Is it jealousy

In a last-ditch effort to untangle the web of emotions, Sarah turned to her trusted companion – a leather-bound journal filled with the chronicles of her thoughts and observations. The familiar texture of the pages beneath her pen offered a semblance of comfort as she began to pour her thoughts onto the blank canvas.

'Dear Journal,'

'Tonight has been... challenging. I saw Alex with Selene, and there's this knot in my stomach that I can't seem to unravel. Why does it bother me so much? He's my best friend, and I should be happy for him.'

'But as they laughed and shared moments, I couldn't shake this strange mix of feelings – part happiness, part something else. What is this something else? I wish I could put it into words.'

'Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe it's the stress of work. Maybe... maybe it's nothing. I don't know. I'm trying to make sense of it all, but the more I think, the more confused I become.'