunity as well.

"I was originally not affected," she commented.

"I guess we were in the same boat, Darwin," Sung-sun mentioned with a sweat.

"My mind wanted me to devour everything at sight," Rose anxiously said.

Appacci on the other hand was right next to Harribel guarding her the entire time while in that state.

"Huh?!" Shocked, her thoughts stablising.

Without a moments notice, signatures of disturbing amounts of Reishi gathering right behind them.

Cold and unforgiving like steel, the Commander said. "Fire!"

Multiple cero beams targeted the group, specifically Harribel as its main target.

"Sonído." Instaneously, she moved from her position with ease, dodging all the attacks launched at her.

She's fast! Wait.

He speculated over his thoughts.

Is she a Vasto Lorde as well?

Releasing her Reiatsu to its extremity.

Such pressure!

Harribel charges up an incalculable amount of Reishi upon the tip of her finger.


An immensely wide yellow beam shot forth, the air still from the indisputably strong cero.

Then the air flow return back. However, Darwin and the rest guard up from the strong influx of air movement.

As he lowers his guard, corpses ranging from Red Eyed Hollows and Gillians lie on the ground, lifeless.

The Commander and his right hand man knelt down flabbergasted, squinting in pain.

"I surrender," pained, Commander Adjucha declared.

Darwin stroking his chin in contemplation. While Harribel said, "Alright, you and your group should stay in the corner waiting for Muro De Regla to open up."

"Thank yo-" Before they finished his sentence, a cero beam struck their heads, their bodies falling down, lifeless.

Figgs standing besides Darwin's group steel faced, he asserted, "Dregs should die like their fate as one." 

Agitated, Harribel gripped Figgs arm to tell him, "Why did you do that? They surrendered."

With maniacal laughter, Figgs waved his arm with considerable strength, shaking off her grip and explained, "You shouldn't leave losers just so that they come back to bite you in the rear."

That is true. Darwin mused over. But cynical, he still didn't fully trust Figgs.

"Excuse me!" Appacci came up to Figgs stomping her hooves.

Staring directly at Figgs, she states, "How rude of you to talk back to her in that manner."

"Darwin, what would you have done in Figgs place?" Eyebrows lowered, her expression stiff, Harribel awaited for his answer.

"Haven't thought much to it. I usually kill those that are hostile to me. I give the opportunity to the weaker ones to flee," He indifferently replied.

Relieved, her face relaxes to her normal and stoic expression.

Darwin notices a twitch in Figgs' expression.

"Well alright," Scratching his head in embarrassment, Figgs came to a consensus that he would not do such thing again. 


Opposite to Darwin's side...

Other Hollows observing from a far fought their own battles straying away from Darwin's group.

"Puny insects," said by an aggressive and ginormous Adjucha with a strong baritone and deep voice. His entire physique filled with purple puffed up muscles and knuckles tempered and hardened, illuminating a lustrous diamond shine.

He aggravates every Hollow around him with an abnoxiously loud and ear splitting roar.

"I am Gorr the Dominator, remember my name, insignificant beings," he said while hurling thunderous punches at nearby Hollows. Weak Hollows disintegrate with a single strike from his fist.

Detecting a cero blast towards his line of direction. He hurls a normal right hook dispersing the cero beam, and offsetting it into two different parts, both going in a different direction.

With a massive crater below him, he leaps and delivers an impactful, double handed axe smash on the Low Class Adjuchas's head squashing its entire body into bloodied paste.

Observing for any contenders, he eyes for a group of Hollows in the distant.

The ground trembles beneath his strides, the atmosphere disperses with the release of his Reiatsu, nearby Hollows fall flat on the ground feeling the immense force pushing down upon them.

What domineering and murderous Reiatsu! Nothing like Harribel's!

Sensing a dread clouding his vision, he scans the incoming threat with a serious expression. Feeling repulsiveness in his mind for the first time in existence.

His muscles and bones he had never seen before. The muscles fibres each containing a portion of his Reishi, supplying the cells with massive amounts of Reishi dosage. This amplifies the recovery rate and energy of muscle cells without rest while giving him enough energy to channel and produce explosive punches. Gorr intuitively does this seemingly without noticing it at all.

Harribel, Rose, Appacci, Sung-sun and Figgs all sense a powerful entity coming at their way with malignant purposes.

But before any of them take action, Darwin rushes in towards Gorr's direction in hopes to have a bout with him.