Epicenter of disruptions

The Misfit Pack, with Victor begrudgingly in tow, navigated through the concealed paths of the mystical city. The air hummed with an unseen energy as the werewolves, led by Victor's keen instincts, ventured into the heart of the disturbances.

Orion, still tinkering with his malfunctioning gadgets, cast wary glances at their reluctant guide. "How do we know we can trust him, Luna? He's been hunting us."

Luna, her silver eyes reflecting the moonlight, acknowledged the concerns but spoke with a wisdom that stemmed from centuries of existence. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford right now. Victor may have his own motives, but for the moment, our goals align. We proceed with caution and vigilance."

Victor, sensing the skepticism, threw a pointed look back at Orion. "You don't have to trust me, but you do need my knowledge. Without it, you're stumbling in the dark."