Chapter "Interrogation"

As Renjiro cautiously swung the door open, his eyes widened at the sight of several uniformed officers stationed outside his home.

Before he could utter a word, his breath caught as one officer swiftly barged in, seizing both his arms and pinning them behind his back.

As the officers flooded into the house, Renjiro struggled against their grip, but their combined strength overwhelmed him.

Suddenly, from the upper floor, Kohana descended the stairs with Yuzuki in tow, her eyes widening in shock at the scene below. In a swift move of protection, she knelt and enveloped Yuzuki in a tight embrace, shielding her from the distressing sight before them.

Renjiro's voice reverberated through the chaos, "What are you doing?"

His frustration ignited into action as he unleashed swift karate strikes, incapacitating two officers who dared to restrain him.

The other officers hesitated, stepping back as Renjiro fought back fiercely. However, amidst the skirmish, a sudden blow from a thick wooden stick struck the back of Renjiro's head, causing him to momentarily falter and pause in his resistance.

Overwhelmed by the collective force of the officers, Renjiro found himself pinned to the ground face-first, blood seeping from the wound at the back of his head. His vision blurred as consciousness began slipping away.

In the midst of the chaos, a piercing cry shattered the air, "Fatheeeer!" Yuzuki broke free from Kohana's embrace, her small figure darting towards Renjiro through his fading sight. Helplessly,

Renjiro watched his daughter approaching him, his grip on consciousness waning with each passing moment.

In a swift motion, an officer intercepted Yuzuki mid-run, scooping her up and carrying her back to safety beside her mother.

Renjiro's heart wrenched at the sight of his daughter's outstretched hand and anguished cries, tears mirroring his own streaming down his face.

Amidst the cacophony of screams echoing through the house, Renjiro felt the weight of unconsciousness descending upon him, enveloping him in a shroud of darkness.

Awakening to the harsh reality of a prison cell, Renjiro's eyes widened with shock. Swiftly taking in his surroundings, a sense of isolation enveloped him as he found himself alone.

With mounting desperation, he dashed towards the cell bars, his cries for freedom echoing off the cold walls. "Let me out! Open up!" His pleas echoed into the emptiness, met only by silence.

Overwhelmed by the futility of his efforts,

Renjiro collapsed to his knees, tears of frustration and despair staining the unforgiving floor.

Renjiro's eyes shot open as cold water splashed across his face, jolting him back to awareness. Blinking rapidly, he found himself surrounded by several officers, their stern gazes locking onto him.

Before he could fully comprehend the situation, strong hands grasped him, forcing him to stand as metal handcuffs clicked shut around his wrists.

Bewildered and disoriented, Renjiro was propelled forward as the officers urged him to move, his mind reeling with confusion and uncertainty.

In a dimly lit room, Renjiro was ushered to a chair and tightly bound, surrounded by a silent assembly of officers. As he looked up, his gaze met that of an authoritative figure standing before him.

With a mixture of confusion and growing apprehension, Renjiro dared to voice his question, "Why am I here?"

The officer's response struck him like a blow. "For killing your own student," the words hung heavy in the air.

Renjiro's incredulous disbelief gave way to a surge of anger as he vehemently protested, "Whaaat? Are you insane? Why would I harm my own student?”

The officer's words pierced the tense air, "That's what we want to know." Renjiro's anger flared as he retorted, "What are you saying?"

With a swift, unexpected motion, the officer's fist collided with Renjiro's jaw,

Officer words laced with accusation, "How can you be so blind, so consumed by victory that you've inadvertently led to the demise of your own student?"

Renjiro recoiled, a mix of shock and disbelief washing over him, rendering him momentarily speechless.

The officer's voice cut through the silence like a blade, dripping with condemnation, "You left him with no choice but to fight to win or face death. You didn't afford him the option to simply lose."

Renjiro's voice trembled as he struggled to comprehend, his words barely a whisper, "What... what are you?”

The officer swiftly turned on the television, revealing Kosuke seated in a police station, his somber expression conveying a sense of disbelief.

On the screen, Kosuke's voice echoed, laden with sorrow, "I'm saddened and utterly disheartened by the shocking news of Kojiro's passing. He was undeniably one of the most formidable and accomplished karate practitioners, on the verge of ascending to the esteemed rank of Taigu (Great Master) or even Meijin (Master of Masters). Yet, tragically, we have lost him. Now, amidst this grief, accusations from numerous individuals, including Renjiro Matsumoto himself, are directed towards me and my student, Taiga.”

Kosuke's voice carried a hint of frustration as he continued, "However, what they fail to realize is that the true reason behind Kojiro's tragic death lies in Renjiro's inadequate training methods. Renjiro neglected to prioritize Kojiro's self-defense techniques, instead fixating solely on his offensive capabilities. In the world of Karate, the significance of self-defense cannot be overstated, as a single strike from an opponent has the potential to be lethal."

Renjiro's expression darkened with anger as he listened to Kosuke's words. Continuing,

Kosuke remarked, "Even if you review the footage of the fight between Kojiro and Taiga, the evidence speaks volumes. Kojiro failed to employ defensive maneuvers, relentlessly launching attacks without regard for his own safety. In contrast, Taiga demonstrated a mastery of both offense and defense, seamlessly evading Kojiro's deadliest blows while countering with precision. In a competitive arena where victory is the ultimate goal, aggressiveness is key, and that's precisely what Taiga exemplified.”

Kosuke's plea carried an unwavering determination as he added, "I urge the police department to conduct a thorough inquiry into Renjiro's training methodology. If their findings demonstrate that Renjiro adequately instilled self-defense techniques, I am prepared to take responsibility and surrender myself.”

As the recording concluded, Renjiro fixed a sharp gaze on the officer, who announced, "After an hour of this, another statement was released."

With a decisive press of a button, the officer played the new statement on the television screen.

It featured one of Renjiro's female students, visibly overwhelmed with emotion.

Renjiro's eyes widened as he watched her female student on screen

Seated in a room, her eyes red and puffy from crying, That girl then began her statement with a heavy heart, "My name is Kanna Inoue, and I am a student of Ryu No Ikari, and student of Renjiro Sensei. I am here today following the recent statement of Kosuke Sensei, where he asserted that Kojiro's failure to utilize self-defense stemmed from Renjiro Sensei's alleged neglect in teaching him those crucial techniques.”

Renjiro's eyes widened in astonishment as he gazed at Kanna, who continued with a solemn tone, "I must acknowledge that Kosuke Sensei's assertion holds truth."

Stunned into silence, Renjiro remained fixed on Kanna, his widened eyes reflecting complete disbelief