“The principal is worried and so he wants us to join them. Besides it will be fun. It’s been too long since I was away from all these books. I just need to rest and forget about school,” Ruby said.

“That’s a point. We might as well just join them and have fun. So who is paying for the trip?” Nancy asked.

“Seriously girl, isn’t your family one of the richest in the city?” Alex asked.

“So what if they are? I can’t just pay for a trip that I never planned for,” Nancy said and they all laughed.

Ruby ate her chips in silence and watched as her friends bicker at each other for a long time. They were always like this and it was fun to watch.

“The school will pay for everything. All we have to do is pack out bags and make sure our passports are nearby and it’s all settled,” Ruby explained.

“What about the assignments?” Nancy asked.

“We will hand them over when we return but for now, let’s just focus on the issue we have now. And another thing, I stroke a deal with the old man.”

“Did he say yes?” Nancy asked her voice full of unhidden joy.

“He promised he will talk to the board and if they agree we will host a party for the seniors,” Ruby told them.

“You asked for a party?”

“Yes, I did. You know how the seniors love partying. I might as well just give them an early present,” Ruby said sipping her soda.

“They will be happy to know that,” Alex sad.

“But hey guys don’t you think that one person will be happy with all this arrangement?” Jack asked suddenly and they all looked at him.

“What do you mean?” Ruby asked as if she didn’t get what her friend was talking about.

“Your little brother, does he know that you will be joining him?” Alex asked and Ruby smiled.

“Not yet. I will tell him when we reach home. I want it to be a surprise. Don’t even tell him,” Ruby said.

“We won’t. How about you just show up at the airport?” Alex suggested.

“That’s a good idea. I will wait until the day of the trip to tell him,” Ruby finally decided.

“I can already see the look on his face,” Jack said with a smile on his face.

“I can too.”

“So how about we return back to class now. The lecture will begin in ten minutes,” Alex sad and they all checked their watches.

“Shit, I totally forgot,” Ruby cursed.

“I can see why he remembers. Why won’t you just tell her how you feel?” Nancy said as they stood up.

Ruby listened to another bickering of her friends as she paid for the beverages with her card.

“I wish I could but you know her. I bet she will curse me and even hit me,” Alex said sounding worried.

“Of all people, why did it have to be her?” Jack asked.

“You can’t choose when it comes to love,” Alex defended himself.

Ruby couldn’t help it but smile as they all walked back to the lecture hall. It was always like this. Attacking and comforting each other as if it was normal. But it was things like this that made them stronger each day. Just thinking of how they met each other back then made her heart flutter.

They were lucky to arrive in the hall before the professor arrived. Their tablets were already in their place. Their minions knew how to do their duties very well.

She typed her notes well and recorded the lecture as the female professor stood in front. She was the woman her best friend was in love with. She was known for being cold and ruthless and yet Alex happened to be in love with her.

She always thought that Alex had bad sight. She couldn’t stop him from loving the woman but she could at least make him approach other girls as well. After all Alex was handsome and loved by girls a lot. She just hoped that he won’t get hurt, she wouldn’t want to see that ever.

After the afternoon lecture was done she returned to her office where she began to organize her things. She has so many things to do before leaving for the overseas trip with the juniors. She hated assignments so much which is one of the reasons why she was going to start them now so that when she leaves she will be at least halfway.

She was busy finding relevant materials for her business studies assignment when the door opened. She looked up and smiled.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you but can you spare me a few minutes of your time,” Faith said.

“Sure, come and sit,” she said.

She watched as Faith walked forward with confidence. She reminded her of how she took this position as the president of the council in the first place.