
With a raised left brow, Darwin squints, and chuckles at the innovative technique used by Gorr.

That strikes me as odd, he doesn't look like the innovative type. He amusingly thought.

Gorr marches forth with malicious intent towards the only individual standing. Being at the opposite side of a humongous stadium, Darwin pours out all of the violet miasma he could produce, spreading out with thick smoke across the battlefield.

"Gorr, you truly outdid yourself this time," feeling a lingering sense of foreboding from the heavy footsteps coming towards Darwin's way, a cold sweat ran across his face.

In response, a roar of laughter, booming within the proximity at which he stands, Gorr then said joyfully, "I hope you bring something new to this fight."

"You sure bet I did!" Darwin initiates with a clasping of his hands, "Spin!" The acidic miasma rages, revolves into three compact crescent blades hovering in the air.

He initially blinds Gorr with a halfhearted attack.

In return, Gorr irritatingly swiped the miasma away with the flick of his arms.

While he swirls a good chunk of the miasma higher, in the midst, he said, "Iyono Blades!"

Fast and concise purple blades moving in consecutive turns, piercing through the air with loud and defeaning bangs.

The first misses slightly to Gorr's left, attracting his gaze towards that direction, another two aims for the his legs.

But having immense amount of battle experience, he begins allocating eighty percent of his muscles to his legs, it thickens, boldens and increases in mass, Gorr amplifies his defenses with his Reishi Engine.

With the additional Hierro, he smirks, "Diamond Right Leg." As he hurls his right leg forward diagonally, he guards not only his legs, but his entire body.

As the twin attacks lands onto his shins, the miasma dissipates. However, the static paralysis poison seeps into his skin causing his face to turn abruptly.

With a serious demeanour, Gorr said, "I was a little conceited."

"That's nice of you to understand that?" Darwin mockingly remarks.

Puffing up his entire body, steam arises from his pores, the acid and paralysis leaks and disintegrates.

With the demeaning provocation, Gorr sprints forth towards Darwin to close the gap, as he gets closer, he said, "You will pay for your insolence."

Unbeknownst to Gorr, Darwin was preparing an attack in his blind spot.

Hovering high up in the air, the condensed drill stood menacing.

"Take this Gorr! Delver Tripano," with a spinning drill, it burst downwards aiming Gorr's neck.

Despite that, Gorr was not flabbergasted at all, he knew from the beginning what Darwin was preparing.

"You best pray that you get out of this unscathed," he punches directly at the attack with a considerable amount of might, creating a massive shockwave across the arena.

The attack slow dissipates with his fist punching through it, at the end, he reveals his majestic, impenetrable and diamond knuckles.

Then he prepares a counter attack, gathering all the Reishi within him, he openly charges an attack from his knuckles.

Knowing was about to come, he knew he could not outrun or dodge this brutal ability.

Gathering his thoughts, he delves deeper into meditation.

I have enough mastery over Reishi Manipulation, it's time to take it the next level.

Harmonise the Reishi bonds, at a molecular level, the Reishi forming lines of intricate detail.

Remember how they connect with one another, he creates the foundation, the lines interwoven, creating webs across his entire body.

I haven't made an actual defensive skill before. Sitting down, he ponders on top of the rough and dull grey sand.

Wait, there were some incantations in the Ancient Ruins in Second Stratos. Maybe I can create it!

Regardless of the burden this ability had, he grits through and begins his incantation he enlightenedly obtained.

"By the decree of ancient forces, I summon the wall that defies all. From the depths of the abyss, rise and enforce the unbreakable law. Muro De Regla!"

Shining and reflective, a considerably big wall positions in front of Darwin.

"Bala Shock," blasting forth the bright beam of Reishi, it moves at thunderous speed.

As the attack lands on Muro De Regla, the ending had an unexpected result.

The Bala Shock was absorbed into it before Gorr could activate the two-dimensional nuke inside.

Grinding his teeth, furrowing his face, it distorts and creates massive bulges and wrinkles, he asked angrily, "How are you doing this?!" Delusioned, Gorr could not comprehend what had happened to his attack.

But, Darwin could not maintain the wall of rule any longer, he slowly collapses on the floor from the strain of maintaining Reishi bonds within his body.

"Wake up fool," with a deep and slightly irritated tone, a huge blurred figure in front of Darwin said.

Slapped, Darwin wakes up in a fright.

Gathering his thoughts, recognising that it was Gorr in front, he asks, "Where am I?"

Gorr responds with a laughter, "You're in deep shit, your my slave."

They were currently in a huge building, a residential made with Reishi Dark Wood, strong enough to withstand low end terroristic attacks.

He was cuffed, his limbs restrained, his Reishi restricted. He follows up with a sigh, he said, "So I lost."

Gorr then grabs onto Darwin's limbs one by one, breaking of the chains binding him.

Exhaling his irritation for Darwin, he said, "You were expensive you know," Gorr continues, "You are more useful without Cadenas."

Darwin responds with raised brows, "So, what should I do to repay this debt."

He wasn't as unreasonable and ruthless as Figgs, he still maintained a level of dignity and respect when it came to paying back favours.

Gorr then points outside the window to one of the five massive hills, he said, "You will help me take control of one of those Rey de le Montana."

Darwin asks, "What is the use of taking over one of these Rey de le Montanas?"

"You will know once we get there," he slyly responds.

"Alright, I won't ask anymore, let's go," Darwin insisted.

Getting up they made their way out of Gorr's humble and simplistic residence.

"Follow me loser," he openly disrespects Darwin.

"Yeah, yeah, hopefully you can maintain that foul mouth of yours once we get there," Darwin said.