Chapter "Desperate Pleas"

Kiyo halted in front of a dojo called 'Korikan Dojo.' With a deep breath, Hisashi stepped inside.

The dojo buzzed with activity as students trained vigorously. Hisashi then saw a bell nearby and he rang it, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

As all eyes turned towards him, Hisashi scanned the room. Addressing the students, he inquired, "May I know where your Sensei is?”

A student from Korikan stepped forward, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Who are you?" he inquired.

Hisashi's voice reverberated through the room as he introduced himself, "I am Hisashi Ogawa, 21 years old, and I seek admission to this dojo."

The student's gaze intensified, his expression shifting to a mocking smile. "Hisashi Ogawa?" he echoed, prompting a nod from Hisashi.

The student started to approach, his tone accusatory. "So, you're the one who messed with Taiga?" Hisashi's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the student advancing towards him. Instinctively, Hisashi began to step back.

Just as the student drew closer, a commanding voice cut through the tension. "Yutaka!" The abrupt command halted the student in his tracks, causing both him and the others to turn towards the source of the voice – Kazuhiro Sensei, the master of Korikan's Dojo.

Kazuhiro Sensei fixed his gaze on him and inquired, "Who are you, young man?" Hisashi confidently stepped forward and replied, "I'm Hisashi Ogawa, 21 years old. I'm here to enroll in your dojo."

Kazuhiro Sensei's expression shifted slightly, betraying a hint of disappointment. "I'm sorry, but admissions are currently closed," he informed Hisashi.

Hisashi's eyes widened in surprise. "What? There's been no mention of any restrictions on admissions," he protested, his tone reflecting his disbelief.

Yutaka interjected sharply, "Hey, didn't you hear Sensei? Quit wasting our time." His words cut through the air, leaving Hisashi stunned.

Desperate, Hisashi stepped forward, pleading with Kazuhiro Sensei. "Please, Sensei, this means everything to me. I'll prove my worth, I promise—" His sentence was abruptly cut short as a powerful blow struck his abdomen. Gasping for air, Hisashi dropped to his knees, clutching his stomach as saliva dribbled from his mouth.

Standing before him, a nameless male student sneered, "Didn't you hear? Admissions are closed.”

Kazuhiro Sensei's voice held a tone of disapproval as he addressed That boy, "Jin, did I command you to strike him?"

Jin's gaze shifted to Kazuhiro Sensei, and he bowed respectfully. "My apologies, Sensei, but his approach seemed suspicious to me. I acted out of caution."

Kazuhiro turned his attention back to Hisashi. "Hisashi, it's time for you to leave. I cannot accommodate your request."

Hisashi's heart sank, tears welling in his eyes as he pleaded, his voice trembling. "Please, Sensei, I beg you to give me a chance to prove myself."

Hisashi lowered himself onto both knees, bowing deeply to Kazuhiro Sensei. "Please, Sensei, grant me just one chance. I'm begging just for one opportunity, please."

A heavy silence enveloped the dojo, Kazuhiro Sensei's expression softened momentarily, but then he turned away, retreating into his office without a word. Hisashi's heart sank further, tears streaming down his cheeks in despair.

Suddenly, strong hands gripped Hisashi's shoulders, lifting him forcibly to his feet. Yutaka stood before him, a sinister grin playing on his lips as he dragged Hisashi towards the dojo's gate, ignoring his pleas.

With a forceful push Yutaka threw Hisashi from the dojo, delivering a final warning: "Consider this a lesson for messing with Taiga." He slammed the gate shut behind him, leaving Hisashi standing alone outside.

In the quiet of the night, Hisashi lingered outside his home, perched on a bench by the river. Clutching a paper listing numerous dojos, each crossed out with a line signaling rejection, he was left with only one option at the bottom of the page.

Frustrated, Hisashi retrieved a pen from his pocket and drew a definitive line through the last remaining option, marking it as yet another rejection. With a surge of anger, he crumpled the paper and hurled it into the flowing river.

Overwhelmed by emotion, Hisashi's tears flowed freely as he tenderly pulled out a photograph from his shirt pocket, revealing a cherished image of his mother. "I'm sorry, Mother," he whispered, his voice trembling with remorse. He then started sobbing, until the sound of his ringing phone pierced through his cries.

Hisashi retrieved his phone and noticed Subaru's name flashing on the screen. He quickly wiped away his tears and answered the call.

"Hey, Hisashi, where are you, buddy?" Subaru inquired.

"I'm on my way back home," Hisashi responded.

Subaru's voice came through, filled with excitement. "Be quick. Hanae and I are at your place, waiting for you. We've brought your favourite dinner too."

Hisashi's lips managed a faint smile as he replied, "Alright, I'll hurry up."

"Yeah, we're waiting," Subaru affirmed before ending the call.

Hisashi stowed his phone and the photograph back into his pocket, his heart heavy with sorrow, he wiped away his remaining tears and began walking towards home.

While walking, Hisashi collided with someone running in haste, causing both to tumble to the ground.

Hisashi swiftly rose to his feet, brushing off his clothes, ready to unleash his frustration. "What the hell—" His voice faltered as he recognized the figure before him. It was the same beggar who had stolen his wallet earlier.

Both the beggar and Hisashi locked eyes, a tense silence hanging between them. Suddenly, Hisashi's expression darkened with anger. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, his fist flying towards the beggar's face. The beggar's eyes widened in shock as the punch hurtled towards him.

As Hisashi's fist surged forward, it met with empty air. Beggar was gone from the sight of Hisashi,

Hisashi's gaze dropped to the ground, where he saw the beggar bending backward in a nimble dodge, narrowly avoiding Hisashi's punch. Shock registered in Hisashi's widened eyes as he processed the beggar's unexpected maneuver.

As the beggar gracefully sidestepped and rose to his full height on Hisashi's left side, Hisashi's rage surged. He swiftly turned to face the beggar and unleashed a barrage of ferocious punches aimed at his face. However, despite Hisashi's speed and power, each strike met only empty air as the beggar skillfully dodged with fluid movements, evading the onslaught with effortless ease.

Hisashi's rage surged, driving him to increase the speed of his punches, while the beggar responded with equally swift dodges. The rapid exchange of Hisashi's blows and the beggar's evasive maneuvers transformed the atmosphere around them, intensifying with each passing moment.

With lightning reflexes, the beggar intercepted one of Hisashi's punches, swiftly twisting his arm. Before Hisashi could react, the beggar quickly maneuvered behind him and delivered a sharp strike to Hisashi’s neck. His eyes widened in shock as his body began to lose control, crumbling to the ground as darkness enveloped his consciousness.