Chapter 18: Getting trapped behind the door

In New York

The day was so bright and beautiful that a lady couldn't be helped but admire nature as she was on the balcony on one of the skyscraper floors. She wrapped her arms around herself. She wore a singlet with a legging and a flip-flop. Another blonde woman walked out from the kitchen with two glasses of hot coffee. She stretched a cup towards her which she took.

"thanks", she said,

"you welcome", she replied with a smile and joined her in admiring the view. "the country is blessed with a lot of beautiful cities, America, the United States even Africa. But this city especially is beautiful",

"you can say that again", the other woman said and smiled. She sighed and called, "Juliet",

"mm, I'm all ears",

"I missed my daughter a lot",

Juliet sighed and sipped her coffee before replying, "You know the situation of this country right now, it's dangerous to move around anyhow now, you should have brought her with you",

"her father won't allow me",