Abigail The Witch

King Orion awoke in the middle of the night believing that his name had been called. A stunning woman was gleaming in the dark when he got out of bed and entered the palace.

The young, attractive woman looked harmless, so he decided to approach her instead of calling the guards. She grew brighter the closer he got to her and when he was very close, he closed his eyes and bowed down in front of her because he could tell by her dazzling complexion that she was a goddess. The dazzling woman approached King Orion,

"I am Pax, the goddess of the peaceful tribe, the goddess of North Kadi, the goddess you serve, and the one who has anointed you to be king," she stated.

"My Lord, I am merely your devoted servant. Why do you think it would be a good idea to come see me now? King Orion questioned in terror,

She said, "Follow me," and started walking away. As she led him out of the palace, King Orion got to his feet and followed her. She led him to the summit of Mount Kadi, the tallest mountain in North Kadi, and when they were there, the lovely woman pointed at an odd-looking egg.

The egg was extremely large and included numerous little holes. King Orion approached the egg and lifted it, but he was unsure of what it was.

The question "My Lord, what is this?" King Orion enquired

"I've chosen to give you this egg since North Kadi is the weakest settlement in Don Ridden. That egg would hatch after two years, revealing a girl child inside. She would be more powerful than a million troops, she would be like a god to your town, and with her, North Kadi would never lose a battle. She would save your community from evil. She will be known as Abigail, and most importantly, she must not fall in love because If she does, and she makes love with the person she's in love with, that person will die after they make love. However, if she marries an immortal or a man with special abilities, he won't die if she makes out with him, but she will give birth to a very powerful creature that will pose a threat to all of Don Ridden. Take her as your daughter since she is the sole witch in this town and the future of this community," the woman said before leaving King Orion on top of Mount Kadi.

After four years...

Abigail was a two-year-old girl who had the body of an 18-year-old. Two years after the egg ruptured. She was over a hundred years old because it took the egg more than a hundred years to break and two years for the witch to grow.

She was quite attractive; her lips were pink, her ears were elf-like, and her eyes were naturally blue. She had the voice of an angel, and her skin was exquisite. She had long hair that reached her waist and neither a scar nor a sunburn could be found on her skin.

She spent nearly the whole day in her room and was unaware that she was a witch since King Orion forbade her from leaving the castle for fear that she may find love elsewhere.

in Abigail's rooms.

King Orion entered Abigail's chambers while she was reading an old book about battles. She grinned at King Orion as she turned to face him.

She murmured, "Father,"

King Orion approached her and said, "Daughter," before sitting on her bed. Her bed was so cosy since it was covered in 100 sheep's worth of fur.

"How is your book treating you?" King Orion enquired

She grinned and replied, "Oh, I adore it, Father, it says a lot about Battles,"

"Yes, my darling," he replied as he politely collected the book. "You see, Don Ridden is a great one. We had many opponents, but we vanquished them all," he added.

"But Father, why do we have so many foes?" Abigail enquired,

"You see Don Ridden consists of four villages: Mora Savannah, the Axe Tribe's village; North Kadi, our peaceful tribe; Ridden South, the Lust tribe; and Misting Town, the tribe of Bermuda's village, which is the most dreaded of them all. The Bermuda tribe worships Hades, the god of death, while the Axe tribe honours Aries, the god of war, the Lust tribe honours Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and our tribe honours Pax, the goddess of peace. Each tribe possesses a luminous diamond which was given to them as a gift from their gods.

The Lust tribe's luminous diamond signifies lust and with that, they have the power to win battles by lust, any man can fall for their beauty, and most importantly, the tribe is filled with women only. The tribe of Bermuda's luminous diamond signifies life and death, and with their luminous diamond, they can bring the dead to life. The Axe tribe's diamond signifies war, and with that, they are the strongest tribe in Don Ridden,"

After hearing this from King Orion, Abigail developed some curiosity.

She responded, "But Father, you never said anything about our luminous diamond," but King Orion was silent for a time.

King Orion said, "Our deity would lead us,"

But father, how will we defend ourselves if there is a war? Curious, Abigail questioned, but King Orion was speechless. His guards followed him as he got to his feet and left her chamber. He turned to return to his throne when one of his guards cleared his throat and said,

"Don't you think you ought to tell her the truth, Your Majesty?" He queried,

"No, I don't think I should tell her," the king replied. "Okay, your majesty. I don't want to criticise your choice, but don't you think she's old enough to know the truth? If there is a battle, she is the only one who can save our tribe, and because she is unaware of her abilities, how could she defend us?"

"I pray war doesn't come," replied King Orion. "If I tell her she's a witch and she's more powerful than a million troops, she would feel proud and want to go and If she does, she will find love outside the castle," King Orion finally arrived at his throne and sat down after a few strolls. "I may not have children, but I am aware that kids can occasionally act up, that is why am being a little harsh on her,"

"Although we have the Axe tribe on our side, we still need to have our weapon, and that weapon is Abigail, since her destiny is to safeguard North Kadi we have to tell her who she is, we do not know when the next fight will occur," the guard suggested,

King Orion roared, "Enough," adding, "Let her just keep being the good normal girl she is for the time being. When it's time for her to know the truth I would tell her."

The guard nodded and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty," before making his way back to his station of duty.