The restaurant smelled like something special. A house.

The atmosphere is beautiful, the people are friendly, no match for the "Cyber Bar".

The Cyber Bar served only protein puddings, protein pates and synthetic drinks.

— The oasis still seems to me a magical place, I can't get used to such a lively atmosphere.— Eden told Roxanne when the waitress left.

— Eden, you admire everything like a child. That's probably what gives you this incredible charm, Mr. Brain...— Roxanne unscrewed the lid of a bottle of whiskey.— Will you drink?—

— The circuits will fail. Beer is better.—Eden picked up his glass.

— I wish there wasn't this here...—Roxanne touched his temple, on which the M—1000 chips glittered. They they showed with small lights how well the processor was working.

— I wouldn't want another life. When you learn the worst at first, then it's more pleasant and easier to learn about the good...—

— You're right... I haven't met people like you, people who think like you...—Roxanne put her glass back on the table.— Come on!—

Outside the window, the crowd has increased strangely.

It was clear that all of them, the whole motley squad, imitating onlookers who did not know each other, were moving like a river in one direction.

Eden noticed it quickly, too, with just a glance.

— Gun with you?—Roxy asked him.

— Always.—Mills replied softly.

Trying to act at ease, they began to mingle with this crowd in order to find out where this current leads ...

Suddenly, Roxy's gaze almost burned.

Someone was looking at her right now, the girl felt the gaze, but could not understand the direction.

Suddenly people's eyes lit up.

— Kill Jack Merchant!—One of the men suddenly exclaimed.

They all seemed to bring knives on command. Like puppets...

— Run!—Roxy's eyes bulged in fright.

How many military formations she had seen, but none could boast of such incredible synchronicity.

The gaze of the zombies turned to Roxanne and Eden. Now they cared about the crowd more because the captain of the service

security and the detective from Titan were strangers, animals not of this circle. Not this pack.

Synchronized swings and now the knives flew, sparkling like a Nemesis blade.

An old-style laser pistol fired aimlessly,

splashes of iron flew to the side.

Roxy looked up, startled.

Jack Merchant was standing on the other side of the road. Realizing that they could see him, the man simply waved his hand at them.


— After all, Roxy, we've known each other since Earth time. Since the time of not the whole destruction of our priceless planet...— Jack went near the windows, as if being exposed to a possible attack.— These "zombies", they can be anyone. Even you. Roxy, you'll remember, won't you the term "Brain radio", right? —

— You invented it, I remember this stupid piece of hardware that brainwashed. You could use it to make someone else do something

human. It's already covered with mold, probably.— the lighter clicked idly, Roxana threw this piece of iron into the trash.

— This invention is still alive, unfortunately... Only I'm not his boss anymore. The invention was invented ten years ago by

I was stolen, I thought it wouldn't do any harm... I broke it!—Jack slammed his fist against the wall.— He strengthened it, or maybe

maybe it's the one who sent it... Well, the mercenary himself is too smart to just be an assassin...—

— Do you know him? Tell.—Roxanne perked up.

— I know - it will be too loud to say so. I don't even know if his name is real. Astor... This guy can blow his head off a flea from the distance of the street, that's for sure. They say madness is his main teacher in murder. His affairs were not solved on earth. And they definitely won't catch him here. Roxy... Get on with it! I'm asking! Please! Even after living for so many years, I don't want to to die...—Jack stared at her with pleading eyes.

— Okay... So we're taking it on. Jack, I'm not doing this for you. What I once felt for you, for a long time the wind blew away. I'm agreeing to this for Eden's sake...—Roxanne said.

Mills let out a sigh of relief. Besides the fact that he still loves Roxy, he is afraid to act alone on this planet.

He is no longer the same detective from Titan, but also not a superhero who will not be afraid of anything ...

— And where will you be located?—Jack asked.

— In the house opposite.—Roxy didn't let Eden say.— I still remember that house, and you won't be around, another plus. —

— Okay.—Merchant sighed.

Eden and Roxy entered the house.

— I've been paranoid since morning...—Mills said suddenly.

— And I was sick in the war, but I survived...— Roxy hugged her beloved, feeling how tenderness overwhelms her heart.

Roxy's hair smelled of peace and war.

It was especially calm next to her.

— Do you want something? You probably haven't learned how to use a non-automatic kitchen yet?—Roxy asked.

— I can and even like to cook.Let's have breakfast, maybe it will be easier for us to think.—Eden opened the kitchen cabinet.— That herbal tea at Jack Merchant's house still makes my mouth bitter! —

— Let's have lunch, my dear. We had breakfast (with superabundance) we're in a restaurant. And I don't like oolong either.— Roxanne opened the refrigerator.

— My eyes are running away. Something that would make Lieutenant Malody's eyes pop out!—Mills laughed.

— "Eyes would pop out on forehead," my love!—Roxy took out a large jar.— Oh! I love Polish cuisine! Will your stomach survive from heavy food, Mr. Brain?—

— I think so...—


Watching the house turned out to be too easy.

Eden rubbed his eyes, looking up from the telescope.

— It would be better if he just didn't invent this terrible device...—Detective Mills sighed.— My eyes are already hurting...—

— You with glasses would be simply irresistible, it would be super. —Roxanne smiled.

— I will not lose my sight step by step, my visual modules will burn out immediately.—Eden picked up the mug.— Not herbal?—

— What are you, darling, I won't drink such filth and I won't spoil your stomach with it!—

Eden laughed.

— By the way, Rox... And how is our dear Marcel? You didn't ask him to work together?—Eden asked.

— Marcel... Marcel is busy with his wife and work. I would like to be with him more often myself... Here we go again. Again we start behaving with each other as if we are strangers. I am... Eden... How do you feel about me?—Roxy asked.

— Roxanne, I am... I love you very much.My whole heart is calling to you... It seems to me that I am always ready to look at you... And when I look at you, I lose my mind...— Eden touched in his pocket what he had been hiding for a week.—Will you be with me forever, Roxy?"—

— Eden... Darling!—

Then Eden finally took out the box that John had once given him, and asked:

— Roxanne Nelson, will you marry me? —


Help in surveillance for them still arrived - Hollis came with John.

— Hi, Detective. Visions no longer torment?—The latter asked, getting out of the car.

— Sometimes it happens, but not as often as before. My head hurts less.— for some reason, the detective felt a little embarrassed because someone else was thinking about him.

—Your hair has grown out since the last time I saw you. It suits you so much more.—John said, carrying a large box into the house.— Roxanne, I brought everything you asked for. You can check it out. Can I stay with you today, we didn't have time to rent a house...—

— Yes, and it is not necessary. Here are the keys, you'll be nearby, but we can have dinner together. If Eden doesn't mind. It's bad with old memories here...—Roxy sighed.— Very hard...—

— John, are you staying for dinner?—Eden asked.

Hollis took Roxanne's hand and walked away with her.

— I see that everything is fine with you. I think I can guess why you wanted to go with him... It looks like you really liked him, our skinny detective... I'm glad you're alive. The relationship will do you good.— Said Arthur Hollis.

—I don't think that's why you and I are whispering like conspirators...—Roxanne narrowed her eyes.— What aren't you telling me?—

— I found out one thing about John. No, even many... And some of them concern our big-eyed genius...—Hollis lowered his voice even more.— In fact, John Doe's name is Adam Sunrise and he was in charge of the Earth's revival systems. When the war with other planets began...—

— SunriseCo? Oh shit... I lived near the sewage treatment plants and didn't even know who owned these giant air structures made of recycled iron...—Roxy gasped.

—Adam Sunrise and his wife had a son. He was born in the remnants of London. The son's name was Alistair Sunrise and he was once abducted by the highest minds of Titan and hidden...— Arthur smiled.— Do you think Eden could be Alistair? —

— We can find out for ourselves. We'll get some blood from each of them and run an analysis. If it's not, Eden doesn't need to know...—

— Roxy! Shooting! Someone is shooting!—Eden shouted.

For some reason, the sound of gunshots came with some kind of delay.

— Arming! They have plasma guns!— Roxanne grabbed a rifle from a nearby box.

The shutter clicked loudly and Roxanne fired a burst at the attackers right out of the window.

— Quickly...—Eden said softly.

When the shooting ended, everyone ran out into the street.

— Who are you?— Roxana grabbed one of the wounded bandits, still alive, and pressed her foot on his wound.—Who sent you?—

— Roxanne Nelson, you often look, but you don't see. You think you're fighting for the good. Jack Merchant doesn't know what he's created...— the man croaked.

— How do you know my name?—Roxy's eyes bulged.

— I know everything...— the shoulder of the beefy man was pierced through by a huge bullet.— Let me tell you everything, and then take and kill! If you can...—

There was something strange about this man...


— At first, this device will work and help humanity. Yes, it's good, gaining control over the minds of criminals is in some way very interesting, a breakthrough in science. To hell with this science! After the criminals were treated with this machine, the people themselves began to change. The people themselves have become like this machine... We just call them puppeteers. Here comes a robber and asks the cashier to give him all the money. It's not like you can call it a robbery... This is impossible to investigate...—The scars on the man's face twitched.

— You talk about it as if everything has been going on for many years...—Jack suddenly interrupted him.

The unknown person threw the calendar into the Merchant's hands.

— What?— the man's eyes widened.— It can't be like that... It's not true!!!—

— It's true. After 3000 years, this is my life. I do not know what brought me here... But it was something that apparently wanted me to prevent all this...—the man sighed.— And what will you do now? Will you kill me?—

— I can't take a person's life after that... I can't, believe me...—Roxanne sighed.— As crazy as it all sounds, I see no reason to consider it a lie. And he doesn't look like a madman...—She told Eden.

— And what to do? He wanted to kill Jack Merchant!—Eden closed his eyes and buried his fingers in his hair.— So, what were you going to do?—He turned to the man.

— We need to rid the world of this machine...—


— Where can it be? Have you been informed where your invention was placed?—Eden asked Jack as he ran.

— They seized my invention without any explanation at all!—Jack said angrily.

— Then why did you give it away?—Roxanne said angrily.

— I don't know... They came with a warrant, how could I think something was wrong?—Merchant exhaled loudly.

—You should have thought of that...—Eden sighed.

— Just don't lecture me!—Merchant cried out.

Eden exhaled noisily through his nose so as not to swear accidentally. Cheeks turned red from anger.

Roxy patted his shoulder.

— And you didn't believe me yet...—She said softly to the detective.

— Roxy, isn't this device supposed to be delivered to your office?—Eden asked.

— No, the security bureau and orbital security are two different things. But I'm an orbital security general, so they'll give me the information...—Roxanne knocked on the big white door.

—Yes, yes, Miss Nelson!— they said in a tone of duty from behind the door.

Roxy motioned for Eden, John, and Hollis to stay and went in with Jack.

— Hello, Mr. Leon... I'd like to know where the invention that was seized from Mr. Merchant is. Can we take a look at it?—Roxanne asked.

— Wait, what kind of invention? Maybe you made a mistake? After all, I did not give such an order...—the man with glasses said.— And you... Mr. Merchant?—

— Yes... You speak as if you don't recognize me.I was certified here that my creations would not be dangerous to people!—Merchant said angrily.— Look in your database! —

— I would ask you not to shout like that. The equipment may fail.— the man lowered his glasses on his nose, the keys rattled.— Here it is... Miss Nelson, I have to pass this on to other people...—

It was clearly clear from the tone that the man was confused.

— I'm sorry, even for your sake I can't not tell you about it...—

Eden Mills was watching through the keyhole, but even he noticed the cause of the fright.

The photo in the database was completely different ...

That's the reason for the confusion and such strange ignorance, but is it worth drawing conclusions hastily?


People from the security took Jack Merchant under temporary detention until his identity was confirmed.

— And what are we going to do? Could you have made a mistake with Jack?—Eden asked.

— No. I remember Jack. I won't confuse him with anyone. Face and voice... When the colony we were all in came to this oasis, I saw it. But then I was busy: mom, Dad, the wounded Marcel and the guy I studied with. As you probably already realized, the one I studied with was Felix...—Roxy sighed.

The air ruffled her hair.

— Do you love him?—Mills asked.

— I have never loved anyone in my whole life, only one person... Mr. Brain, I love and have always loved only you...—

— Too beautiful for my hard life...—Eden smiled sadly.

— If your life is hard, then mine is simply unaffordable...—

Eden And Roxanne sat on the curb in thought.

For Eden, Jack Merchant was a task and an opportunity to stay longer in Europe. For Roxy Merchant was a thorn, but she definitely didn't want him to die or go to prison!

Although Roxy Nelson is excessively vindictive, it's not in her spirit to wish someone dead.

Roxana prefers to eliminate problems right away.

— I have a printout of the photo that was inserted into Jack's file. We still need a wonderful Marseille, we can't do without it now.The girl waved a piece of paper in the air.He'll be here very soon...—

— And why will he be needed?—Eden asked.

— His knowledge, dexterity and access to the universal database that the drones read during the invasion...—


Eden Mills decided to take care of himself.

Opening the suitcase with the equipment, the young detective connected the bracelet with wires to a small remote control, put the bracelet on his arm and turned on the system scan.