Scott ran away and... mud splattered his clothes when he fell back into some kind of quagmire of a smaller scale.

Hitting the dirt, Scott howled crazily.

— Why can't I just do it, why I can't fly?!—he almost shouted.

— Scott, don't despair. You just need to focus on it, don't scream and then you will definitely fly.—I told him.

— Either fate has shown me a miracle, and now it's laying a pig... I may never fly...—Scott sighed sadly.— And if...—

I didn't have time to understand what the man was up to - he ran away from me so quickly. It's even strange - maybe he used magic without even realizing it himself...

Dean looked up from the phone and ran after me.

I now realized where Scott ran - to a huge, on a human scale, grief... This mountain can kill him before he becomes an angel...

— Scott!— I rushed to the guy, but he was already flying down.

The wings flew open and Dean almost fell down from surprise.

Scott's wings resisted the flow of wind and suddenly lifted him into the air.

Oh, gods, how beautiful it was!

The wind whistled between the feathers of his large wings, multicolored waves of magic spread out to the sides.

Scott took off.

— Does anyone want to come with me?— he hovered in front of us, making a circle.

— Damn you!—Dean stamped his foot.

Scott lifted the terrified and screaming Gull into the air.

Dean's eyes bulged.

— Not in the air, damn it! Not in the air! I don't want to go up!—he shouted.

I grabbed the other hand that Scott held out, and hugged Dean with the other.

Our fingers intertwine and I feel that he is really close...

How good it feels for me when he is near...

— Higher?—Scott asked.

Sometimes I couldn't see anything around, my hair covered my face.

— Higher! Fly higher, to the heavens, and let the angels envy your flight!—I laughed.


When we were driving to the house that Rahiel provided for me, Dean fell asleep.

It seems like he liked flying later, but after that he ate too much meat and fell asleep.

I stroked his silky hair.

— Scott, when we arrive, we will study a few dozen more exercises.—I said, trying to take my mind off Dean.

— A couple dozen or more? After I finally started flying, my energy doesn't seem to be running out... I'm shocked by

such a rise. I've never been a brake before, but now...—Scott turned around and bulged his blue eyes.— Karolianna... And

what is it there???—

In the sky, a huge cloud was slowly approaching in our direction, which seemed to be made of black snakes... Stop! But

the clouds don't float down!

— Scott!—I shout.— Hurry to the other side! We definitely shouldn't get caught by these creatures! The black plague is coming to us!—

I have even seen the black plague or filth in the temple many times. It's impossible to even count.

I'm terrified of filth to the point of horror...

— Gas, Scott, gas!—I shouted.

The wheels creaked. An unpleasant smell came from the tires.

— Hurry up!—I shouted.

The engine began to smoke, and the cloud was getting closer and closer...

Dean let out a cry similar to... Well, I don't even know.

Maybe someone romantic would call it the cry of hell, but romance is not at the right place here.

The tires spun and seemed to emit a panicked squeal. The car flew up...

How did we fall on the asphalt?

Blood flowed profusely down my temple. My vision went dark.

I shake my head, I can't seem to collect all my consciousness.

Scott suddenly raised his hands up and the light filled the neighborhood...


— ... Caro!— I hear a voice as if from afar.

My ears are ringing.

I feel fingers stroking my cheek.

How good... And how I want to just lie there...

— Don't sleep, Carolianna! I'll try to help you now!—

It only just dawned on my consciousness that it was Dean's voice.

An icy, rough tongue touches my wound on my temple.

— Are you licking my blood?—I ask, puzzled, when everything stopped spinning in front of my eyes.

— I'm healing you. But if I do the same to Scott, I might burn out. Your blood isn't like that. And the blood of angels is full of this damn grace...—Dean stretched out his tongue and licked the protruding drops of blood.

I exhaled loudly and squeezed his hand.

— Where's Scott?—I asked, feeling the wounds heal.

— I'm here!—Scott came over and sat down next to me.—You're the only one of us who lost consciousness. But now my mind is definitely not in order! Ever since I met you, I have been tormented by the thought: am I already crazy or not?— the guy handed me a bag.— Do you want to?—

— Thank you, no. I'm a little sick, I'm not up to sweets right now.—

I look calm, but I just want to burst into pieces from anger and I hide these emotions inside - even the priests of Ultima possess incredible power and this power can be used by all of us only when danger threatens either us or people!

— I'll fix the car.—Scott said, rolling up his sleeves.

— We'll lose half a century collecting this stuff, it takes too much time.—Dean looked down at his phone.—Damn! The screen is broken...—

— Now I will help with both the car and the screen...—Scott stretched out his fingers and began to draw signs in the air.

These were consecutive signs of healing, the rune of a new life and the rune of renewal ...

I really wanted to stop the guy, but then I waved it off: you shouldn't limit yourself if it turns out...

The snob Rahiel will understand me later...


After throwing away the soiled jacket, Scott went into one of the shops to buy a new one.

— Black? It seemed to me from your style that you only like white and pink. Like marshmallows.—I grinned.— And, by the way, you have a wound on temple.—

Touching the line on the guy's temple, I drew in the direction where the blood was flowing, from the temple behind the ear and further along the hairline.

Scott took wet wipes out of the glove compartment and looked in the mirror.

— And I kept thinking, why did they look at me like that?—he chuckled briefly, wiping away the blood.— Well, it's okay, I don't come here anyway...—

The key turned and the engine rumbled.

—So,— Scott began, his voice serious, a tone lower than usual.— I can do magic, I can fly... And now what? —

— A little more study, and then you will pass the tests in the monastery. And these tests certainly never look like walking. What you saw here is not so scary yet, it will be even scarier after...—

I was looking out the window when we passed other people.

Yes, it is clear that we are different...

The further we go to our place of residence, the fewer people there are ...


Changes in Scott began to manifest with some delay and I am to blame for not seeing them right away.

It used to seem to me that I had some kind of instinct for evil, but... Is there one?

— Scott, now we will go to flight training again, and then we will go to the monastery of Ultima!— I say, packing my things in a bag.

It's hard... How hard it is for me now...

I don't want to say goodbye to Dean. So quickly and so easily he became dear to me...

— Hi.— now he is standing in front of me, sleepy and disheveled, in an old turtleneck.

— Hi, Dean. We're going... It's time.— I think my voice trembled a little.— Are you ready?—

— Always.—Dean smiled, but the smile was more like a grimace.—I bought something at the antique shop here for you. For some reason I saw and realized that it would suit you ... —

Soft and cold hands fastened the chain around my neck.

My heart skipped a beat.

This pendant...

An openwork frame, similar to metal lace, was decorated on all sides with an azure iridescent stone with a rose painted on it.

— Dean...— I say enthusiastically.—It is... So beautiful...

I turned around and looked into his black eyes.

— If only I could stay with you for one more day...— he said softly.

Our fingers intertwined.

— Dean, I can't find the words to describe what you are like...—

Hugging him, I just stood for a while with my eyes closed. We are like a single whole now.

It's like we're becoming one river.

— I would really like to tell you something very important... But I don't know... Is it worth talking about... I'll say it later.—Dean hesitated.

I felt a pang of longing in my soul.

What Dean wanted to tell me so much was clearly very important...

— Well, are you ready?— Scott appeared on the threshold and I felt much more now: the good times are ending...

— Yes, let's go...—I said in such a tone, as if I was signing a death sentence for myself.

Scott and We got into the car.

The house, the key to which I left in a hiding place, is floating away from us...

— If you want, you can ask for more time from that disgusting angel...—Dean said softly.—You can...—

— No... I'm sorry, but I can't... I can't ask him to give me time, Dean....—

I stretched my fingers across the seat to him.

Oh, Dean, how much I love you...


Rahiel was waiting for us at the gate.

The portal at the monastery was open.

I always thought it was very big, but the car barely fit the dimensions.

— I thought I'd scratch it...—Scott sighed.

— Rahiel is here. We're going out.—I said with a sullen look.

— What's your name?— without giving Scott anything to say, Rahiel immediately asked.

— My name is Scott, I can already fly. Have you been waiting for me?—Scott asked.

— And who are you as a person?—Rahiel opened the door.— Come with me. Caro and Dean, let's go too. Maybe one of you will be needed...—

— Well, certainly not me.—Dean said softly.

— So, to briefly explain - we are waiting here for that special angel who will protect people. But the fact is that these angels are no longer born. And then you showed up. At first I thought that the detected signal of Ultima magic was just a hardware problem. I hope that you will prove worthy of your incredible origin. Ultima is a real light for mortal people. Come on, we need to start training, more intense than you had before.—Rahiel said in his usual tone without any emotion.

— Right now?—Scott caught my eye.— Come on...—

— Dean, Caro. You can stay here for now. Dean will be returned to prison in two weeks.—

— Can I ask you, Rahiel, to make Dean my guard?—I asked.

— We'll talk about it later. I'll do what I can.—

I exhaled loudly so that tears would not flow.

— Maybe he will do something after all... Do not despair immediately.—Dean came over and hugged me from behind.

— No. It's all gone, Dean... It looks like we'll never see you again...—I patted his hand.— Dean, I don't even understand why I need you so much...—

— I... I've been in love with you for a very long time, Caro!— taking off from his seat, Alexander ran.

I know I can't catch up with him, even with my abilities I can't...