Chapter 27: Black Face Caps

~if only a man should enter this forest, he'll die,

if it's only a woman should enter this forest, she'll die,

if two men enter this forest, one of them will die,

if two women enter this forest, one of them will die,

if a man and a woman enter this forest, none of them will be able to leave unless they have a genuine love for each other~

And then, the mirror disappeared. They both looked at each other at how ridiculous the rules is.

" I think that explains why the journey at first was difficult and full of illusions", Collins thought,

" maybe that's the reason we ....fell in love with each other",

"not, mine didn't grow overnight",

"Really", she blushed," when did you start liking me?",

"not before you tell me first",

"c'mon I asked first",

"Okay.....I started liking you before we got here",


"hm hm", he affirmed," the moment I said I didn't find you attractive I guess, I don't know how it started",