I Hate You

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"I hate him, Momma! I do not want to ever see him again," Elsa declared, her emotions raging with burning hate and anger. She stormed off from the living room, heading to the greenhouse to clear her head. Along the way, she grabbed a bottle of red wine.

Nora couldn't help but feel deep sadness for her daughter. She understood the hardships Elsa had endured growing up with her parents and now, her feelings of anger towards Eros. Even though she had never met Eros, Elsa's constant mention of him in the past month was enough to make Nora dislike him for hurting her precious child's heart.

As she sat alone in her thoughts, Nora contemplated the events of the day. She was someone who believed in maintaining control over her emotions, but the day's incidents had shaken her. Despite her reluctance to be judgmental, she couldn't help but pass judgment. She recognized that suppressing emotions and pretending to be okay could harm one's mental health, something she wanted to avoid. Amidst the turmoil of emotions, she found solace in the fragrance of fresh flowers and the salty ocean in blowing breeze in the greenhouse.

Meanwhile, in Santorini, Greece, Dimitri was in his office when he received a disturbing video sent by the person he had hired to keep an eye on Luciano and Eros. The video depicted something alarming that his youngest son had caused. He considered calling Luciano to inquire about the incident but realized that Luciano and Eros were known for covering up for each other. He had an agreement with the two of them, but he had reservations, especially concerning Eros.

He had watched Eros transform from an innocent child who once declared his love for his best friend and even requested marriage turned into someone unrecognizable. Eros had become a Casanova, leaving his traits with women all over the world. While their prayers for Eros to have children had been answered, Dimitri was deeply unhappy with the way Eros was leading his life. The consequences of their prayers were affecting his son, and he couldn't stand it.

Eros' mother had indulged him, but Dimitri had been strict, not wanting him to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, Adonis. Dimitri had hired someone to keep an eye on Eros and Luciano, as he didn't fully trust them.

The disturbing video only fueled his anger. He quickly called his wife, Althea, claiming he had an urgent business trip abroad and would return the next day.

"A business trip? Abroad? Why? When and How? How come I don't know about this?" Althea, taken aback, bombarded him with questions about the trip.

She didn't want to be left alone in their large house. Althea longed for her family, as both her children were far away. She hadn't seen or heard from her first son, Adonis, for a long time. The uncertainty about his whereabouts weighed heavily on her. Althea cherished her family, and the prospect of being alone in their grand home was unsettling.

"Don't worry woman! I have very important trip I will be back before you can even realize. I have to go." He said as he ended the call.

As Althea went about her day, she chose not to dwell too much on her husband's sudden departure, even though she longed for her son Adonis and hoped he was safe and well. She wasn't worry about her husband lying on going on a business trip to be with his mistress like what most man do. She trust her husband and for the past thirty years they have been married he has never been label as a cheater.

Dimitri, determined to put an end to his reckless son's behavior, prepared for the trip to address the situation and bring about change.

Happy Reading!

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