Chapter "Subaru's Stand"

As Subaru entered the Ryugari-Sha dojo, he observed Taiga and his friends engaged in training. After stowing his belongings in his locker, Subaru approached them, standing nearby with a fixed gaze.

Taiga, sensing Subaru's scrutiny, questioned, "What?" With a tinge of anger, Subaru retorted, "Is it because of you that Hisashi is being denied admission to any dojo?”

Taiga, Todoka, and their friends faced Subaru with smirks on their faces. Taiga with a confident tone remarked, "Yeah, I did. So what?”

Subaru's voice was laced with anger as he confronted Taiga, "Your friends were harassing a girl, and Hisashi did nothing wrong by saving her."

Taiga maintained a calm demeanor, his smile unwavering as he replied, "Relax, Subaru. It's all over now. We won't interfere in Hisashi's life again. He's where he deserves, It's all in the past now.”

Subaru's anger flared as he declared, "No, it's not over!" Taiga and his friends' smiles vanished, replaced by solemn expressions.

Locking eyes with Taiga, Subaru continued, "Hisashi belongs in this dojo, and the one who doesn't deserve a place here…. is you."

Taiga's friends moved to intervene, but Taiga halted them midway, his gaze fixed on Subaru with a hint of apprehension.

Taiga smiled and retorted, "Oh, really? You believe Hisashi deserves to be here more than me?" Subaru shot him an angry glare.

All eyes in the Ryugari-Sha dojo were fixed on them as Taiga continued, "Are you seriously saying this to the guy who's winning the Almight Tournament for the past five years?”

Subaru seethed, "I don't recognize you as a champion or worthy of those titles." Taiga smirked menacingly in response.

Suddenly, Kosuke Sensei's voice "What's happening here?" echoed through the room, drawing everyone's attention, his presence instantly commanding the room's focus.

Todoka quickly spoke up, "Sensei, Subaru is once again bringing up the idea of letting his friend Hisashi join this dojo.”

Kosuke Sensei and the others fixed their gaze on Subaru as he stepped forward. "Sensei," he began earnestly, "they did it intentionally. Todoka and his friends were harassing a girl, and Hisashi intervened to protect her. In retaliation, they got him expelled from the dojo. And now, Taiga is preventing him from getting admitted to any other dojo. Sensei, Hisashi has potential. He's diligent, hardworking, and possesses all the qualities required to be a karate champion. Please, Sensei, grant him just one chance, please.”

As Kosuke Sensei continued to fix his gaze on Subaru, the entire room waited anxiously for his decision.

With a hint of anger in his voice, Kosuke Sensei declared, "No means no." Subaru's eyes widened in disbelief, while Taiga and his friends smirked arrogantly, confident in their victory.

Kosuke Sensei's voice cut through the tense atmosphere. "If I hear Hisashi's name again, I'll kick you out just like Taiga did with him," he declared sternly. Subaru stood there, stunned by the ultimatum.

"This is your final warning," Kosuke continued, his tone firm. "Now, get back to your training." With that, he turned away, leaving Subaru to mutter in disbelief, "This is ridiculous." All eyes in the room widened as they watched Subaru's reaction.

As Taiga stormed towards Subaru, the tension in the dojo reached a fever pitch. But before he could reach his target, Kosuke Sensei's authoritative voice thundered through the room, commanding Taiga to halt. Frozen in his tracks, Taiga seethed with rage, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

With an unsettling grin, Kosuke Sensei pivoted to confront Subaru, who met his gaze head-on.

Approaching Subaru with measured steps, Kosuke Sensei stood mere inches away from him.

Kosuke's voice remained steady as he uttered, "Taiga, fetch an admission form." A wave of confusion swept through the room as all eyes turned towards Kosuke Sensei,

Taiga nodded in acknowledgment and made his way towards Kosuke Sensei's office. Meanwhile, Subaru watched, his confusion evident on his face, while Kosuke Sensei maintained his enigmatic smile.

When Taiga returned with the admission form, Kosuke Sensei extended his hand, silently requesting the document. Though hesitant, Taiga surrendered the form to him. With a serene smile, Kosuke Sensei proceeded to inscribe Hisashi Ogawa's name onto the form.

Subaru's eyes widened in disbelief as Kosuke Sensei signed his signature on Hisashi's form, confirming his admission. Taiga stood beside him, stunned and confused, while Kosuke Sensei wore a serene smile.

With a gentle gesture, Kosuke Sensei extended the form towards Subaru, who remained silent, his gaze fixed on the admission document in stunned silence. Taiga, on the other hand, appeared visibly angry, his confusion giving way to frustration.

As Subaru reached out to take the form, Kosuke Sensei's hand intercepted his, halting him mid-reach. Subaru's confusion deepened as he gazed at Kosuke Sensei, who wore a solemn expression.

With a serious demeanor, Kosuke Sensei held Subaru's gaze before breaking into a smile. He began walking back, clutching Hisashi's form in hand. Turning to face the entire dojo, he displayed the form for all to see, his eyes lingering on Subaru who seemed confused.

Kosuke Sensei announced "If you want Hisashi Ogawa's admission form," he declared, "then you have to defeat Taiga first!" The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone processed the unexpected challenge.

Subaru stood frozen, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. Taiga's smirk only intensified the tension in the air. Kosuke Sensei's smile widened as he added, "Beat Taiga, and you will secure Hisashi's admission not just for this year, but for every year to come."

Kosuke Sensei's words hung heavy in the air. "But if you lose," he continued, his tone unwavering, "then I won't allow Hisashi to participate in this year's Almight tournament, or any future ones." Subaru stood in stunned silence

With a cunning smile, Kosuke Sensei delivered his ultimatum. "Your friend's future rests in your hands," he stated firmly. "This is his last hope, his final opportunity. Even now, Taiga refuses to let him join any dojo. But if you defeat him," Kosuke Sensei paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, "your friend will train alongside you here at Ryugari-Sha."

Subaru felt sweat bead on his forehead, his hands trembling with anxiety as he processed the magnitude of the decision before him.

With a widening smile, Kosuke Sensei proposed, "Let's make it easier for you. Everyone knows you can't defeat Taiga. So, even if you manage to score just one point against him, you'll get the form." Subaru's eyes widened as he was flooded with flashbacks of Hisashi's struggles and hardships – his desperation to save his home, his tireless work at odd jobs, his experiences with bullying, and the tears shed over the loss of his father. The memories of Hisashi's difficult times consumed Subaru's mind.