MWB CHAPTER 33: His Decision

Just like they expected, Mrs. Thindrel didn't like Axel's report at all. She hated the updates. She didn't like anything that he told her.

It was late night when she called him, when Thea was already deep asleep.


"Yes Ma'am?"

Axel kept his voice quiet as Thea is sleeping beside him. He couldn't get up and walk outside because she was using his arm as her pillow.

Thea's Mom then started talking about how disappoint she is to Axel. He knew exactly that it would be like this.

"I hope that you considered everything I did for you and your people before failing me Axel. What you did is not what a great leader would do. Because you failed me, you also failed your people because if you lose me, you'll also lose one of the people who help you."

The heavy feeling is coming back to Axel. Why does she have to bring his leadership into this? He hates it. Why is she making him feel guilty?