
The remnants of the nightmare still clung to Sarah's senses as she jolted awake, her heart racing in tandem with the echoes of her dreams. The dawn's gentle light struggled to dispel the lingering shadows, and the apartment felt like an uneasy sanctuary.

As she regained her bearings, a subtle noise disrupted the fragile peace. Her gaze instinctively darted toward the door, and her breath caught in her throat. The doorknob shifted, a quiet but ominous testimony to an unwelcome intrusion. Panic set in as her eyes widened with realization – someone was trying to break in.

In a heartbeat, Sarah's instincts kicked in. She scrambled to her feet, her mind racing for a plan. The shadows dancing across her window caught her attention, and dread settled in. The figures from the warehouse had traced her back to her apartment, their malevolent intent looming outside.