Book 1: Chapter 8

The next day, all the racers refilled their gas tanks, turned their motorcycles back into cars, lined up at the starting line, and waited for Lacey to shoot the starting pistol. Once she did, The Speed Canoe turned their car into a plane, flew off, and started their head start to The Amazon Jungle. Hope said, "So long, suckers." The Speed Plane flew out of Nevada and then flew over Arizona. Before they made it to New Mexico, their 60-second head start ended. Then Stephanie reshot the starting pistol, and all the other racers turned their cars into planes and flew to The Amazon Jungle. The Speed Canoe is in the lead, The Easter Plane is in 2nd, The Flame Plane is in 3rd, The J Plane is in 4th, and The Seashell Plane is in 5th. While The Seashell Plane was flying, they tried shooting down everyone in front of them. Then they shot down The J Plane, The Flame Plane, and The Easter Plane, putting themselves in 2nd place. After The Seashell Plane shot them down, Team J, Team Flame, and Team Easter fell into The Gulf of Mexico and sank. After they fell in, Jennifer from the network flew by and tried to fish all three out of The Gulf of Mexico using giant hooks, but she couldn't find any of them. Lacey said, "Too bad about Jaali, Joyce, Narita, and Sarah. They just got added in and disqualified, but Jackie and Penny are still in." Stephanie said, "Too bad about James and Sam, too." Lacey said, "Yes, they were the only team left that first started in this race."

The Speed Plane is in 1st, The Seashell Plane is in 2nd, The Combo Plane is in 3rd, The Poker Plane is in 4th, The Static Plane is in 5th, The Flower Truck is in 6th, and The Cat Plane is in last. The racers are racing over Mexico and now over The Caribbean Sea. While flying over Panama, The Combo Plane shot a laser behind them, but they missed everyone behind them. The racers are now flying over Colombia and heading into The Amazon.

Once they got to The Amazon, all the racers turned their planes back into cars and drove to the finish line. While they were racing, Lacey and Stephanie were on the other side of a rope bridge. Lacey said, "If our racers ever want to finish, they'll have to cross this highly unstable and rickety old bridge." Stephanie said, "Yes. And here comes The Speed Canoe. It looks like it will be the first one to cross." The Speed Canoe came to the rope bridge and drove across it with no problem, but they broke two planks on the bridge on their way across. Lacey said, "The Speed Canoe is the first to cross the bridge. I wonder which's next."

Stephanie looked through her binoculars and saw The Seashell Saleen coming. Stephanie said, "Here comes The Seashell Saleen. Let's see if they can make it across with those slots missing." The Seashell Saleen drove halfway across the rope bridge and got their car stuck in the hole that The Speed Canoe made. Lacey said, "Oh no, Brad and Lauren are in trouble." Stephanie said, "Yes. Too bad we can't help them unless they get disqualified." Lacey said, "Yes, because that would be cheating if we did. It looks like Brad and Lauren will fall to their doom." The Seashell Saleen slowly fell through the hole, and Lacey and Stephanie watched them. Brad and Lauren exited their car and tried to lift it out of the hole. Once they did, they pushed it across the bridge and made it to the other side. Lacey said, "Amazing how Brad and Lauren made it across without falling. Who's next?" Stephanie looked through her binoculars and saw The Combo Convertible coming. Stephanie said, "The Combo Convertible."

Once The Combo Convertible drove onto the bridge, it got stuck in the hole, and the bridge started to lose its grip. Stephanie said, "Looks like Team Combo's heavy metal car is too much for this old bridge to handle." Chyna snapped her fingers and got an idea. Chyna flipped a switch in their car, and a propeller emerged from their trunk. Then, they flew out of the hole and across the bridge. Then they landed on the other side and drove after The Seashell Saleen and The Speed Canoe. Lacey said, "No sign of the other four racers. I wonder which team will be next to try and cross that bridge."

Team Poker was in 4th and stopped at a fork in the road where they saw a sign with two arrows pointing in different directions. The left one said, "Racers-This Way!" And the right one said, "Warning-Dangerous Animals." Jackie and Penny thought about it momentarily, and Penny got an idea. Penny exited the car and turned the sign around so the arrows pointed in the wrong direction. Then, Team Poker drove down the left path and headed for the bridge.

Once The Staticmobile made it to the fork in the road, they saw the sign and drove down the right path. While going down the right trail, they heard howler monkeys and saw no other racers. Then, a jaguar emerged from the trees and started chasing them. Timi said, "Jaguar at 6:00." Hillery hit the gas and tried to ditch the jaguar, but she drove so fast that Hillery drove their car into a swamp where an anaconda attacked them and destroyed their vehicle. Then the jaguar came, and the anaconda grabbed it and swallowed it. Hillery said, "That ought to be a kick in the food chain." Then the anaconda spotted Hillery and Timi, and when they saw it coming after them, they ran out of the swamp and went back down the path. Once Hillery and Timi got away, the anaconda returned to the marsh's bottom and waited for more prey to come.

Once they returned to the fork in the road, Hillery twirled the sign and switched it around. Timi said, "Wait a minute. I think someone did this on purpose." After realizing they had gotten tricked, The Flower Truck and The Catmobile went down the left path and raced past Team Static. Then a jet flew by, dropped Hillery and Timi a rope ladder to climb, and they scaled up it to the plane. Then Eric flew Hillery and Timi back to the network and put them with the other disqualified racers.

Meanwhile, The Poker Machine was approaching the bridge. Once they did, they quickly drove across it and made it to the other side. Then Jackie stopped their car, and Lacey and Stephanie wondered why. Lacey said, "What's this? Team Poker has stopped at the end of the bridge." Then Jackie brought out a saw and walked up to the bridge. Stephanie said, "Jackie's got a saw. I sense a dirty trick coming up." The Flower Truck drove onto the bridge, and Jackie used her saw to cut the ropes on the bridge. When she did, the bridge collapsed, and The Flower Truck fell to the gorge's bottom and into the river. Then Katie turned their car into a helicopter and flew them back up to the top of the canyon. Then they landed their helicopter on the other side of the gorge, turned it back into a car, and drove off after The Poker Machine. Lacey said, "Well, that's everyone."

Stephanie said, "Not quite. The Catmobile still hasn't reached the bridge's other side." Lacey said, "And with no bridge, they'll have to think to get across." Then three planes came out of the gorge, and Lacey and Stephanie saw everyone who got shot down into The Gulf of Mexico earlier. The J Plane arrived 6th, The Easter Plane arrived 7th, and The Flame Plane arrived 8th. Lacey said, "Amazing, the disqualified racers are back in the race." Stephanie said, "Yes, that is amazing because they got shot down into The Gulf of Mexico the last time we saw them." Then everyone from 6th-8th turned their planes back into cars and drove off after the other racers. Lacey said, "That still leaves Team Cat." Stephanie said, "And here they come now."

Once The Catmobile reached the gorge, they saw the bridge was out. Joseph pointed to it and said, "The bridge is out. How are we going to get across?" Chris said, "I got that covered." Chris pushed a button in their car and shot a ramp ahead. Then, they drove up the ramp and jumped up into the air. Then Chris flipped a switch in their car, turned it into a plane, and flew over the gorge. Once they got to the other side, Chris turned their aircraft back into a car and drove off after the other racers. Lacey said, "Amazing. They flew across." Stephanie said, "Yes. Now that everyone's crossed, we must see who the winner will be at the finish line." Lacey and Stephanie then got a call from Marcel from the network. Marcel said, "Move the finish line to Jamaica. Also, we're sending over another team to replace the one you lost."

Once the racers got to the finish line, The Seashell Saleen came in 1st. Then Brad and Lauren ran up to Lacey and Stephanie and tried to take the money from them, but Lacey and Stephanie refused to give it to them. Brad said, "Hey, we won; give us our money." Lacey said, "Sorry, we have another announcement. But we'll have to wait until the other racers get here." Once the other racers finished, The Speed Canoe came in 2nd, The Poker Machine in 3rd, and The Combo Convertible in 4th. Then The Flower Truck came in 5th, The Flame Car came in 6th, The J Carriage in 7th, Easter Town in 8th, and The Catmobile last. Once all the racers crossed the finish line, Lacey and Stephanie announced something to the racers. Lacey said, "We just got informed that we've moved the finish line to Jamaica. So, you'll build a campfire and sleep here for the night. You'll also have to eat the food you brought since eating anything here is dangerous." Hope said, "What about gas?" Stephanie said, "Don't worry. The network will refill your gas tanks for you." Lacey said, "We're also adding a new racing team to join you in the race. Say 'hello' to Angi and Jarrett in The Speeding Monkey." Angi and Jarrett joined the other racers. Stephanie said, "Also, since The Seashell Saleen came in 1st, Team Seashell gets a 60-second head start tomorrow."