Dawn of new era

As Luna's group focused on completing the ritual preparations in the sacred clearing, the lingering echoes of the Darkling encounter dissipated into the night. The moon, a silent witness, continued to cast its ethereal glow upon the ancient forest.

Meanwhile, Rylan's group, having successfully navigated through the challenges posed by the wargs, ventured towards the designated ritual site. Orion, Sarah, and the skilled werewolves carried the collected ingredients, their steps purposeful as they approached the moonlit clearing.

As the two groups converged, Luna, her silver eyes reflecting a mix of relief and determination, welcomed Rylan's group. "You made it. I sensed the disturbance, and it seems you encountered unexpected challenges as well."

Rylan nodded, his werewolves spreading out to join Luna's group. "Wargs. They were protective of the forest, and it took some effort to navigate through them. But we have the ingredients needed for the ritual."