Chapter two

In the heart of Seoul's bustling business district, surrounded by towering skyscrapers that seemed to touch the clouds, stood the imposing structure of ShinEco Architecture—the prestigious firm where Ji-Won, a diligent and absorbed architect, poured his life into his work.

The glass façade of ShinEco Architecture gleamed under the relentless sun, reflecting the urban symphony that echoed through the city. The building's sleek, modern design spoke of innovation and precision.

Within the confines of his sleek office, Ji-Won hunched over his laptop, lost in a sea of blueprints and digital renderings. His appearance mirrored the structured nature of his work—his jet-black hair meticulously styled, framing a face marked by the subtle signs of stress and dedication.

His attire, a crisp suit that spoke of professionalism, seemed to be the uniform of his tightly regimented routine. Dark, expressive eyes betrayed a mind constantly at work, and a slightly furrowed brow hinted at the weight of architectural dreams and deadlines resting on his shoulders.

Ji-Won's work ethic was his hallmark, and the aura of focused determination that surrounded him permeated the space. The hum of the city's relentless energy penetrated through the glass windows.

As Ji-Won tapped away at his keyboard, his phone buzzed with reminders and notifications—a testament to the demanding nature of his role at ShinEco Architecture. The relentless pace of the corporate world had molded him into a workaholic, a man driven by ambition and the pursuit of perfection.

The cityscape visible through Ji-Won's office window painted a stark contrast to the whimsical scenes of love and laughter at Cupid's Haven. Below, the streets buzzed with hurried footsteps, echoing the rhythm of deadlines and business deals. The distant honking of car horns and the occasional siren formed a dissonant melody that underscored the fast-paced nature of Ji-Won's corporate existence.

Amidst the monochromatic tones of his office, Ji-Won's world was one of lines, angles, and structured order. Yet, within the meticulously planned spaces of his architectural blueprints, there lingered an untapped realm of emotions and untold stories, waiting to be unearthed.

As Ji-Won delved into the intricacies of his latest project, oblivious to the enchanting haven just a few streets away, fate loomed on the horizon. Little did he know that his carefully constructed world of steel and glass was about to collide with the vivacious whimsy of Cupid's Haven, setting the stage for a tale where love, chaos, and unexpected connections awaited.


The rhythmic tap of keys echoed in Ji-Won's office, a testament to the relentless pace of his work. Lost in the world of architectural blueprints, he was momentarily unaware of the subtle creaking of his office door.

In a burst of energy and infectious cheerfulness, Sang-Hoon, Ji-Won's close friend, entered the room with a wide grin. His appearance contrasted starkly with Ji-Won's meticulous and serious demeanor. Sang-Hoon's disheveled, sandy-brown hair and casual attire reflected his carefree nature—a welcomed burst of vibrancy against the monochrome backdrop of Ji-Won's office.

"Ji-Won, my man!" Sang-Hoon exclaimed, his enthusiasm filling the room. He approached Ji-Won's desk, glancing at the scattered blueprints and the digital chaos on the architect's screen. "Still buried in the world of lines and angles, I see."

Ji-Won looked up, breaking free from his focused concentration. A faint smile played on his lips as he acknowledged Sang-Hoon's presence. "Hey, Sang-Hoon. What brings you here?"

Sang-Hoon leaned against the desk, his gaze sweeping over the intricate designs before landing on Ji-Won's determined expression. "Well, for starters, it's lunchtime, and I thought I'd rescue you from the clutches of your own brilliance. A break won't hurt, you know?"

Ji-Won sighed, his eyes briefly glancing at the clock. "I've got this deadline looming over me, Hoon. I can't afford to take a break right now."

Sang-Hoon's cheerful demeanor persisted, undeterred by Ji-Won's work-induced seriousness. "Come on, Ji-Won! Even superheroes take lunch breaks. Let's grab a bite, clear your mind for a bit. Trust me, the city won't collapse if you step out for an hour."

A playful grin adorned Sang-Hoon's face as he tried to coax Ji-Won into a reprieve. Ji-Won, caught between the demands of his work and the infectious enthusiasm of his friend, contemplated the proposal.

"Seriously, Ji-Won, you need a breather. The city will still be standing when you get back," Sang-Hoon insisted, his eyes conveying a genuine concern for his friend's well-being.

Ji-Won chuckled, appreciating the effort Sang-Hoon put into brightening his work-centric world. "Alright, fine. Let's go grab something quick. But it's got to be a working lunch—no time to waste."

Sang-Hoon clapped his hands together in victory, a triumphant smile lighting up his face. "That's the spirit! Trust me, Ji-Won, a change of scenery will do wonders. Who knows, you might even find inspiration for your grand designs."

As they exited Ji-Won's office, the door closing behind them, Sang-Hoon's infectious energy infused a breath of fresh air into the architect's rigid routine.

As Ji-Won and Sang-Hoon strolled through the sleek corridors of ShinEco Architecture, Sang-Hoon maintained his lively banter, determined to inject a dose of levity into Ji-Won's world of deadlines and designs.

"You know, Ji-Won, sometimes I wonder if you've got a blueprint for lunch breaks too," Sang-Hoon quipped, earning a chuckle from Ji-Won.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I do," Ji-Won replied, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Efficiency is key, even in the realm of lunch."

Sang-Hoon nudged Ji-Won playfully. "Efficiency, my friend, is overrated. You need a bit of chaos in your life, just like that café I've heard about."

Ji-Won raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Café? What café are you talking about?"

Sang-Hoon grinned mischievously. "Oh, you've been missing out, my workaholic companion. It's called Cupid's Haven. Rumor has it that it's this magical place with mismatched chairs, quirky artwork, and an eccentric matchmaker named Hye-Jin who turns coffee orders into whimsical interactions."

Ji-Won arched his eyebrows, intrigued by Sang-Hoon's description. "Sounds like a chaotic fantasy. What's so special about it?"

Sang-Hoon's eyes gleamed with excitement. "They say it's where love stories unfold unexpectedly. The whole atmosphere is different from our steel-and-glass world here. I've been wanting to check it out. Let's give it a shot today, what do you say?"

Ji-Won hesitated, glancing at his watch, the weight of deadlines still lingering. "Hoon, I appreciate the suggestion, but I've got so much to—"

Sang-Hoon cut him off with a reassuring grin. "Come on, Ji-Won! A quick detour won't hurt. Think of it as a lunchtime adventure. Who knows, you might find inspiration for your next masterpiece in the chaos of Cupid's Haven."

Ji-Won contemplated Sang-Hoon's proposition, the idea of stepping into a world so different from his own offering a curious allure. "Fine, let's give it a try. But it better be worth the detour."

Sang-Hoon slapped Ji-Won on the back, his enthusiasm contagious. "Trust me, you won't regret it. Cupid's Haven is like a breath of fresh air, a world where unexpected things happen. Who knows, you might even leave with a smile and a newfound appreciation for mismatched chairs."

As they ventured out of the corporate enclave, Sang-Hoon continued to regale Ji-Won with tales of Cupid's Haven, weaving a narrative of laughter, love, and the delightful chaos that awaited them.