Marcel shot several times at the wall of an abandoned house - an abomination, somewhat resembling an octopus, had spread there, like mold.

From the explosion of radioactive plasma, numerous eyes scattered in different directions.

— Marcel, I think you did it for nothing.Roxanne Nelson said, pointing somewhere with her finger.

A loud roar came from above.

The palm, which was the size of a building, hit the cracked asphalt.

Roxy couldn't stand it and screamed at the top of her voice.

Max flew off her face, but the girl cocked her rifle and began firing in continuous bursts.

Eden shot up as far as he could.

It's not a fact that someone will come... But at least they'll see where they are...

— They're nearby...—Marcel waved his hand and shots rained down, knocking down the mutilated mutated creatures.

— Reinforcements!Marcel smiled wearily.

A huge group of people gradually shifted forward, covering them with themselves.

Marcel picked up Roxanne, who was losing consciousness, and carried her into the car that drove up.

Eden was hit on the temple by a piece of stone, and John helped him to stand on his feet on the way to the car.

— Your eyes... They're so familiar...— suddenly he said.

— Roxy, breathe!—Marcel applied an air filter mask to Roxanne's face.—Not now, petite, not now...

Roxy squeezed his hand weakly.

— Is there any connection between you?—Mills asks the Frenchman.

— Non! Only friendly. We ran away from Earth together. I took Roxy and her parents with me. We took the shuttle here. And I saw it all a long time ago... This disease... This damn infection was on my planet!— thin fingers squeezed the cross.

Eden noticed this cross just now. He was under a Frenchman's army jacket.

— Where are you from?—Eden asked.

Shots rang outside the window and the rain began to fall.

— Come on. We need to help them...—Marcel took the rifle.

— Okay...—

The earth is cracking into pieces, creatures like worms are tearing its firmament.

— All this stuff is going to the oasis!—Roxy took aim and fired.— Mills, don't go to sleep, shoot!—

Explosions thundered in the distance - it collapsed protection.

There's nothing to hide from all this filth now...


Tom Nelson didn't have time to slow down at the hospital in time.

The jeep crashed into a fallen door and the whole thing smells very bad ...

With an effort pushing the blocked door, the man looked around.

Apparently, it's better to climb through the windshield ...

His head hurt a lot from hitting the steering wheel.

It seems that even this pain is echoing in my ears...

— Laurel!— the man shouts.

The wife's name echoes in my head.

Removing the overgrown bangs from his face, Tom tried to get as far away from his car as possible.

And just in time - the fire took care of her very quickly.

Taking off his shirt, Tom picked up a bottle of water from the floor, soaked his shirt and made a bandage on his face.

A loud explosion is heard very close.

Tom closes his eyes so they don't get knocked out by some rocks.

According to his daughter's message, Tom realized that the oins were very close to each other.

Laurel was holding her hand over the wound in her stomach.

— Laura... Let's get out of here, there's already a lot of banging to explode!—

— Thomas!Laurel leaned against the wall.— I can't go. And the virus control won't let me go far alive... Go away! Save Roxy!—Laurel Kawasaki pinched the opening wound.— I'll take you through the hospital, then you'll pass a few streets. They won't rush at me anymore...—

It was very difficult for Laurel to breathe, her head was spinning, but the thought was always stronger than the body.

— Go behind, then you won't be in any da


Blood is pouring down the hospital gown.

Broken glass is falling from all sides.

Laurel's fragile body is shaken by an infection that poisons every millimeter, every cell in her blood.

—I feel so bad, Tom... To be honest, I'd like you to shoot me when we get out of here...—Laurel stops by the elevator.—But I love you too much to pin this on you... Hold...—She handed Thomas the stick she was leaning on.— With this you can fight them off...—

Everything happened so fast that Tom Nelson didn't even have time to react: the elevator doors opened and disgusting hands dragged Laurel there.

Tom fell to his knees. His eyes were red.

— If you want to punish me, — he looked up at a small icon that used to stand on someone's desk.— people won't remember who you are!—

The explosion thundered somewhere nearby, making his ears ring.

The infected have flooded the whole building with themselves...

— Faaaaatheeeer!—a loud scream.

Roxanne leans out of the car.

— Father! Run here!— she waved her hands.— You will be covered!—

Marcel reloaded his rifle:

— I'm ready!—

Tom ran with all his remaining strength.

A couple of shots whistled right over his head.

Infected people who had been like this for a long time reacted much faster.

— Get down!—Marcel shouted and shot down the monster right at the level of Tom's head.

Nelson felt his ears ringing, his hearing lost for a while did not disorient him, but on the contrary, he ran it's even faster to get to the car.

Roxanne knocked down one of the monsters with an axe and held out her hand to her father.

— Oh shit... Marcel, why did you shoot so close?—Roxanne pressed a piece of her jacket to her father's bleeding ear.

— It was impossible otherwise! Tom's head was in danger of being eaten!—Dupree handed her a package of napkins.— It's better with this. Now I'll close the windows and go ahead!—

— Eden, is everything okay?—Roxy tapped on the inner trunk door, which was located behind the rear seats.

— Such a trip only harms my ego!— Eden hit his head on the ceiling inside the trunk and howled softly.— Why me specifically need to hide in this box? Am I the weakest one here?— he asked indignantly, raising his voice.

— You're the only one here with electric brains!—Roxy said.

Suddenly she felt her heart begin to warm up, and a smile was asking for her lips...

— Roxy, out the window! Don't sleep, shoot! We won't break through on the street!—Marcel poked her shoulder with the butt of his rifle.

Roxy felt her cheeks turn red.

— Uh... Dad, can you shoot?—She asked her father.— Marcel, find something for Dad! —

— Can you stand a heavy toy?—Dupree asked, pulling out a huge machine gun from under the seat.

There were always more than enough weapons in Marcel's car.

Tom Nelson checked the weight of the weapon and immediately shot at the nearest infected person.

— A toy for me...—he smiled.

Marcel turned on the control of the machine guns on the hood.

Bullets began to fly out with a dry crack. The hood swayed from the shots.

— Hold on to something everyone. Otherwise we'll fall out!— the car shook and Marcel himself screamed and hit his face on the steering wheel.

Blood poured down his nose, framed a beautiful long face from below.

— Let me drive!— Roxanne told him, but Dupree waved his hands:

— You're driving - our sure step to death! —

the car almost jumped on the turn.

From the bullet recoil, the infected scattered in different directions.

Eden found a small hole in the trunk and stuck his ray gun into it.

It was difficult to navigate only by hearing, it was impossible to deploy the sight here, but Eden tried somehow to contribute to this...

There was a sudden noise in his ears, and the gun fell out of his hands...

— ... Adam!—Detective Mills hears someone's voice from the side. Clearly a female voice.

—They're close. We need to leave! You're going on that rescue shuttle, and I'm taking my son! —

Eden felt how much the M-1000 was heated in his head.

The detective stubbornly tried to get up and recover, but he was thrown to the floor by an unknown force.

The body temperature has already risen to the point of impossibility.

— Marcel, when will there be an opportunity to stop?—Roxanne asked.

For some reason, there was a strong feeling of anxiety.

Eden had not declared himself for ten minutes, or maybe more, and before that the guy often swore from blows.

— Eden,—Roxanne knocked on the trunk door.— How are you there? —

— F-fine...— the guy answered as if through a yawn.

— Twenty minutes and we'll be in the safe zone...—Marcel Dupree speaks loudly.— That's why we need to be patient now!—

— And what will we do there?—Roxy asked.

— They will help us with this. A lot of shooters have gathered on the territory where it is safe, and helicopters with explosives will take off when no one will be here!—Marcel waved a piece of paper from the telegraph in his hand.

Dupree drove well with one hand, and he quickly and firmly made friends with cars back on earth.

The laser field was already on the horizon...

The trunk shook like a shaker and now Eden is looking at the sky with even more huge eyes of horror.

His back hurts from a sudden blow, the pain reverberates in his chest.

— Eden! Eden, get up! Come on!—John picks him up by the hand.

Actually, John Doe rarely talks. The danger stirred him up.

— Give me that machine gun!—Eden shoots back from the infected with a ray gun, but the battery loudly declares its end.

Eden Mills is a little shaky from an ordinary bullet machine gun, but Marcel, Roxy and Tom treated them as if they've been shooting all their lives.

— Roxy! Detective Mills!— someone was shouting from the roof of a big house.

A flare flashed.

It seems to be Hollis...

the company was moving backwards to a safe place.

The laser field ran through the body with a slight burning sensation of electric shock.

— Is everything okay? Have you bitten anyone?— for his completeness, Hollis was jumping around them too quickly in concern. Strange

frisky for his age and weight.— Detective, how are you?—

They were all checked for bites.

However, it seemed more that they were examining only Eden, and the rest as if formally.

— Arthur!—Roxy Hollis called.— Here.

She handed the fat man a floppy disk with the coordinates of Felix's habitat.

— I see. I'll send a helicopter now.— Hollis is gone.

— And this is for you, Mr. Brain.—Roxanne handed the detective a rack of sealed test tubes.— Felix's DNA. You need to

will be... Hey! Get me a hand charger!—

Eden leaned against the wall. His eyes were closing as if from sleep.

— Hey, somebody! Doctors!—Roxy shouted.

Her heart ached with fright.

John jumped up with the doctor.

Roxanne hugged her father and they watched it together.

— Dad, I'll get Mom back...— she said softly.


Marcel, Roxy and John were walking up and down the corridor.

— Marcel, are you sure he wasn't bitten? Anything can come out of this, just give free rein to nightmares. I have here it's been a long time since the thread was torn off in his head, and he's half a robot!—Roxanne whispered to her colleague.

Dupree laughed:

— I see interest? Really? —

— No one bit him!—Tom Nelson, who was helping the doctor due to lack of hands, looked out from behind the door.— We are now cleaning the contacts at it's in the processor. It's difficult, but I get it. The detective's brain just overheated. See him later!—

— And now... All right!— Roxanne felt that she seemed to be embarrassed again...

— Well, well! Let's go to a cafe, and then work! Hands are needed everywhere now!—Marcel put his arm around Roxy's shoulders.

He had just gone home, checked on his wife and children, while he had not laid down for a second to rest and was now fresh

like a cucumber.