Book 1: Chapter 3

All the racers were racing by Lago Cocibolca, and Team Dragon tried to speed up their car while driving. But Dory accidentally hit the emergency brake, stopping their vehicle. Allison said, "That was the emergency brake." Dory said, "Darn it." Then everyone from 6th-8th passed them and put The Dragon Wagon in 8th place. Then Allison started their car again and got them back in the race. Meanwhile, The Catmobile was in 7th, but Joseph activated their rocket boosters and had them take the lead by passing everyone. The Combo Convertible caught up with The Catmobile and tried to pass them, but Chris hit the gas and ditched The Combo Convertible.

Team Flower was in 9th place and then activated their freeze ray. Then they started to freeze the track, and everyone from 8th-3rd slid back. They all crashed into The Flower Truck and The Flame Car when they did. Lacey and Stephanie saw what happened from their helicopter and got upset because everyone from the 3rd-last-place had to fix their cars and return to the race. Lacey shook her fists at Katie and Mary and said, "You wacky girls. Why don't you learn to hit what you aim at?" Katie and Mary's freeze ray activated, shooting up and freezing Lacey and Stephanie's helicopter. Then Lacey and Stephanie crashed down, and their helicopter exploded. Lacey said, "I had to ask."

Once all the racers fixed their cars, they had to put them into high gear to catch up with The Catmobile and The Combo Convertible, both of which had skipped the last pitstop to keep their high lead. Lacey and Stephanie checked on The Catmobile and The Combo Convertible and saw The Catmobile still in 1st. The Catnobible and The Combo Convertible stopped at the beach, where they would take off for Puerto Rico for the win. Chyna and Chris then walked to the nearest gas station, bought some gas tanks to refill their car tanks, and got something to eat. Then they set up a campsite and slept on the beach for the night.

Once all the other racers reached their final pitstop, they left their cars and went to their hotel. Then they all went to the nearest restaurant and had their dinner there. They refilled their gas tanks and returned to their hotel to get some sleep when they finished. Once morning came, all the racers returned to their cars and waited for Lacey to shoot off the starting pistol. Before she did, Lacey had an announcement to make. Lacey said, "Time to get to the finish line in Puerto Rico. You are to either sail or fly there." After announcing, Lacey shot off the starting pistol, and all the racers raced off to Puerto Rico. Team Cat and Combo saw Lacey shoot off the starting gun on the TV screens in their cars, so they rode off, too.

The Combo Convertible is in the lead, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a plane, and flew over The Caribbean Sea. The Catmobile is in 2nd, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a hot air balloon, and flew over The Caribbean Sea. The Dragon Wagon is in 3rd, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a plane, and flew over The Caribbean Sea. The Flower Truck is in 4th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a motorboat, and drove across The Caribbean Sea. The Staticmobile is in 5th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a rowboat, and rowed across The Caribbean Sea. The Speed Canoe is in 6th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a rowboat, and rowed across The Caribbean Sea. The Flame Car is in 7th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a sailboat, and sailed across The Caribbean Sea. The Confetti Convertible is in 8th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a plane, and flew over The Caribbean Sea. The Wave Train is in 9th, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a hot air balloon, and flew over The Caribbean Sea. The Seashell Saleen is in last, and when they got to The Caribbean Sea, they pushed a button in their car, turned their car into a plane, and flew over The Caribbean Sea.

The Dragon Plane was in 3rd when Dory took out her binoculars and spotted Team Flower driving across The Caribbean Sea and Team Static rowing behind The Flower Motorboat. When The Dragon Plane was overhead with The Static Rowboat, Allison took a barrel of watermelons and dropped them down on The Static Rowboat. Then, The Speed Rowboat passed The Static Rowboat, and The Dragon Plane dropped more watermelons on The Flower Motorboat. When they got hit, Katie and Mary saw Allison and Dory looking down at them. Then Allison and Dory slapped hands, passed The Flower Motorboat, and kept their 3rd place position.

The Dragon Plane was in 3rd and was catching up with The Combo Plane in the lead. Team Cat arrived 2nd, Team Dragon came 3rd, Team Seashell arrived 4th, Team Flower came 5th, Team Canoe arrived 6th, Team Static came 7th, Team Flame arrived 8th, Team Confetti came 9th, and Team Wave arrived last. The Seashell Plane was in last place when Brad speeded their plane up, passed everyone from 9th-4th place, and took 4th place. The Combo Plane is in the lead and spotted Puerto Rico from up in the air. Then Chyna flew their plane downward, activated their landing gear, and landed in Puerto Rico. Then, they turned their aircraft back into a car and drove into the forest to get to the finish line. Lacey and Stephanie saw the other racers arriving on their TV screen. Then, all turned their aircraft and boats back into cars and tried to beat each other to the finish line.

The racers raced into the forest and tried to make it to town before the others did, even though The Combo Convertible was way out in front. The Seashell Saleen is in 2nd, The Flower Truck is in 3rd, The Staticmobile is in 4th, and The Confetti Convertible is in 5th. Katie and Mary spotted The Staticmobile right behind them, so Katie pushed a button in their car and blew poison ivy at The Staticmobile and The Confetti Convertible with a fan. Once they got hit, Team Static and Team Confetti started to itch, and their body parts turned red. Then they stopped their cars so they could scratch, and everyone from 6th-last passed them, putting The Staticmobile in 9th and The Confetti Convertible last. The Catmobile is in 4th, The Flame Car is in 5th, The Wave Train is in 6th, The Dragon Wagon is in 7th, and The Speed Canoe is in 8th. The other racers left Team Static and Team Confetti in the forest while everyone from 1st-8th drove into town where the finish line was.

While the racers were racing, Lacey and Stephanie were at the finish line, waiting for the racers to arrive. Then, they got a call from Marcel from the network. Once they did, Marcel told them to move the finish line to Cleveland. Hillery and Serena let Timi and Valerie scratch while they drove out of the forest and into town and tried to ignore all the itching they had. When the racers finished, The Combo Convertible came in 1st, got out of their car, and demanded that Lacey and Stephanie give them their money. Once they did, Stephanie slammed the briefcase, which was full of money, shut. Lacey said, "We'll explain when everyone gets here." Once the other racers got to the finish line, The Seashell Saleen came in 2nd. Then The Flower Truck came in 3rd, The Catmobile came in 4th, The Flame Car came in 5th, The Wave Train came in 6th, The Speed Canoe came in 7th, The Dragon Wagon came in 8th, The Confetti Convertible came in 9th, and The Staticmobile came in last. When all the racers arrived, Lacey and Stephanie explained what was happening. Lacey said, "Sorry, racers, but the race isn't over yet. The next finish line is in Cleveland." Stephanie said, "Right. So, we'll be waiting there for you." Lacey said, "Plus, since they came in 1st, Team Combo gets a 60-second head start."