Chapter twenty four

Hye-Jin's voice trailed off, her expression softening as she gazed into Ji-Won's eyes. "I'll miss everything—the laughter, the camaraderie, the shared moments of madness," she confessed, her tone laced with sincerity. "But most of all, I'll miss you, Ji-Won."

Ji-Won's heart skipped a beat at her words, a warmth spreading through him as he looked at her, his own feelings mirrored in her eyes. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they stood there, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment.

A teasing grin tugged at Ji-Won's lips as he leaned in closer, his voice low with playful amusement. "So, does that mean you've fallen in love with me, Hye-Jin?"

Hye-Jin's cheeks flushed pink at Ji-Won's teasing, her laughter bubbling up at his playful antics. "Don't be ridiculous, Ji-Won!" she exclaimed, swatting at his arm in mock indignation. "I may miss you, but love? That's a stretch."