
"Phough! H-how could you be so cruel.. you fucking monster!" The remaining member of kander's group vomitted to the floor, watching that gruesome scene. His eyes had sunken a bit, while his heart fluttered for the first time looking at max.

He didn't know what strange shit he did, but he sure knew it had managed to kill Jake. Unlike them who were hardened bad guys they still had a conscience, but killed when need be. but looking at max, he didn't see any signs of emotions or remorse as he killed the dead fellow.

"Oh.. so am the villain now." Max smirked enraged by this half dead fool's word. It was gangsters that made him what he is today, as if they'd showed him mercy then he'd still be alive, continuing in his same old perverted ways. but no.. what did they do? laugh maniacly as they severed his body parts, while he could only watch begging for his life to be spared.

"I didn't ask for this. You and the other fucking gangsters made me into what I am now." Max said, his tone containing hints of anger and sadness. He was now where the dark haired man laid, bending down a bit to gaze into his hollow eyes.

"Haha.. but I should thank you guys." max chuckled softly, causing the former to raise a brow. "If your kind didn't kill me then I would probably still be a weak pathetic boy. But now am something more powerful." Max smiled, placing his hand to the gangster head. He could feel max cold hands send shivers down his spine, and he wanted to roll to get away from this evil entity but he couldn't in his deformed state.

"I'll give you something you assholes didn't give me, A chance at a peaceful death." Max smiled, already activated soul steal as he could feel the man's soul entering his, filling the one point he'd lost during the last five minutes.

[Soul: 99/100]

[Absorbing yuil noel soul..]

'He has a high soul.' Max was a bit taken back seeing yuil's soul, as he didn't expect it to be this high. The few souls he'd stolen were usually low only yuna's being a bit high, but seeing yuil's soul broke the record so far.

Yuil face went pale seeing the same white light flowing out from his body into max, he could feel the energy slowly seeping out from him to this psycho boy. He knew he'd meet the same fate as Jake, within a short time. and even though he chose to live, he knew max would make him regret ever choosing to live but still he craved life.

"P-please stop! I'll do anything you want." Yuil begged, tears forming in his eyes feeling his body grow more weaker.

"Tsk.. humans. That was what the other one said." Max scoffed, not seeing the reason why he should spare yuil's life. He wasn't going to make the same mistake and trust anyone, not even a fucking child!

"Pl-ease.. I-i don't wanna die!" The built up tears in yuil's eyes finally burst out from the dam, flowing down his cheeks. Max was amazed seeing a gangster cry but he didn't care, he was going to be as evil as ever.

[It would be a waste to finish such soul.] Frail suddenly said, causing max to roll his eyes a bit knowing what frail meant.


[What do you mean no you blockhead. He's the one with the highest soul so far and besides, you turned him beyond handicapped.] Frail sarcastically said making max chuckled a bit. It was true he made yuil's life beyond miserable, but he still wasn't satisfied yet as he had bigger plans.

Max then removed his hands from yuil's head deactivating soul steal, as he then wiped his hand on the latters body.

"I suppose you have a purpose here. but I must warn you, death was your best escape." Max smiled getting up, he then proceeded to kick yuil hard on the balls sending a jolt of pain to his brain. With the sly grin planted on his face max then went and sat on the bed besides Yuna, as he had some things to test out.


Two figures could be seen walking along a street as they passed it, making their way to another also going past it. They did this until they reached the eight street, which was named akiro street.

"Are you sure this is the street?" Layla softly asked in a low tone.

"Yes of course. I saw him going down that alley with both my eyes." Tom replied, pointing towards an alley in front. After tom had made that revelation he knew where max was, Layla felt a glimmer of hope burning in her and she immediately urged tom to take here there. He refused stating it was dangerous, but Layla put in a bonus he could never say no to.

The two then made their way to the alley, trying to act unsuspiciously in every way they could. They saw other residents of the streets roaming, but they were much fewer than the one's in her street.

"There, i brought you as promised. I'll advise you don't stay here for long, you can just send me my rewards when you're done. Good luck in finding max!" Tom hastingly spoke shaking a bit, and was about to leave when Layla dragged him by the collar pinning him to a wall.

"That wasn't the deal. you promised to help me find max, and I suggest you stick to your promise or else.." Layla raised her clenched fist up, flashing it before Tom's eyes in a threatening manner.

'H-how is she so strong?' Tom wondered, struggling to break free from Layla's tight grasp. Her face was very closer to his, as he held him up against the wall. He could see her beautiful enchanting eyes that'd melt the hearts of many men, and he didn't know if he should be scared or excited being this up close to a hot girl.

"B-but he's probably wondered off to another place, to start a family or something." Tom grunted, trying to dissuade Layla from staying here any longer as this alley gave him the creeps.

"Seriously.." Layla rolled her eyes at Tom's childish behavior. She knew he'd risked a lot following her here, but she still hasn't found max and she didn't plan on leaving here until she did so.

"Look, you're crazy.. if you have a death wish then fine by me, b-but I still want to live." Tom struggled, but no matter how hard he tried Layla wasn't going to let him go.

"I'll double your reward, no.. I'll triple it." Layla bargained, and she seemed to have gotten Tom's attention as he wasn't struggling anymore.

"T-triple.." Tom stuttered his eyes going a bit wide, while his mouth was drooling slightly with lewd thoughts crossing his head.

"Yes, triple of the first." Layla confirmed his doubts, and for a moment she could feel Tom's breathing go shallow as he blankly stared at her.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked, a bit worried about Tom's condition seeing he wasn't moving now.

"Hell yeah I accept!" Layla was a bit taken back by Tom's sudden declaration, that she punched him in the face out of reflexes.

"Y-ou broke my nose~" Tom clutched his nose feeling it broken from Layla's punch.

"Sorry.." Layla nervously chuckled, as she'd reacted out of self defense. Afterall, a girl's gotta do what she must to protect herself.

Tom then took a few minutes to recover, adjusting his nose a bit. He was in pain as blood flowed out a bit, but it was all for the greater good. The duo then made their way in more deeper to the alley, it was a bit dark but they could still see.

'Did something die here?' Layla wondered if maybe an animal was killed here or something decayed, as the area reaked of an awful stench. Looking round there was no traces of max ever being here, as only two dumpsters were in view with the end of the alley in front.

'What's that?' Layla crouched down, staring at a liquid substance giving off a dark red colour. Turning her flashlight on, she could now clearly see the dried up liquid red substance and her eyes went pale a bit.

'Blood..' she'd recognize it from anywhere, even if it was a day or two old. 'But what's it doing here and w-who did it come from?' Thinking about the second question made her heart hurt more in pain.

"Shit! Layla, we have to hide." Tom hurriedly said, pulling Layla off the ground as they hid behind a dumpster by the right. A group of five people then entered the alley were they stood.

"Boss shouldn't we find the bastard responsible for this?" A female scowled. she had blonde hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a black leather jacket black top and tight fitting pants, with a set of black boots with spikes all around it.

'Gangsters.. shit! we're screwed.' Tom inwardly cursed, seeing the group of people as he immediately recognized them as ruthless gang members.

"Patience Alice.. the intruder will come again. Infact I have a feeling they're close by." The young man with grey hair his skin a bit pale, wearing the same thing Alice wore smiled. Doing something awkward and strange, by sniffing the air.

"M-max.." Layla muttered in a state of confusion, unaware of the current situation at hand.

"Layla we have to make a run for it now or we're-" Tom words were abruptly cut short, when he was forcefully pulled by a large man with bald hair and dead looking eyes.

"See.. I told you they'll pop by." The grey haired man smiled, clapping his hands together like a little child just receiving his presence.