Chapter 7

A knock at my hotel room door startles me. I’m in the kitchen in my suite. I love baking and find it relaxing, especially today, of all days. I dust off the flour from my hands before opening the door. I swing the door open and receive an assortment of flowers and boxes of chocolates thrust into my face.

“Surprise!” Aiden shouts proudly.

Leave it to my brother to go a little overboard.

“Oh, Aiden.” I gasp as my cheeks turn pink. “You shouldn’t have!”

“Happy birthday, Carlz.” He grins like a lunatic. “I can’t believe you’re twenty-three now!” he exclaims excitedly.

“I can’t believe you remembered!” I squeal as I launch myself at him, tackling him in a hug. It’s uncommon for Aiden to remember anyone’s birthday besides his own.

“With a little reminder from multiple anonymous sources,” he admits with a sigh. “But seriously, I’ve got lunch reservations for us at the Beaumont.” He puffs his chest out a bit proudly.