“Yes, how can we say no to the president?” Owen asked.

“This is why I didn’t want them to come. I knew things will not be good.”

“I will advise you strongly to revise your next statements. I will never allow anyone to speak ill of my sister or her friends. Do you understand me?” Harvey was very angry.

“It’s not like she is your real sister,” another one worsened it.

“That fake sister is here and can hear everything. You wouldn’t want to go back home on the next flight, would you?” Ruby asked the girl and Harvey saw the talkative girl trembling for the first time.

“I’m sorry, it was just a slip of the tongue,” she apologized.

“I think I have been too lenient on you juniors. I’m here to have fun don’t make me transform in the devil I left behind. Now scram, if I ever hear you saying my name again, I will make you regret ever choosing that university,” Ruby made her threat and the girls disappeared.

“And here I thought the old Ruby was dead and gone,” Owen said smiling at Ruby.

“How is that even possible? Just because she was dormant doesn’t mean she is gone,” she said with a smile and she looked at him.

“Can you two get a room please?” Brian said and they all laughed.

“Please let’s all enjoy this beautiful night and take our seats at our table,” Jack said.

They all followed Jack to the table that Nancy had picked earlier. They could all fit there, the seven of them. They took their order and waited for their food as they spoke.

“It’s been too long since I saw you that angry Ruby,” Brian said as they waited for their food.

“I know right. I guess I just don’t like it when people say that word. It makes me cringe,” she replied sipping her water.

“You know you aren’t a fake to me,” Harvey told her as he grabbed her hand on the table and the whole table cheered.

“I can’t believe you two. How can you act all so lovely at this point?” Nancy asked.

“I just can’t help it,” Harvey answered and everyone laughed at that comment.

“I will surely turn blind by the time we finish this trip. I will find myself a lover soon,” Jack said and Harvey looked at Brian.

“What kind of a lover do you want?” Owen asked Jack.

“Someone who loves me, I guess and make me the number one priority,” Jack explained and they cheered.

“Is gender an issue?” Harvey asked.

“Does it even matter? I believe that as long as two people love each other, that is all that matters,” Jack answered and Harvey looked at Brian.

“So if a guy were to confess right now, will you agree?” Nancy asked.

“That will depend if he is handsome and sexy,” Jack joked around.

“What do you think about me?” Alex asked and they all turned to him.

“You are definitely not my type,” Jack said and that made everyone to laugh.

“So who is your type? Just make an example of people seated at this table right now,” Ruby asked.

Jack looked at each and every one of them at the table and Harvey could see how nervous Brian was. He had not said a word ever since the conversation began. He was worried about him. Jack’s gaze suddenly stopped at Brian who had his face down and Owen shook him.

Brian lifted his face and he looked at Jack who was busy smiling at him.

“Did you just pick Brian over me?” Alex asked.

“Yes I did. Just look at him, he is masculine, handsome and sexy. I bet he broke a lot of heart already,” Jack complimented Brian and Harvey saw the glimmer of hope in his eyes and he knew that Brian will be making his move very soon.

“I have other qualities as well,” Brian finally spoke.

“Do you mind sharing those with us?” Nancy asked.

“I’m afraid I can’t. I guess I will share them with Jack over a glass of scotch,” he made his pass and they all cheered.

Things were really getting interesting, Harvey thought. The conversation was interrupted by the waiters that brought their plates to their table. The conversation suddenly died as everyone enjoyed the delicious meal that had just been served.

After dinner the group went to the bar where they began to have some drinks and talking in general. Harvey took Ruby away from the group and took her outside.

“Why outside when everyone is in there?” she asked as she rubbed her shoulders against the night wind.

He removed the jacket he was wearing and put it on her.

“I just wanted to have a private time with you. Consider this as our first date,” he told her and she laughed.

“Have you ever seen a date where a couple just takes a walk without doing anything else?”

“We aren’t an ordinary couple my dear sister. You may consider us as dangerous siblings,” he told her.

This made Ruby to stop walking and clutched her stomach as she laughed out loud.