The smell wakes me up. Its foul and metallic, but then the sounds are next. Like an ambulance's siren. Its looping around and around. Its so loud its hurting my ears. I try to cover my ears, I can't.
It hurt. I wish the ambulance to go past me, but it doesn't. It keeps coming. It keeps getting louder and louder, shrieking incessantly, and then I start to register the voices.
A male and a female.
I feel two fingers pressing into my wrist. That hurts too. I try to tell them to stop, but I can't.
I try to open my eyes, to wake up, but I can't. The feeling of being trapped starts to sink in and register.
"BP is..."
More beeps and alarms sound off. I can't hear what the female is saying.
She says something again that I can't hear.
With a jerk, I open my eyes. I look up, all I can see is white. I shake. No, I'm in a vehicle, and the vehicle shakes over the bumps in the road.
I still can't move. My neck feels like it's on fire and constricted. It dawns on me.